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Chairman: Rohn Grant

The meeting was called to order at 11:17 AM on September 23rd, 1997.

The members present were Rohn Grant, Bob Sell, Bruce Thackwray, Paul Gothe, Matt Wilkowski, and Bob Beers.

The dates and sites for future meetings were established as follows: (1) February 16th and 17th, 1998, in Anaheim, California, in conjunction with APEC '98, and (2) October 6th and 7th, 1998, in Cincinnati, Ohio, in conjunction with IEC/EMCW '98.

The Nominating Committee recommended that the slate of Bob Beers as ETTC Chairman and John DeCramer as ETTC Vice-Chairman be presented to the ETTC membership for consideration and approval for the two year term of January 1st, 1998 through December 31st, 1999. The ETTC Steering Committee unanimously approved the recommended slate.

There being no further business to conduct, the meeting was adjourned at 11:31 AM.


ETTC Chairman: Matt Wilkowski

The Electronics Transformer Technical Committee held its fall 1997 meetings on Tuesday and Wednesday, September 23rd and 24th, 1997, in conjunction with the 1997 EIC/EMCW Exposition in Rosemont, Illinois. The Chairman would like to gratefully acknowledge Mr. Bob Myers of PELS for making the arrangements for the meeting accommodations.

The Chairman would also like to graciously recognize Mr. Ashraf Lofti for his technical presentation "Advances in Micro-Transformers".

Additionally, the Chairman would like to thank Mr. Jack Andreson for leading a lively discussion on Lifecycle Costs Influences on Transformer Design Factors. Hopefully, more of these types of discussions can take place at future meetings.

Due to recent retirements and job changes, there are several opportunities for new subcommittee and working group chairmen. Mr. Hassan Yarpezeshkan has agreed to take on the responsibility of Chairman of the Subcommittee on International Standards.

The following working groups also need chairmen: Core Tests Working Group, Electronics Power Transformers Working Group, and the Power Converter Transformers Working Group. The ETTC Chairman is continually looking for volunteers to fill these positions.

As a consequence of numerous discussions during the various technical subcommittee and working group meetings, the ETTC Chairman will accept the following action items.

  1. Follow-up with Mr. Glenn Skutt regarding a web page.
  2. Balance the ETTC ballot group between suppliers, users, and general interest.
  3. Contact the IEEE Standards Board Staff Liaison, Mr. David Ramsdon, for a possible presentation on standards development at the spring 1998 meeting.
  4. Contact PELS to determine what action needs to be taken so that the ETTC meetings and agendas may be included in the APEC schedules and announcements.

The Chairman urges each subcommittee chairman and working group chairman to submit written copies of the minutes of their respective meetings prior to leaving the fall ETTC meeting. In this manner, comprehensive and timely minutes of the ETTC meetings can be published. Reports should be submitted, regardless of their brevity.

The ETTC meeting in the spring of 1998 will be held in conjunction with the APEC '98 Conference in Anaheim, California. The ETTC desperately needs to expand its list of active members. The ETTC Chairman urges each active ETTC member to invite one of their customers to the next meeting.

We look forward to seeing all of you at APEC '98.

In closing, I would like to thank all of the subcommittee chairmen and working group chairmen for their support during my two years as ETTC Chairman. I would like to especially like to thank Robert Beers for his work as ETTC Vice Chairman.


Chairman: Matt Wilkowski

The Standards Report was presented at 8:45 AM on September 23rd, 1997.

The chart detailing the status of the nine standards for which the ETTC is responsible that was presented at the spring '97 meeting was reviewed and discussed.

IEEE Standard 389-1996 has been published and distributed by the IEEE Standards Board.

IEEE Standards 111 and 449 will be balloted before the end of year 1997.

IEEE Standards 295, 388, 390, 393, and 436 will be balloted for reaffirmation before the end of year 1997.

The ETTC needs to have a balloting group that is balanced between suppliers, users, and general interest. Eight suppliers have been identified. Three users have been identified, with a potential for five additional users. Six candidates for the general interest category have been identified. Additionally, two potential candidates for the general interest category have been identified and will be contacted.

A completed ballot group will be sent to the Vice Chairman before October 1st, 1997, for attachment to the minutes of this meeting.

The Standards Report was completed at 9:00 AM.


Standard 388

Chairman: Vacant

This working group is presently not active. Consequently, a report was not available for the ETTC meeting or minutes.


Standard 111

Chairman: John DeCramer

The meeting of the Wideband Transformers Working Group was called to order at 11:02 AM on Tuesday, September 23rd, 1997.

There was no activity by this working group since the spring '97 meeting. IEEE Standard 111 remains with the IEEE Standards Board in the balloting process. We are currently awaiting any last minute spelling or grammar corrections as requested by the IEEE Project Editor.

Balloting will commence upon completion of the balloting list.

There being no further business to conduct, the meeting was adjourned at 11:03 AM.


Standard 436

Chairman: Paul Goethe

As reflected in the previous minutes, this working group is presently not active. Consequently, a report was not available for the ETTC meeting or minutes.


Standard 295

Chairman: Vacant

This working group is presently not active. Consequently, a report was not available for the ETTC meeting or minutes.


Standard 389

Chairman: Bob Beers

The meeting of the Transformer Tests Working Group was called to order at 10:42 AM on Tuesday, September 23rd, 1997, at the Rosemont Convention Center in Rosemont, Illinois.

The Working Group Chairman advised the committee that the new revision of IEEE Standard 389 was published on April 22nd, 1997. The Working Group Chairman thanked all of the working group members for their help and support, and congratulated the ETTC membership for a "job well done".

The Working Group Chairman indicated that the "carry over" items form our previous efforts will be collated and presented to the ETTC membership at the next meeting to initiate the preparation for a new PAR.

There being no further business to conduct, the meeting was adjourned at 10:44 AM.


Standard 449

Chairman: Hassan Yarpezeshkan

The meeting of the Ferroresonant Regulator Subcommittee was called to order at 10:44 AM on Tuesday, September 23rd, 1997.

(The Ferroresonant Regulator Subcommittee convened as noted. However, no report was forwarded to the Secretary for inclusion in the minutes of the ETTC meeting.)

There being no further business to conduct, the meeting was adjourned at 10:46 AM.


Chairman: Harold Lee

The meeting of the Foreign and International Standards Subcommittee was called to order at 10:46 AM on Tuesday, September 23rd, 1997, by the ETTC Chairman, Matt Wilkowski, in the absence of the Subcommittee Chairman, Harold Lee.

Matt Wilkowski gave a brief description of the revised IEC 367-1 "Measurements at High Excitation Levels" for magnetic materials. This document was recently submitted to the central office of the IEC by TC51 and should be officially available for review prior to our spring '98 meeting.

Mr. Bob Sell gave a brief description of IEC Technical Committee 96 (Magnetics Safety).

Mr. Hassan Yarpezeshkan volunteered to become the Chairman of the Foreign and International Standards Subcommittee for future ETTC meetings.

There being no further business to conduct, the meeting was adjourned at 11:02 AM.


Standard 390

Chairman: Charles Elliott

The meeting of the Pulse Transformer Subcommittee was called to order at 11:03 AM on Tuesday, September 23rd, 1997, by the ETTC Chairman, Matt Wilkowski, in the absence of the Subcommittee Chairman, Charles Elliott

Mr. Elliott has advised the ETTC Chairman that there will be no further issues to address regarding IEEE Standard 390 until after the reaffirmation balloting, relative to the present version of the standard, is completed.

There being no further business to conduct, the meeting was adjourned at 11:04 AM.


Chairman: None

This ad hoc working group has been disbanded.


Standard 393

Chairman: John Silgailis

The meeting of the Foreign and International Standards Subcommittee was called to order at 11:04 AM on Tuesday, September 23rd, 1997, by the ETTC Chairman, Matt Wilkowski, in the absence of the Subcommittee Chairman, John Silgailis.

The ETTC Chairman noted that there was no activity by this working group since the spring '97 meeting. IEEE Standard 393 remains with the IEEE Standards Board in the balloting process.

The ETTC Chairman also indicated that John Silgailis had retired and that the Chair of the Core Tests Working Group was currently vacant. Mr. Matt Wilkowski will attempt to contact Mr. Silgailis to determine the reality of a previously mentioned "replacement" for the past Chairman of the Core Tests Working Group.

There being no further business to conduct, the meeting was adjourned at 11:06 AM.


Chairman: David Ratliff

The meeting of the Inductor Subcommittee was called to order at 9:00 AM on Tuesday, September 23rd, 1997.

Several action items were discussed during the meeting. These items are as follows:

  1. The ETTC web site has not yet been created. The group reaffirmed the importance of the web site to enhance communication between members of the ETTC. Matt Wilkowski agreed to contact Glenn this week to determine his position regarding the site. John DeCramer offered his services to create a site if Glenn is unable to do so.
  2. In regards to the continued data accumulation for the inductor standard, the group agreed to share the responsibilities of the application development. Several members offered their services by topic of choice. Dave Ratliff will document a detailed list of applications and "offered" responsible parties.
  3. Dave Ratliff will prepare a rough draft layout of applications in an organized format. This will enable the group to have a format into which to start collating data at our spring '98 meeting.
  4. The need to have a distributed email list to the group is becoming very important. Matt Wilkowski offered to supply the group with this information. Dave Ratliff would like to have this list by mid-October to continue forward movement on the draft of the inductor standard.
  5. All members agreed that while developing the data for the standard that the application documentation should also include the testing practices and design characteristics. This data can then be reviewed as a whole and future combined content can be determined by the group.

Dave Ratliff urged the group to remain diligent in the collection and production of the data for the standard, and that it remain organized and at a steady pace. Work input into the web site should be accomplished on a gradual, but consistent, basis. "Data dumping" will inhibit the review process. Massive amounts of information received just prior to the next meeting will not be productive.

This new standard offers the potential of continual learning within our membership. All of us have much to offer and I personally look forward to being able to work with the ETTC membership to achieve our goals.

There being no further business to conduct, the meeting was adjourned at 9:52 AM.


Chairman: Lowell Bosley

Vice Chairman: Dale Nicol

The meeting of the Subcommittee on the Characterization of Magnetic Materials for Switching Power Supplies was called to order at 3:10 PM on Tuesday, September 23rd, 1997, by Subcommittee Chairman, Lowell Bosley

The minutes of the previous meeting on February 25th, 1997, were accepted as reported.

Mr. Dick Parker from Fair-Rite Products presented a Vu-graph technical report concerning the "Lamination Effects of Toroidal Cores at High Frequencies". The technical presentation was a different perspective and an interesting variation of the phenomena described by Mr. John DeCramer in his presentation entitled "Ferrite Impedance Testing".

The Impedance versus Frequency curves was shown for frequencies above 25 MHz for the type 43 and type 73 materials. Dick illustrated that by laminating the cores (stacking them on top of each other like flat washers) in configurations of 3, 9, and 18 thin pieces, the impedance versus frequency performance of both material types significantly improved. He also presented the results of nesting the cores into concentric cylinders (one inside the other). As with the laminated cores, similar improvements in performance were noted.

Alex Shpilman was not in attendance, so an update relative to IEC was not available. Concern was voiced that Alex is the only voting member associated with our group, and, therefore our voice will not be heard.

Bob Sell presented the TC96 report during the Foreign and International Standards Subcommittee meeting previously conducted.

Lowell Bosley reported that the MMPA will standardize the presentation of the various magnetic material characteristics. A technical discussion of the past two days of MMPA technical sessions then ensued.

There being no further business to conduct, the meeting was adjourned at 3:45 PM.


Chairman: Matt Wilkowski

Vice Chairman: Bob Beers

The meeting of the Electronics Transformers Technical Committee was called to order at 10:13 AM on Wednesday, September 24th, 1997.

The motion by Bruce Thackwray to accept the minutes as written was seconded by John DeCramer and carried unanimously by the ETTC membership.

ETTC Chairman Matt Wilkowski gratefully recognized Mr. Bob Myers of PELS for making the arrangements for the meeting accommodations.

Mr. Wilkowski also extended his sincere appreciation to Mr. Ashraf Lofti for his technical presentation "Advances in Micro-Transformers".

Additionally, Mr. Wilkowski thanked Mr. Jack Andreson for leading a lively discussion on Lifecycle Costs Influences on Transformer Design Factors.

ETTC Chairman Matt Wilkowski indicated that he would discuss the subject of an Internet home page for the ETTC with Glenn Skutt and report the results of the conversation at the next ETTC meeting.

The following reports were given in the order listed. The body of these reports are part of the ETTC minutes and are contained herein.

1. Steering Committee

2. ETTC Chairman

3. Standards Liaison

4. Wideband Transformers Working Group

5. Transformer Test Working Group

6. Pulse Transformer Subcommittee

7. Core Test Working Group

8. Foreign and International Standards

9. Inductor Subcommittee

10. Characterization on Magnetic Materials for Switching Power Supplies Subcommittee

The following subcommittee and working group are presently inactive. Therefore, there are no reports to be included in the minutes of the ETTC meeting.

1. Power Converter Transformers Working Group

2. Insulation System Subcommittee

The following subcommittee convened as noted. However, no report was forwarded to the Secretary for inclusion in the minutes of the ETTC meeting.

1. Ferroresonant Regulator Subcommittee

There was no meeting of the following working group due to the absence of the working group chairman. An absentee report was not available for the ETTC meeting or minutes.

1. Electronic Power Transformers Working Group

The following ad hoc working group was disbanded during this session of the ETTC. Therefore, this working group will no longer be reflected the ETTC meeting minutes.

1. Surface Mount Ad Hoc Working Group

The ETTC Steering Committee offered the ETTC membership the recommended slate of Bob Beers as ETTC Chairman and John DeCramer as ETTC Vice Chairman for the years of 1998 and 1999. The motion by Bruce Thackwray to nominate the slate as recommended by the ETTC Steering Committee was seconded by Jack Andreson and carried unanimously by the ETTC membership. Present ETTC Chairman, Matt Wilkowski, indicated that he would forward the appropriate correspondence to PELS reflecting the Chair-elect and Vice Chair-elect for the respective years.

The ETTC briefly discussed the advantages and disadvantages of a reflector site versus a web site. It was indicated that a reflector site was needed as soon as possible and that a web site should then follow. Mr. John DeCramer offered assistance and support for the reflector and/or the web site should the need arise.

ETTC Chairman Matt Wilkowski indicated that he would review the attendance list and submit an updated list to the ETTC at the spring '98 meeting.

The ETTC Chairman again urged each active member to invite one new person to attend our next meeting in an effort to increase the membership of the ETTC.

There being no further business to conduct, the meeting was adjourned at 10:38 AM.

ETTC Meeting Attendees, September 23rd and 24th, 1997




Andreson, Jack



Beers, Robert (Bob) B.

Coiltronics, Incorporated


Bosley, Lowell M.



DeCramer, John

BH Electronics


Goethe, Bill

Optimized Program Services


Goethe, Paul

Optimized Program Services


Grant, Rohn

Epoxylite Corporation


Lofti, Ashraf

Lucient Technologies


Nicol, Dale J.

Micrometals, Incorporated


Onibudo, Bill

Lucient Technologies


Pempin, Nahid

Optimized Program Services


Ratliff, David

MARELCO Power Sysems, Inc.


Sell, Robert (Bob) L.

BH Electronics


Stonehouse, Andy

MARELCO Power Sysems, Inc.


Thackwray, Bruce

Lenco Electronics


Wilkowski, Matthew A.

Lucent Technologies


Yarpezeshkan, Hassan

Phoenix Power Systems, Inc.


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