Date: Sunday, October 3, 1993

Location: Royal York Hotel, Toronto, Canada

Committee Membership (those attending in bold)


Fred Lee

Administrative V. P.

William Sayle, II

Technical V. P.

Robert White


Arthur Kelley


Jerry Hudgins

Past Presidents

Thomas Wilson, Sr., Pierre Thollot

Members at Large (and terms)
1991 - 1992 - 1993
1992 - 1993 - 1994
1993 - 1994 - 1995

Deepak Divan

Thomas Jahns

Kevin Fellhoelter

Mehrdad Ehsani

Phil Krein

Tamotsu Ninomiya

Piero Maranesi

Fred Lee

Christopher Riddleberger

Balarama Murty

Martin Schlecht

William Sayle, II

Pierre Thollot

Javier Uceda

Nagataka Seki

Gerry Hurley

Thomas Wilson, Jr.

George Verghese

Special Functions


Bob Myers

Nominations Committee

John Kassakian

Administrative Committees

Asian Liaison

Katsuichi Yotsumoto


Thomas Lipo

Chapter Development

Piero Maranesi

Constitution and Bylaws

George Verghese

European Liaison

Dierk Schroeder

Fellow Evaluation

Frank Oettinger


Jerry Hudgins


Philip Hower

Intersociety Liaison

Pierre Thollot

Membership and Publicity

Thomas Habetler


Harry Owen, Jr.

Transactions Editor

Richard Hoft

Technical Committees



Automotive Power Electronics

Balarama Murty


Gerhard Franz

Education Activities

Phil Krein

Electronic Transformers

Bruce Thackwray


Tom Jahns


Matt Wilkowski

Technical Interest Group Representatives




Pete Paradissis, Mark Jacobs

Committee Representatives



Design and Manufacturing Engineering

Thomas Wilson, Jr.

Energy Committee

Mehrdad Ehsani

Engineering Skills Assessment Program (ESAP)

Phil Krein

IEEE Standards Board

Matt Wilkowski


Doug McIlvoy

New Technologies Direction Committee (NTDC)

John Kassakian

SAE Aerospace

Phil Thibodeau

Society on Social Implications of Technology

William Sayle, II


Marian Kazimierczuk
Muhammed Rashid


E. G. Kiener

Director, IEEE Division II

Robert B. Ashcroft

Reliance Comm/Tec Canada

Dusan Borojevic

Virginia Tech.


Meeting called to order 8:01 a.m. (0801), Fred Lee, PELS President presiding.

I. Roll Call, Introductions, and Welcome

Lee asked that everyone present introduce him or herself (see Attachment #1). A quorum was noted.

II. Review and Adoption of Agenda

A preliminary agenda had been previously distributed (see Attachment #2). No modifications being proposed, the agenda was adopted by acclamation.

III. Approval of the Minutes of the June 20, 1993 Meeting in Seattle, Washington (previously distributed).

Chris Riddleberger noted two errors. The amended text is shown below with the corrections underlined:

III. Approval of the Minutes of the January 9, 1993 Meeting in Charleston, South Carolina (previously distributed).

"Jahns noted that PELS has no participation in INTELEC '93" should properly read "Jahns noted that PELS has no financial participation in INTELEC '93".

IV. Officers

a. President (Lee) - presented report outline (see Attachment #3).

Presented INTELEC Advisory Committee Constitution and Bylaws (see Attachment #6). It was moved and seconded that the Constitution and Bylaws be approved. A number of issues were raised in the discussion that followed. Thollot wanted sentence designated "A" from Section 1.2 of Constitution (p. 2) repeated explicitly for meetings as indicated in Section 5.1 (p. 5). Sayle was concerned that PELS Administrative Committee, abbreviated "AdCom," would be confused with INTELEC Advisory Committee, also abbreviated "ADCOM." It was noted that Section 3.2.3 of Constitution explicitly designates the two INTELEC representatives to the PELS AdCom. In Section 3.2 of the Bylaws, it was suggested that the PELS Meetings Committee Chair be specified as an ex officio member of the INTELEC ADCOM. It was noted that the PELS President is automatically an ex officio member of all PELS committees. Sayle noted that the INTELEC ADCOM should probably have a "chair" rather than a "president." White noted that in Section 2 of the Bylaws INTELEC ADCOM members need not be IEEE Members only members of "comparable professional societies." White further noted that INTELEC representatives to the PELS AdCom must be IEEE members even if that forces a non-member to join IEEE in order to serve. Thollot noted that in Section 5.8 of the Conference Executive Committee charter, PELS involvement when INTELEC is held outside the U.S.A. and North America was unclear. Fellhoelter noted that it was desirable in some instances for PELS to have either a sponsorship or financial role when INTELEC is not held in the U.S.A. Murty suggested that the INTELEC Advisory Committee Constitution and Bylaws be referred to Verghese (PELS Constitution and Bylaws Chair) for review. The pending motion was withdrawn (Action: Verghese).

No other amendments being received, it was moved, seconded and passed by acclamation that the minutes be approved as amended.

IV. Officers

a. President (Lee)

Introduced E. G. (Al) Kiener director IEEE Division II who submitted a report (see Attachment #3). Kassakian asked whether some effort had been made to publish indigenously Spectrum and other widely distributed publications. Kiener replied that an initial effort had been made in Pakistan. Kassakian also asked about the IEEE credit card. Keiner noted that the card will be replaced as the IEEE Advantage program is started. Jahns asked for an elaboration on the debate on the dues increase. Keiner noted that it was thought perhaps that small annual increases were preferable over large infrequent increases. Regional representatives were opposed and Technical representative were in favor and the increase was defeated.

Lee noted several IEEE interdisciplinary magazines are available (see Attachment #4).

Asked for PELS representative to IEEE TAB Steering Committee on Design and Manufacturing Engineering and was reminded that T. Wilson, Jr. is serving in that capacity (see Attachment #4).

Needs representative to AdHoc Committee on IVHS (see Attachment #4). Murty volunteered.

Needs two representatives to International Committee on Power Electronics Cooperation (ICPEC) (see Attachment #4). P. Thollot, PELS Intersociety Liaison, is willing to continue serving. No action taken on second representative. Some PELS AdCom members questioned the need for the ICPEC and felt that e-mail or some other mechanism could serve the same function.

Introduced PELS assets analysis (see Attachment #5).

Noted editorial in IAS Newsletter critical of PELS Technical Committees being formed (see Attachment #6). White suggested that editorial be ignored.

Requested action on prior mailing to determine the role of Myers/Smith, Inc. for 1994 (see Attachment #7). Lee reports written response prior to AdCom meeting favors option 2 ($1,500 per month with PESC arranged yearly). It was moved by Jahns and seconded by Hoft that option 2 be adopted. After some discussion revolving around the appropriateness of an all-volunteer organization contracting out its work the question was called by White and seconded by Kelley. In a show of hands 16 voted in favor and 1 voted against the motion. The motion passed.

b. Administrative Vice-President (Sayle, not present) - no report.

c. Technical Vice-President (White) - noted disappointing response to his call to form new technical committees.

d. Secretary (Kelley)

Reviewed future meetings (see Attachment # 8). Noted that first AdCom meeting of 1994 is not held with PESC program committee meeting on December 11, 1993, but rather with APEC '94 in Orlando, Florida on February 13, 1994.

e. Treasurer (Hudgins) - submitted report (see Attachment #9).

Needs PELS AdCom to choose method of payment for 1994 handling charges for non-member subscriptions, and member renewal and optional periodical subscription processing (see Attachment #10). Hudgins recommended option #1. It was moved, seconded, and passed by acclamation that option #1 be approved.

V. Executive Functions

a. Administrator (Myers) - submitted report (see Attachment #11).

Noted that when working with PESC mailings he has billed expenses to PELS and PELS has billed PESC and would like a formal policy especially given his potential expanded future role. Jahns moved and Hudgins seconded a motion that Myers bill all expenses directly to PESC. In a show of hands 13 voted in favor and 3 voted against the motion. The motion passed.

b. Nominations (Kassakian) - submitted elections report (see Attachment #12).

Noted ballot by mail went very smoothly with 100% participation and wished to thank Bob Myers for his assistance.

Fred Lee will continue in 1994 as PELS President. New Administrative and Technical Vice Presidents for 1994 are Balarama Murty and Deepak Divan, respectively. New At-Large AdCom members serving in 1994, 1995, and 1996 are W. G. Hurley, A. Kawamura, A. Kelley, P. Maranesi, D. Patterson, and R. White.

Break 10:00 a.m. (1000) to 10:26 a.m. (1026).

VI. Technical Interest Groups

a. Telecommunications (Paradissis, not present; Jacobs, not present) - no report.

White reports INTELEC committee met and will submit written report.

Jahns asked for information on the status of INTELEC constitution and bylaws considered at the June 6, 1993 AdCom meeting but no information was available.

Owen, Jr. noted that C. Riddleberger had related that INTELEC had record attendance in 1993.

Hoft noted that Tom Taylor of BellCore, New Jersey, had been appointed Associate Editor for Telecommunications but had received no papers to date.

Lee noted that INTELEC should consider a student rate and the matter was referred to Jahns (Action: Jahns).

VII. Administrative Committees

a. Asian Liaison (Yotsumoto)

Noted international conference IPEMC '94 in Beijing after PESC '94 in Taiwan (see Attachment #13).

Jahns remarked that it was in the newsletter and wanted to know what else was being done to publicize it.

Lee noted IES workshop in Hong Kong prior to PESC '94 chaired by C. C. Chen.

b. Awards (Lipo) - no report. Apologizes for no action on Young Power Electronics Engineer award.

c. Chapter Development (Maranesi, not present) - no report.

Murty noted a joint chapter with IES approved in Detroit. Lee noted a Beijing chapter approved.

In response to an action item Kelley noted that $400 had been approved to help start up a chapter in Los Angeles (see Attachment #14). Hudgins remarked that the funds were never disbursed. The issue was deferred until next meeting.

d. Constitution and Bylaws (Verghese)

Presented proposed four proposed amendments to Bylaws (see Attachment #15).

It was moved, seconded and passed by acclaim that Amendment #1 be adopted.

It was moved, seconded and passed by acclaim that Amendment #2 be adopted.

It was moved, seconded and passed by acclaim that Amendments #3 and 4 be adopted.

Suggested an additional future amendment that permits first term incumbent Administrative and Technical Vice-Presidents to run unopposed in a manner similar to the President. Kassakian remarked that the Nominations Committee discussed the issue and was in favor. The AdCom was also generally in favor (Action: Verghese).

Suggested that AdCom members be permitted to mail in votes for amendments to the Constitution and Bylaws when unable to attend meetings. The AdCom was generally not in favor of this proposal.

e. European Liaison (Schroeder, not present)

Submitted letter and call for papers for an International Power Conversion Conference in Moscow on December 8&endash;9, 1993 (see Attachment #16). Requested PELS AdCom members to help open links to the former eastern bloc by attending the conference.

f. Fellow Evaluation (Oettinger, not present) - submitted report (see Attachment #17).

g. Finance (Hudgins) - covered under Treasurer's report.

h. History (Hower, not present) - no report.

i. Intersociety Liaison (Thollot, not present) - submitted report (see Attachment #18). Reported that EPE '95 is most likely in Spain, that EPE '97 is to be rescheduled at a time not conflicting with PESC.

j. Membership and Publicity (Habetler) - submitted report (see Attachment #19).

In response to a question from Lee reported no progress on a one-year free membership to retain new graduates.

k. Publications (Owen)

Hoft is to address issue of timely Transactions publications.

Wants 8.5x11 inch format for calls for papers in Newsletter.

Wants items of interest for Newsletter.

Spent $3,500 authorized in June on new computer equipment. Also spent an additional $1,500 of own money to create a system with capability in addition to that originally proposed.

l. Transactions (Hoft) - presented report (see Attachment #20).

Jahns will remind Riddleberger about submission of INTELEC papers to PELS Transactions (Action: Jahns).

In a straw poll, the AdCom felt that the contribution of reviewers should be acknowledged by listing them in the Transactions at the end of each year. After some discussion the AdCom saw no problem will listing reviewers' affiliation in addition.

Kelley remarked that as a result of recent experience, he was joining with Verghese's perennial remark that results of reviews should be returned to reviewers. The issue was referred to an AdHoc publications committee to review the process (Action: Owen, Jr.)

Lunch 11:57 a.m. (1157) to 1:10 p.m. (1310).

VIII. Technical Committees

a. Automotive Power Electronics (Murty) - Workshop in Detroit for October '94 "moving ahead." The call for papers has been issued.

b. Computers (Franz, not present) - submitted report (see Attachment #20).

Verghese reports that the formal procedure for a special issue of the Power Electronics Transactions has not really been started and October is only a target date.

c. Education (Krein)

Noted that PESC '93 had a session and rap session devoted to education.

Plans for same at PESC '94.

Plans for an education workshop (or really a tutorial) at PESC '95.

d. Electronic Transformers (Thackwray, not present) - no report.

e. Meetings (Jahns) - submitted report (see Attachment #21).

Moved "That PELS define a regular line item in its budget each year to fund APEC site searches, the amount of such funding to be set with the advice of the APEC Steering Committee, and that invoices for one-third of the incurred expenses be issued annually to each of the two other APEC sponsors - the IEEE Industry Applications Society (IEEE&endash;IAS) and the Power Sources Manufactures Association (PSMA)" (p. 8). The motion was seconded and after some discussion passed by acclamation.

"Move that PELS agree to support the planned 1995 meeting of IEC Standards Group TC&endash;51 to be held in conjunction with APEC '95 with funding not to exceed $1000" (p. 13). The motion was seconded. After discussion concerning using the funds for inviting a speaker, the motion passed by acclamation.

f. Standards (Wilkowski) - submitted report (see Attachment #22).

IX. Committee Representatives

a. Design Manufacturing Engineering (Wilson, Jr., not present) - submitted report (see Attachment #23). It was remarked that PSMA has the same cooperation problem reported by Wilson, Jr. for Design Manufacturing Engineering.

b. Energy Committee (Ehsani) - no activity, no information.

c. Engineering Skill Assessment Program (Krein) - no report.

d. IEEE-USAB-PACE (McIlvoy, not present) - no report.

e. IEEE Standards Board (Wilkowski) - see standards chair report.

f. New Technologies Direction Committee (Kassakian) - spoke with Bob Freund of AT&T to arrange small working group meeting at APEC 94.

g. SAE Aerospace (Thibodeau, not present) - no report.

h. Society on Social Implications of Technology (Sayle, not present) - no report.

i. Superconductivity (Kazimierczuk, not present; Rashid, not present) - no report.

It was moved, seconded and passed by acclamation that the meeting be adjourned.

Meeting adjourned 2:21 p.m. (1421).

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