Date: Sunday, June 20, 1993

Location: Kane Hall, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington

Committee Membership (those attending in bold)


Fred Lee

Administrative V. P.

William Sayle, II

Technical V. P.

Robert White


Arthur Kelley


Jerry Hudgins

Past Presidents

Thomas Wilson, Sr., Pierre Thollot

Members at Large (and terms)
1991 - 1992 - 1993
1992 - 1993 - 1994
1993 - 1994 - 1995

Deepak Divan

Thomas Jahns

Kevin Fellhoelter

Mehrdad Ehsani

Phil Krein

Tamotsu Ninomiya

Piero Maranesi

Fred Lee

Christopher Riddleberger

Balarama Murty

Martin Schlecht

William Sayle, II

Pierre Thollot

Javier Uceda

Nagataka Seki

Gerry Hurley

Thomas Wilson, Jr.

George Verghese

Special Functions


Bob Myers

Nominations Committee

John Kassakian

Administrative Committees

Asian Liaison

Katsuichi Yotsumoto


Thomas Lipo

Chapter Development

Piero Maranesi

Constitution and Bylaws

George Verghese

European Liaison

Dierk Schroeder

Fellow Evaluation

Frank Oettinger


Jerry Hudgins


Philip Hower

Intersociety Liaison

Pierre Thollot

Membership and Publicity

Thomas Habetler


Harry Owen, Jr.

Transactions Editor

Richard Hoft

Technical Committees



Automotive Power Electronics

Balarama Murty


Gerhard Franz

Education Activities

Phil Krein

Electronic Transformers

Bruce Thackwray


Tom Jahns


Matt Wilkowski

Technical Interest Group Representatives




Pete Paradissis, Mark Jacobs

Committee Representatives



Design and Manufacturing Engineering

Thomas Wilson, Jr.

Energy Committee

Mehrdad Ehsani

Engineering Skills Assessment Program (ESAP)

Phil Krein

IEEE Standards Board

Matt Wilkowski


Doug McIlvoy

New Technologies Direction Committee (NTDC)

John Kassakian

SAE Aerospace

Phil Thibodeau

Society on Social Implications of Technology

William Sayle, II


Marian Kazimierczuk
Muhammed Rashid


David Torrey

RPI (Meetings Committee Secy.)

Luis Martinez

U. Politecnica de Cataluna

Milan Jovanovic

Delta Power Electronics

Peter Lauritzen

U. of Wash. (PESC '94)

Kosuke Harada

Kyushu University

Seth Saunders

U. of California - Berkeley

Van A. Niemela

AT&T Bell Labs. (for M.E. Jacobs)

Dean Patterson

Northern Territory Univ.


Meeting called to order 11:12 a.m. (1112), Fred Lee, PELS President presiding.

I. Roll Call, Introductions, and Welcome

Lee asked that everyone present introduce him or herself (see Attachment #1).

II. Review and Adoption of Agenda

A preliminary agenda had been previously distributed (see Attachment #2). No modifications being proposed, the agenda was adopted by acclamation.

III. Approval of the Minutes of the January 9, 1993 Meeting in Charleston, South Carolina (previously distributed).

Riddleberger noted that on p. 4 "Jahns noted that PELS has no participation in INTELEC '94" should properly read "Jahns noted that PELS has no financial participation in INTELEC '94". No other amendments being received, it was moved, seconded and passed by acclamation that the minutes be approved as amended.

IV. Officers

a. President (Lee) - presented report outline (see Attachment #3).

Presented statistics on IEEE and PELS membership (see Attachment #4). Noted that a large fraction of membership is in arrears each year and are gained back during the course of the year as dues are paid. Habetler (Membership Committee Chair) noted that IEEE members in arrears and inactive are likely to eventually return, but that PELS members in arrears and inactive are unlikely to return. Lee noted the rapid drop in student members. The IEEE proposed that societies including PELS offer free membership for new graduates. Habetler remarked that 85% of students are in arrears each year. Schroeder asked about what is being done to recruit members in former Soviet Bloc (Region 8). Myers notes that IEEE has formed globalization committee. Habetler noted that phone campaigns for new grads. had shown success. Lee wanted some sense from the AdCom on free memberships for various categories. Jahns suggested further study. Item deferred pending further study including policies of other societies. (Action: Habetler).

Proposed computer upgrade for PELS Newsletter Editor noting that present computer is a 1987 "286" machine (see Attachment #5). Jahns asked whether machine is to be property of PELS. Kassakian noted that old machine has been used for PELS purposes and has depreciated to zero value and would expect new machine to follow same course. Wilson, Sr. speaking for momentarily absent Owen says old machine will be redeemed with value applied to new equipment. It was moved and seconded that up to $3,500 be approved for new computing equipment for News Letter editor. It was moved, seconded and passed by acclamation that original motion be amended to allow Owen to dispose of old equipment. The amended motion was passed by acclamation.

Lee noted that a travel allowance for Owen had been previously passed.

Presented INTELEC Advisory Committee Constitution and Bylaws (see Attachment #6). It was moved and seconded that the Constitution and Bylaws be approved. A number of issues were raised in the discussion that followed. Thollot wanted sentence designated "A" from Section 1.2 of Constitution (p. 2) repeated explicitly for meetings as indicated in Section 5.1 (p. 5). Sayle was concerned that PELS Administrative Committee, abbreviated "AdCom," would be confused with INTELEC Advisory Committee, also abbreviated "AdCom." It was noted that Section 3.2.3 of Constitution explicitly designates the two INTELEC representatives to the PELS AdCom. In Section 3.2 of the Bylaws, it was suggested that the PELS Meetings Committee Chair be specified as an ex officio member of the INTELEC AdCom. It was noted that the PELS President is automatically an ex officio member of all PELS committees. Sayle noted that the INTELEC AdCom should probably have a "chair" rather than a "president." White noted that in Section 2 of the Bylaws INTELEC AdCom members need not be IEEE Members only members of "comparable professional societies." White further noted that INTELEC representatives to the PELS AdCom must be IEEE members even if that forces a non-member to join IEEE in order to serve. Thollot noted that in Section 5.8 of the Conference Executive Committee charter, PELS involvement when INTELEC is held outside the U.S.A. and North America was unclear. Fellhoelter noted that it was desirable in some instances for PELS to have either a sponsorship or financial role when INTELEC is not held in the U.S.A. Murty suggested that the INTELEC Advisory Committee Constitution and Bylaws be referred to Verghese (PELS Constitution and Bylaws Chair) for review. The pending motion was withdrawn (Action: Verghese).

Lunch 12:12 a.m. (1212) to 1:07 p.m. (1307).

The proposal from Myers to perform 1) additional PELS Administrative functions, and 2) coordinate PESC was presented (see Attachment #7). The role of the PELS Secretary if Myers were to perform additional administrative functions was discussed. The secretary was seen as directly supervising the work of the administrator. Discussed next was whether a PESC General Chair would be forced to use Myers' services as PESC coordinator. After extensive and spirited debate on each side of the issue a motion was made and seconded that Myers be asked to requote his services dividing the PELS Administrative functions and the PESC coordination. After considerable additional debate largely covering the same territory Thollot called the question. In a show of hands debate was closed with 21 voting yes and 4 voting no. The motion passed in a show of hands with 23 voting yes and 2 voting no (Action: Myers).

A proposed meeting schedule was presented (see Attachment #8). It was moved, seconded and passed by acclamation that proposed schedule be approved.

b. Administrative Vice-President (Sayle) - remarked that he considered Myers service to have been of great benefit to PELS.

c. Technical Vice-President (White) - remarked that Matt Wilkowski is the new Standards Chair and that Marian Kazimierczuk and Muhammed Rashid are the new PELS representatives to the Superconductivity Committee. Also specially thanked Jim Skiles for his prior work on the Superconductivity Committee.

d. Secretary (Kelley) - requested that hard copies of reports be provided to secretary prior to presentation.

e. Treasurer (Hudgins)

Presented statement of financial position (see Attachment #9a).

Presented budget for 1994 (see Attachment #9b). It was moved, seconded and passed by acclamation that the budget be approved.

V. Executive Functions

a. Administrator (Myers) - presented report (see Attachment #10).

b. Nominations (Kassakian)

Noted that Nominations Committee meets June 21. Tom Wilson, Sr. and Tom Lipo are new committee members. Piero Maranesi was reappointed.

Noted that AdCom elections will be held by mail in October. Owen noted that Newsletter needs official solicitation for nominations (Action: Kassakian).

VI. Administrative Committees

a. Asian Liaison (Yotsumoto) - submitted report (see Attachment #11).

b. Awards (Lipo) - Noted that the Newell Award is in many respects a lifetime achievement award. Suggests a "Young Power Electronics Engineer" award. The AdCom was generally in favor and invited a more-formal proposal (Action: Lipo).

c. Chapter Development (Maranesi) - Noted that the petition from France is awaiting approval and that others are in process. He expects to reach the goal of 12 chapters set last year. Would like to provide distinguished lecturers to the chapters. It was noted that Eastern European chapters had been asking for financial support. A provision had previously been made for up to $400 for support of a new chapter. Secretary to research exact terms of support from prior AdCom meeting (Action: Kelley).

d. Constitution and Bylaws (Verghese)

Noted that a current issue is the role of the President voting in AdCom elections (see Attachment #12). Made a suggestion that allows the President to vote in AdCom elections and uses the Nominations Committee Chair as a tie breaker. After discussion the suggestion was returned to Verghese for further development (Action: Verghese).

Presented proposed amendments to PELS Constitution and Bylaws that had been previously mailed to AdCom members.

Amendment 1 was described. It was moved and seconded that the amendment be approved. In a show of hands the amendment passed with 27 voting yes and 1 voting no.
Amendment 2 was described. It was moved and seconded that the amendment be approved. In a show of hands the amendment passed with 28 voting yes and 0 voting no.
Amendment 3 was described. It was moved and seconded that the amendment be approved. In a show of hands the amendment passed with 29 voting yes and 0 voting no.
Amendment 4 was described. It was moved and seconded that the amendment be approved. In a show of hands the amendment passed with 29 voting yes and 0 voting no.
Amendment 5 was described. It was moved and seconded that the amendment be approved. In a show of hands the amendment passed with 29 voting yes and 0 voting no.
Given the apparent lack of controversy Amendments 6, 7, and 8 were described. It was moved and seconded that the amendments be approved. In a show of hands the amendments passed with 29 voting yes and 0 voting no.

Amendments 1 and 2 were described. In response to Amendment 2 it was suggested that a future amendment should make the Newsletter Editor a voting member of the AdCom (Action: Verghese). It was moved and seconded that the amendments be approved. In a show of hands the amendments passed with 29 voting yes and 0 voting no.
Amendments 3, 4, and 5 were described. It was moved and seconded that the amendments be approved. In a show of hands the amendments passed with 29 voting yes and 0 voting no.

e. European Liaison (Schroeder) - Suggested a workshop in Eastern Europe within the next year as a way of increasing interaction but noted the technical difficulties of organizing a workshop on short notice. Wanted to explore the possibility of inviting and funding attendance at PESC of select individuals. Jahns noted that Schroeder is the chair of subcommittee charged with increasing interaction with developing world. Kassakian suggested seeking U.S. Government sponsorship. White encouraged Schroeder to proceed with a more-formal proposal.

f. Fellow Evaluation (Oettinger, not present) - submitted report (see Attachment #14). Jahns noted that Fellow Evaluation is complete.

g. Finance (Hudgins) - see Treasurer report IV. e.

h. History (Hower) - noted the upcoming presentation during the plenary session by Henry Oman on the early days of PESC.

i. Intersociety Liaison (Thollot) - Thollot and Burns to represent PELS at International Committee on Power Electronics Cooperation (ICOPEC) meeting in September with the EPE in Brighton, U.K. In response to solicitation of input, Jahns wondered if the dates for PESC '97 conflict with EPE '97 (Action: Thollot).

j. Membership and Publicity (Habetler) - no report.

k. Publications (Owen) - no report. Wants items for newsletter.

l. Transactions (Hoft) - submitted report (see Attachment #15).

VII. Technical Interest Groups

a. Telecommunications (Paradissis, not present; Jacobs, not present) - Chris Riddleberger presented the schedule of future INTELECs (see Attachment #16).

VIII. Technical Committees

a. Automotive Power Electronics (Murty) - presented report (see Attachment #17). Noted that a joint chapter is being formed with IES in Michigan and that the next workshop takes place in October '94.

b. Computers (Franz, not present) - no report.

c. Education (Krein) - Presented report (see Attachment #18). Noted committee will meet June 23. Distinguished lecturers for 1993-1994 are B. J. Baliga, S. Dewan, and J. Kassakian. Regrets the absence of speakers outside of North America. Noted a partial conference session and a rap session devoted to education at PESC.

d. Electronic Transformers (Thackwray, not present) - submitted minutes of meeting held March 8&endash;9, 1993 in conjunction with APEC and notes next meeting held with Coil Winding Show in October in Chicago (see Attachment #19).

e. Meetings (Jahns)

Moved that PELS approve further advance of $4,500 for APEC '94 in addition to $15,000 previously approved for a total of $19,500. Noted that PELS, IAS and PSMA contribute equally. The motion was seconded and passed by acclamation.

Moved that PELS approve advance of $2,000 for 1994 Workshop on Automotive Power Electronics. The motion was seconded and passed by acclamation.

Noted that APEC '93 achieved a $70,000 surplus ant that Kevin Fellhoelter is the new APEC Administrator. Also noted that Myers is preparing a draft operating guide.

f. Standards (Wilkowski, momentarily absent) - White noted that Wilkowski is just "getting up to speed."

IX. Committee Representatives

a. Design Manufacturing Engineering (Wilson, Jr., not present) - no report.

b. Energy Committee (Ehsani) - no report.

c. Engineering Skill Assessment Program (Krein) - no report.

d. IEEE-USAB-PACE (McIlvoy, not present) - no report.

e. IEEE Standards Board (Wilkowski) - no report.

f. New Technologies Direction Committee (Kassakian) - no report.

g. SAE Aerospace (Thibodeau, not present) - no report.

h. Society on Social Implications of Technology (Sayle) - no report. Noted Society appears to be "dying."

i. Superconductivity (Kazimierczuk; Rashid, not present) - no report.

It was moved, seconded and passed by acclamation that the meeting be adjourned.

Meeting adjourned 4:52 p.m. (1652).

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