Date: Saturday, January 9, 1993

Location: Omni Hotel at Charleston Place, Charleston, South Carolina

Committee Membership (those attending in bold)


Fred Lee

Administrative V. P.

William E. Sayle, II

Technical V. P.

Robert V. White


Arthur Kelley


Jerry Hudgins

Past Presidents

Thomas Wilson, Sr., Pierre Thollot

Members at Large (and terms)
1991 - 1992 - 1993
1992 - 1993 - 1994
1993 - 1994 - 1995

Deepak Divan

Thomas M. Jahns

Kevin Fellhoelter

Mehrdad Ehsani

Philip T. Krein

Tamotsu Ninomiya

Piero Maranesi

Fred C. Lee

Christopher Riddleberger

Balarama Murty

Martin F. Schlecht

William Sayle, II

Pierre A. Thollot

Javier Uceda

Nagataka Seki

Gerry Hurley

Thomas G. Wilson, Jr.

George Verghese

Special Functions


Bob Myers

Nominations Committee

John Kassakian

Administrative Committees

Asian Liaison

Katsuichi Yotsumoto


Thomas Lipo

Chapter Development

Piero Maranesi

Constitution and Bylaws

George Verghese

European Liaison

Dierk Schroeder

Fellow Evaluation

Frank Oettinger


Jerry Hudgins


Philip Hower

Intersociety Liaison

Pierre Thollot

Membership and Publicity

Thomas Habetler


Harry Owen, Jr.

Transactions Editor

Richard Hoft

Technical Committees



Automotive Power Electronics

Balarama Murty


Gerhard Franz

Education Activities

Phil Krein

Electronic Transformers

Bruce Thackwray


Tom Jahns


to be appointed

Technical Interest Group Representatives




Pete Paradissis, Mark Jacobs

Committee Representatives



Design and Manufacturing Engineering

Thomas Wilson, Jr.

Energy Committee

Mehrdad Ehsani

Engineering Skills Assessment Program (ESAP)

Phil Krein

IEEE Standards Board

to be appointed


Doug McIlvoy

New Technologies Direction Committee (NTDC)

John Kassakian

SAE Aerospace

Phil Thibodeau

Society on Social Implications of Technology

William Sayle, II


Jim Skiles/Martin Schlecht


Peter Lauritzen

PESC '93, University of Washington

Li-Ming Wu


Lee Myers

Myers/Smith, Inc.

David Torrey

PELS Meetings Committee, RPI


Meeting called to order 11:00 a.m. (0809), Fred Lee, PELS President presiding.

I. Roll Call, Introductions, and Welcome

Lee thanked immediate past president Tom Wilson, Sr., and asked that everyone present introduce him or herself (see Attachment #1).

II. Review and Adoption of Agenda

A preliminary agenda had been previously distributed (see Attachment #2). No modifications being proposed, the agenda was adopted by acclamation.

III. Approval of the Minutes of the June 29, 1992 Meeting in Toledo, Spain (previously distributed).

No corrections being noted, it was moved, seconded, and passed by acclamation that the minutes be approved.

IV. Officers Reports

a. President (Wilson, Sr./Lee)

Immediate past president Wilson, Sr. presented a report for 1992 (see Attachment #3). In response to an action item concerning presidental voting in PELS, noted that as chair of a meeting the president could vote to break a tie. If the president does not vote the tie does not pass. A tie in secret ballot voting is broken by subsequent secret ballots until the tie is broken. Noted also that IEEE policy 10.18 permits recruiting at conferences during periods of recession (see Attachment #4). It was noted that recruitment is often implemented with a bulletin board with a section for available positions and a section for those seeking employment.

Lee presented a list of committee and officer appointments for 1993 (see Attachment #5). It was moved, seconded, and passed by acclamation that the AdCom consent to the appointments.

Lee announced the resignation by at-large AdCom member Trey Burns (see Attachment #6). Reccommended that Gerry Hurley complete the unexpired one-year portion of Burns term. It was moved, seconded, and passed by acclamation that Hurley succeed Burns as an AdCom at-large member for 1993.

Lee noted that all officers and committee chairs are required to submit a year-end report. Presented a summary of the status of these reports prepared by B. Myers noting that only History, Awards and Computers in Power Electronics reports had not been received by the start of the meeting (see Attachment #7).

Lee requested that all committee chairs submit a roster of all committee members to B. Myers (Action: all committee chairs).

Lee noted that a change of scope for IAS was recently approved at TAB (see Attachment #8).

Lee noted that increase of the Newell Award from $500 to $1000 had been formally approved (see Attachment #9).

Lee presented a schedule of potential meeting dates for the AdCom (see Attachment #10). After some discussion, the schedule was modified as shown. The AdCom will not meet in conjunction with APEC '93. It was moved, seconded, and passed by acclamation that the next meeting of the AdCom be Sunday June 20, 1993 in conjunction with PESC '94. It was moved, seconded, and passed by acclamation that the subsequent meeting be Sunday October 3, 1993 in conjunction with the IAS '93 meeting. Additional meetings for February 13, 1994 in conjunction with APEC '94, Sunday June 19, 1994 in conjunction with PESC '94, and Sunday October 30, 1994 in conjunction with INTELEC '94 were discussed but not approved. It was also noted that the meeting of the PESC '94 program committee would take place earlier than normal on December 18, 1993 to accommodate the expected large number of Pacific rim participants.

b. Administrative V.P. (Sayle) - submitted report (see Attachment #11).

Lunch 11:54 a.m. (1154) to 1:07 p.m. (1307).

c. Technical V.P. (White) - submitted report (see Attachment #12).

d. Secretary (Kelley) - submitted report (see Attachment #13).

e. Treasurer (Hudgins) - submitted report (see Attachment #14) and statement of financial position (see Attachment #15).

Noted that Technical committees are to submit budget requests by April 15 of the current year.

Out-of-sequence consideration of:

VI. Administrative Committee Reports

g. Finance (Hudgins) - reccommends that finance committee consist of Treasurer, Administrative Vice-President, Publications Chair, the Meetings Committee Chair, and two "floating" members to be selected by the Finance Chair.

f. Administrator (Myers) - submitted report (see Attachment #16).

Noted that the mailing list is mostly complete with integration of the INTELEC list remaining. Needs also to flag persons on list who attend conferences but are IEEE nonmembers. Noted that a procedure for approving release of the mailing list had been made final. R. White suggested that the Courtesy Associates list be retired in favor of the PELS list and will investigate (Action: White). Wilson, Sr. suggested that future calls for papers be included in the newsletter to ensure its receipt by all PELS members and so that conferences need only mail to nonmembers. It was noted that the issue would subsequently be addressed by the publications chair.

V. Technical Committees

a. Automotive Power Electronics (Murty) - presented a report (see Attachment #17). Noted that expansion of the committee membership, now consisting of Murty alone, is planned.

b. Computers in Power Electronics (Franz-not present) Verghese reported that special issue is proceeding along policy lines.

c. Education (Krein) - presented report (see Attachment #18). Noted that an education session at PESC will have an invited paper.

d. Electronic Transformer Technical Committee (Thackwray - not present) - had submitted report (see Attachment #20). Had also submitted a budget request (see Attachment #21). Discussion of the budget items ensued. R. White promised to seek more budget detail, and it was moved, seconded and passed by acclamation that $2,000 of the request be approved (Action: White). It was further noted that PELS policy states that the Tech. V. P. may approve expenditures, and in future budget requests need not be brought before the full AdCom.

e. Meetings (Lee/Jahns)

Outgoing committee chair F. Lee presented a 1992 report (see Attachment #22). Noted that the voting membership of the committee had been defined.

T. Jahns

Reported PESC '93 will consist of 168 papers selected from 292 submissions.

Submitted a budget for PESC '94 with a request for an advance of US$30,000 (see Attachment #23). It was noted that break-even attendance is 350 and that the member advance registration fee is US$400. Based on PESC '92 experience, J. Uceda suggested that the budget should be maintained in local currency. W. Sayle suggested that a a credit-card option should be available for registration and hotel reservations. It was moved, seconded and passed by acclamation that the US$30,000 request be granted.

Noted that the hotel contract for PESC '95 had been signed.

Noted that APEC '93 is going according to plan and that the exhibition has set a new record.

K. Fellhoelter presented a budget for APEC '94 and requested a $15,000 advance on the $25,000 PELS share of the conference to pay for advance publicity (see Attachment #24). It was moved, seconded, and passed by acclamation that PELS provide a $15,000 advance to APEC '94.

Jahns noted that PELS has no participation in INTELEC '93.

f. Standards (Luchaco - not present) Submitted report (see Attachment #25). Noted a now defunct IAS Subcommittee on switching power supplies and suggested the need to excavate any remains. Ehsani volunteered (Action: Ehsani).

VI. Administrative Committees

a. Asian Liason (Yotsumoto) submitted report (see Attachment #26).

b. Awards (Lipo - not present) no report.

F. Lee reported a discussion with Lipo concerning the potential for a "Young Power Electronics Engineer Award" similar to the Newell Award. Lee and Lipo were generally encouraged by the AdCom to pursue this idea.

T. Jahns felt that Conference General and Program Chairs should receive certificates of appreciation from PELS. After some discussion, it was subsequently moved, seconded and passed by acclamation that the Awards Committee be charged with routinely providing IEEE-fellow-type award certificates to outgoing PELS Presidents, Conference General Chairs, and Conference Program Chairs. Jahns is to communicate this result to Lipo (Action: Jahns).

c. Chapters (Maranesi) Presented report (see Attachment #27).

Break 2:50 p.m. (1450) to 3:09 p.m. (1509).

d. Constitution and Bylaws (Verghese) - submitted report (see Attachment #28).

In response to an action item had investigated the formation of an Executive Committee for PELS. Noted that Communications, Computer, and Engineering in Medicine and Biology Societies have executive committees in their constitution and bylaws (see Attachment #29). Wilson, Sr. suggested that IAS also has an Executive Committee. Jahns remarked that the PELS AdCom is equivalent to the IAS Executive Committee and that the IAS also has a larger Council that rarely meets. Jahns to investigate the IAS structure (Action: Jahns). Verghese to collect comments on the idea for a PELS executive committee but otherwise suggests an informal executive committee not formally spelled out in the constitution and bylaws.

Submitted proposed changes to the Constitution (see Attachment #30) and Bylaws (see Attachment #31). Also submitted current versions of Constitution (see Attachment #32) and Bylaws (see Attachment #33). The proposed changes were described and should be further reviewed by all voting AdCom members for potential action at subsequent meetings (Action: All Voting AdCom Members).

Out-of-sequence consideration of:

k. Nominations (Kassakian) - submitted report (see Attachment #34). Noted that present term of office for president and vice president is one year. The president may serve a maximum of two terms while the vice president may serve an unlimited number of terms. When a president is completing an initial one-year term, the nominating committee may opt to nominate only the incumbent president for a subsequent one-year term. Kassakian suggested that the same option be available for nomination of vice presidents. He further stated a preference for a single two-year term for both president and vice president so as to not place the committee in the position of deciding whether to nominate an opposition candidate. P. Thollot spoke in favor of the current system. Kassakian did not make a formal proposal but simply submitted the idea for consideration.

e. European Liaison (Capel - not present/Schroeder - not present) no report.

f. Fellow Evaluation (Oettinger) - submitted report (see Attachment #35). Noted that F. Lee had left the committee and L. Stringer had died and that W. Portnoy and T. Jahns are new members. Needs help identifying PELS members of Senior Member grade who are eligible for nomination to Fellow grade, and PELS members of Member grade who are eligible for nomination to Senior Member grade. Lee and Habetler to help (Action: Lee and Habetler).

g. Finance (Hudgins) - covered under IV. e.

h. History (Hower) - No report. Would like to obtain information on the "roots of the society." Requested Myers to locate and store cache of memorabilia collected by former historian J. Foutz (Action: Myers).

i. Intersociety Liaison (Wilson, Jr./Thollot) deferred.

j. Membership and Publicity (Habetler) - Submitted report (see Attachment #36). Noted that PELS logo had been registered. Also presented information concerning the relative size of PELS in the IEEE and data on retention of members (see Attachment #37). Noted that PELS is in good shape.

k. Nominations (Kassakian) - covered previously.

l. Publications (Owen - not present) - submitted report (see Attachment #38). Also submitted proposal to increase the number of Newsletter pages from four to eight (see Attachment #39). It was moved, seconded, and passed by acclamation that the newsletter be increased to eight pages.

m. Transactions (Hoft) - submitted report (see Attachment #40).

VII. Technical Interest Groups

a. Telecommunications (Riddleberger) - submitted report (see Attachment #41).

VIII. Committee Representative Reports

Deferred to subsequent meetings due to time constraints on meeting room availability.

IX. New Business

No new business was noted.

It was moved, seconded and passed by acclamation that the meeting be adjourned.

Meeting adjourned 5:02 p.m. (1702).

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