Date: Saturday, January 11, 1992

Location: The Washington Duke Hotel, Durham, North Carolina

Committee Membership (those attending in bold)


Thomas Wilson, Sr.

Administrative V. P.

William E. Sayle, II

Technical V. P.

Robert V. White


Arthur Kelley


Jerry Hudgins

Junior Past President

Pierre Thollot

Senior Past President

John Kassakian

Members at Large (and terms)
1990 - 1991 - 1992
1991 - 1992 - 1993
1992 - 1993 - 1994

Antoine Capel

William W. Burns, III

Thomas M. Jahns

Koosuke Harada

Deepak Divan

Philip T. Krein

Harry A. Owen, Jr.

Mehrdad Ehsani

Fred C. Lee

William E. Sayle, II

Piero Maranesi

Martin F. Schlecht

Robert L. Steigerwald

Balarama Murty

Javier Uceda

Robert V. White

Pierre A. Thollot

Thomas G. Wilson, Jr.

Technical Committees



Automotive Power Electronics

Balarama Murty


Gerhard Franz

Education Activities

Phil Krein

Electronic Transformers

Bruce Thackwray


Fred Lee


David Luchaco

Administrative Committees

Asian Liaison

Katsuichi Yotsumoto


Thomas Lipo

Chapter Development

Piero Maranesi

Constitution and Bylaws

George Verghese

European Liaison

Antoine Capel

Fellow Evaluation

Frank Oettinger


Jerry Hudgins


Philip Hower

Intersociety Liaison

Thomas Wilson, Jr.

Membership and Publicity

Thomas Habetler


John Kassakian


Harry Owen, Jr.

Transactions Editor

Richard Hoft

Technical Interest Group Representatives




Chris Riddleberger


Robert Jurewicz

Committee Representatives



AES Liaison

Mehrdad Ehsani


Balarama Murty


Jim Skiles/Martin Schlecht


Meetings Committee Secretary

Milan Jovanovic

PESC 1998

Tamotsu Ninomiya

Gerard Hurley

IEEE Division II Director

Lloyd A. "Pete" Morley

Jose A. Cobos

PESC 1994

James Yin-Chin Wu

Venkatachari Rajagopalan

Dave Torrey

Computer Workshop

Seth R. Sanders

PESC 1993

Peter Lauritzen


Meeting called to order 11:01 a.m., Thomas Wilson, Sr., PELS President presiding.

I. Roll Call, Introductions and Welcome

The chair took roll, noted that a quorum was present, and asked that each person in attendance introduce him/herself. An attendance sheet was circulated (see Attachment #1). The following unexcused absences are noted: Capel, Harada, Franz, and Lipo.

II. Review and Adoption of Agenda

A preliminary agenda had been previously distributed (see Attachment #2). No modifications being proposed, the agenda was adopted by acclamation.

III. Approval of the Minutes of the September 29, 1991 Meeting in Dearborn, Michigan (previously distributed).

It was noted that the PELS fact sheet was in error (Attachment #7) in that INTELEC¨ is the International Telecommunications Energy Conference. The revised minutes were adopted by acclamation.

IV. Officers Reports

a. President (Wilson, Sr.)

Presented an outline of report (see Attachment #3)

Noted that this being a new year he had filled a number of positions by appointment as required (see Attachment #4). It was moved, seconded and passed by acclamation that the AdCom approve the appointments. In response to a question the President noted that Attachment #4 is an alternate version of PELS stationary that would be made available for use by committee chairs, but is not yet available.

Reviewed a number of highlights of 1991.

Noted that a draft of the PELS organizational structure had been distributed. A show of hands indicated that most AdCom members had received a mailing of the draft. Those who had not received the draft should contact Bob Myers. In response to a question it was noted that corrections should be sent to the cognizant Vice President.

Noted that the APEC operational agreement had been signed by PELS, the Industry Applications Society, and the Power Sources Manufacturers Association. Also noted that an agreement had been signed with the International Council on Power Electronics Cooperation.

Noted that INTELEC¨ has been successfully transferred from the Communications Society (COMSOC) to PELS and that INTELEC¨ '92 would be sponsored by PELS.

Noted that the long range plans for PELS had been adopted.

Noted that an Administrator had been engaged for a six&endash;month trial period ending January 15, 1992 and that action would be need by the AdCom to renew the arrangement.

Reported on the TAB review of PELS which took place on October 4, 1991. Noted that the PELS fact sheet (see Attachment #5) had been used in that review. A draft report had been prepared (see Attachment #6). The Recommendations (page 3) were discussed. Is was noted that Item 1 (Society manual) had been accomplished. In response to Item 2 (Society magazine) the general consensus was that PELS was young enough that many other higher-priority issues should be addressed first. Item 3 (Membership survey) engendered more discussion. The relative merits of survey by general mailing, survey by newsletter, and survey at conferences were discussed. The Administrative V.P. was assigned the task of addressing the issue including an article for the newsletter (Action: Sayle). It was noted that a conference survey is easy to do but reaches only active members, and usually addresses conference issues rather than PELS issues. It was noted that a newsletter survey reaches all the members, but the mechanics of returning the survey might result in a low percentage of returns. The Meetings Committee Chair is to investigate the manner in which surveys are done at conferences and investigate requiring a summary of the survey as part of the conference closeout package (Action: Lee). Two members volunteered to assist by collecting the existing conference survey forms and creating a general PELS survey (Action: Burns and Wilson, Jr.).

11:58 a.m. Adjourned for lunch

1:05 p.m. Reconvened

Reported on the status of the PELS database of participants being constructed by Bob Myers (see Attachment #8). Showed the coding index for the database (see Attachment #9) and a sample page from the database (see Attachment #10). In response to a question of the availability and cost of the list, the President noted that the arrangement with Bob Myers includes both a monthly retainer and expenses and that the method of distributing the database should be addressed (Action: Wilson, Sr.). It was also noted that a major goal of the list is to locate active nonIEEE members and should be able to exclude IEEE members if necessary. Finally it was noted that the database is the property of the Society and archive copies are available upon request.

Reported on the status of the PELS organizational handbook which had been distributed to the AdCom Membership (see Attachment #11).

Presented an activity report from Bob Myers for the six-month trial period (see Attachment #12). One major activity included a mailing to approximately 800 non-North-American attendees at INTELEC¨s '88, '89, and  '90 encouraging membership in PELS (see Attachment #13). This mailing will be continued to cover all of the attendees after a new printing of the PELS membership pamphlet is received in early February.

Presented a proposal from Bob Myers for services to be performed in 1992 (see Attachment #14). The proposed services are divided into administrative functions and functions in support of PESC. The functions in support of PESC engendered considerable discussion. It was generally recognized that PESC '92 is too far along to integrate Myers. Therefore, the decision falls to PESC '93 and the conference general chair P. Lauritzen was only recently introduced to the issue. T. Jahns moved and it was seconded that, if acceptable to Myers, the AdCom accept the administrative portion of the proposal for $1000 per month and defer the decision on support of PESC. In response to a question from the Secretary, the President noted that while the proposal contains the provision for Myers to attend AdCom meetings and take minutes, this option would probably not be exercised because of the added cost. P. Thollot called the question, which was seconded and passed by acclamation. The motion was subsequently passed by acclamation. The President noted that Myers is willing to negotiate PESC services on a year-by-year basis.

T. Wilson, Jr. moved that the President appoint an ad hoc committee to investigate benefits of using Myers for PELS conference services. After a second and some discussion the motion was passed by acclamation. (Action: Wilson, Sr.).

The President asked the Secretary to describe his receipt by direct mail of an advertisement from Trade Associates (the commercial firm contracted to organize the APEC exhibition) offering to sell the list of registrants for APEC '91 (see Attachment #15). R. White remarked that he had had been indirectly told by Trade Associates through Courtesy Associates that this mailing was done only to exhibitors who should receive the list free of charge. T. Jahns remarked that his investigation showed that Trade Associates claimed this to be an ongoing practice carried on in prior years. After some discussion, and recommendation by Division II Directory Pete Morley, the consensus was that PELS should seek advice from IEEE Headquarters legal council before proceeding with any action (Action: Wilson, Sr., Kelley).

Had received in inquiry and information concerning PELS cooperating with IAS and IES at a Symposium in Budapest (see Attachment #16). Consideration of the issue was postponed with the President to see more information (Action: Wilson).

The President presented a schedule of future AdCom meetings (see Attachment #17).

The question of a meeting at APEC '92 in Boston was postponed until the end of the ongoing meeting. (Note: at that time it was decided that there was not enough business to require holding an AdCom meeting in Boston).

It was moved and seconded that the fall meeting be held in conjunction with INTELEC¨ '92 on October 4. An amendment to the motion was moved and seconded that, as a general rule, the fall AdCom meeting would be held in conjunction with INTELEC¨ when held in North America (even-numbered calendar years) and with IAS otherwise (odd-numbered calendar years). The amendment failed, but the original motion passed by acclamation.

The schedule of Meetings Committee and AdCom meetings on June 29, 1992 in Toledo, Spain was slightly altered to conform to local custom. Breakfast will begin at 8:00 a.m. and lunch will be at 1:30 p.m.

After a presentation by the President, it was moved seconded and passed by acclamation that funds be authorized for travel of the President and Treasurer to attend an IEEE meeting on January 24 and 25, 1992 to discuss changes in accounting procedure.

Action on Colloquium '92 was deferred.

b. Administrative V.P. (Sayle) - Noted that task descriptions for committees had been distributed.

c. Past Technical V.P. (Burns) - Presented a summary (see Attachment #18) and a complete year-end report (see Attachment #19a). Noted that Bylaw required "Manual for Operation of Technical Committees" and he was unaware of such a manual. Chair of Constitution and Bylaws committee given task to determine if IEEE has such a document (Action: Verghese).

d. Technical V.P. (White) - Will attempt in coming year to actually generate Conference Operations manual.

e. Secretary (Kelley) - Goal for coming year is definition and documentation of division of labor between Society Secretary and Society Administrator.

f. Treasurer (Hudgins) - Presented statement of financial position (see Attachment #19b). Noted that the audit of 1990's books was complete and that audit of 1991's books was beginning. Noted also that PELS reserves, while enjoying healthy growth, were still low for a society of its size.

V. Technical Committee Reports

a. Automotive Power Electronics (Murty) - 1991 was a "quiet" year that saw only the mailing of the proceedings of the workshop held in 1990. The next workshop will be held on October 22 and 23, 1992 in Dearborn, Michigan.

b. Computers (Franz) - not present, no report. G. Verghese noted that the next workshop is August 10 and 11, 1992 in Berkeley, California.

c. Education Activities (Krein) - presented overhead (see Attachment #20) and report (see Attachment #21).

d. Electronic Transformers (Thackwray) - not present, submitted corrections to the PELS organizational handbook and a year-end report (see Attachment #22).

e. Meetings (Lee) - submitted report (see Attachment #23).

Noted successful meeting of PESC '92 Program Committee. 122 papers were accepted for 8 sessions.

Noted that APEC '91 was financially successful with 338 registrants, and that the APEC operating agreement for cosponsorship was signed.

The PESC program committee feels comfortable with the process and that good papers had not been rejected. Without taking action at this time, authors who fail to present their papers would be tabulated for future use.

f. Standards (Luchaco) - not present, no report.

VI. Administrative Committee Reports

a. Asian Liaison (Yotsumoto) - presented report (see Attachment #24).

b. Awards (Lipo) - not present, no report.

c. Chapter Development (Maranesi) - presented report (see Attachment #25).

d. Constitution and Bylaws (Verghese) - presented report (see Attachment #26).

Amendments to Bylaws 4., 4.6, and 3.5 had been previously mailed to AdCom members (see Attachment #27). It was moved, seconded and passed by acclamation that the amendments be accepted.

e. European Liaison (Capel) - not present, no report.

f. Fellow Evaluation (Oettinger) - presented report (see Attachment #28).

Noted that a change in IEEE procedure allows nomination to Senior Member by either the nominee or by someone else.

Noted that committee would like to have nominees from the applications area as well as the research area.

g. Finance (Hudgins) - covered previously under Treasurer's report.

h. History (Hower) - has photographs of prior events with individuals needing to be identified.

i. Intersociety Liaison (Wilson, Jr.) - the first Technical Subgroup is "on board."

Noted that IEEE TAB is creating an intersociety committee on Design and Manufacturing Engineering and asked for volunteers (see Attachment #29).

j. Membership and Publicity (Habetler) - presented report and committee charge (see Attachment #30).

Noted that all remaining Membership brochures had been mailed to INTELEC¨ registrants, and that the Membership brochure needs updating to reflect the addition of INTELEC¨. It was moved, seconded and passed by acclamation that an expenditure of $1000 for the printing of 3,000 new brochures be approved. The new brochures should be available January 31.

Noted that a camera-ready logo sheet (see Attachment #31) is ready, and that the logo is also available in most electronic formats.

Noted that a poster/display is available for use at conferences and the like. C. Riddleberger suggested a display at INTELEC¨ (Action: Riddleberger/Habetler); T. Jahns made the same suggestion for APEC (Action: Jahns/Habetler).

k. Nominations (Kassakian) - will be needing suggestions for new AdCom members.

IV. Officers Reports

a. President (Wilson, Sr.)

Return to consideration of fall 1992 AdCom meeting. R. White suggests meeting on October 17, 1992 in conjunction with APEC program committee at Town and Country Hotel, San Diego, California. A straw vote of AdCom members showed that 15 could attend if held in conjunction with IAS, 16 could attend if held in conjunction with INTELEC¨, and 10 could attend if held in conjunction with APEC program committee. The original plan to meet in conjunction with INTELEC¨ stands.

l. Publications (Owen) - presented Publications Committee report (see Attachment #32) and Newsletter Editor report (see Attachment #33).

Noted that back issues of the newsletter are available for those missing them. In response to a question, noted that the Newsletter can accept either color or black-and-white photographs.

m. Transactions Editor (Hoft) - submitted report (see Attachment #34).

Noted that both the January '92 and the April '92 issues are full and that no accepted papers remain in the editor's office. G. Verghese suggests and F. Lee concurs that all reviews of a paper go to all reviewers as well as author to help in "calibration" of the reviewers.

IX. (Spontaneous) New Business

a. Out-of-sequence introduction of Division II Director Pete Morley who needed information on several items (see Attachment #35).

Noted that the Division II Nominations Committee usually consists of the sitting Presidents of the four Division II Societies and needs to nominate at least two candidates for Division II Director by March 1, 1992. It was moved, seconded and passed that Wilson, Sr. be PELS representative to the Division II Nominations Committee. Subsequently, past-Presidents of PELS J. Kassakian and P. Thollot and the past-President of the Power Electronics Council W. Burns were suggested as possible candidates for Division II Director. W. Burns demurred, J. Kassakian needed to find out more about the position, and P. Thollot was not there to defend himself. It was moved, seconded and passed that the President and Administrative Vice President identify someone in PELS who is qualified and willing to stand as a candidate (Action: Wilson/Sayle).

Asked if PELS was interested in the idea of Division Director Elect. This item was deferred.

Asked for volunteers who would be able to fill TAB and IEEE positions on relatively short notice.

VII. Technical Interest Group Reports

a. INTELEC¨ (Riddleberger/Jurewicz)

Jurewicz presented a draft description of the Telecommunications Energy Systems Technical Interest Group and a report for 1991 (see Attachment #36).

Presented a 1992 Budget request (see Attachment #37). The President noted that as a result of its recent separation from the Communications Society, the TIG has zero funds and the requested amount is a loan. The line item for travel was questioned and the President noted that while the PELS AdCom was empowered to reimburse for travel expenses, it had traditionally not done so, but the TIG was permitted to do so if it desired. It was moved, seconded and passed by acclamation that the budget be approved.

VIII. Committee Representative Reports

a. AES Liaison (Ehsani) - no report.

b. Design and Manufacturing Engineering (Wilson, Jr.) - covered previously under IV. i..

c. IEEE - USAB - PACE (Murty) - was unable to attend workshop. Noted that engineer's week is approaching and urged participation.

d. Superconductivity (Skiles, Schlecht) - presented report (see Attachment #38).

IV. Officers Reports

a. President (Wilson, Sr.)

Return to consideration of spring 1992 AdCom meeting in conjunction with APEC. It was moved, seconded and passed that the AdCom not meet at APEC.

IX. (Spontaneous) New Business

b. The Administrative V. P. suggested that due to possible low attendance at the summer PELS AdCom meeting held in conjunction with PESC in Toledo, Spain and at the fall AdCom meeting held at INTELEC¨ in conflict with IAS that the election ballots be mailed in October. A straw vote on this suggestion was unanimously in favor (Action: Kassakian). Since the fall meeting historically suffers low attendance, it was suggested that the PELS calendar be moved to start at some other time. It was noted that the present calendar may be constrained by the IEEE and additional information is needed (Action: Verghese).

It was moved, seconded and passed by acclamation that the meeting be adjourned.

5:25 p.m. meeting adjourned.

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