Date: Sunday, September 29, 1991

Location: The Hyatt Regency Hotel, Fairlane Town Center, Dearborn, Michigan

Committee Membership (those attending in bold)


Thomas Wilson, Sr.

Administrative V. P.

William E. Sayle, II

Technical V. P.

William W. Burns, III


Arthur Kelley


Jerry Hudgins

Junior Past President

Pierre Thollot

Senior Past President

John Kassakian

Members at Large (and terms)
1989 - 1990 - 1991
1990 - 1991 - 1992
1991 - 1992 - 1993

Fernando Aldana

Antoine Capel

William Burns, III

David Blackburn

Koosuke Harada

Deepak Divan

Donald Bosack

Harry Owen, Jr.

Mehrdad Ehsani

Philip Hower

William Sayle, II

Piero Maranesi

George Verghese

Robert Steigerwald

Balarama Murty

Thomas Wilson, Jr.

Robert White

Pierre Thollot

Technical Committees



Fred Lee


David Luchaco


Balarama Murty

Automotive Power Electronics

Gerhard Franz

Computers in Power Electronics

Robert Sell

Electronic Transformers

Deepak Divan

Education Activities

Administrative Committees



John Kassakian


William Sayle, II


Thomas Wilson, Jr.

Intersociety Liaison

Katsuichi Yotsumoto

Asian Liaison

Antoine Capel

European Liaison

Harry Owen, Jr.


Richard Hoft


Thomas Stuart

Constitution and Bylaws

Donald Bosack


Thomas Habetler


Philip Hower


Piero Maranesi

Chapter Development

Thomas Lipo


Frank Oettinger

Fellow Evaluation

Technical Interest Group Representatives



Chris Riddleberger


Robert Jurewicz


Committee Representatives



Balarama Murty


Mehrdad Ehsani

AES Liaison

Jim Skiles/Martin Schlecht



Tom Jahns

APEC '91 Program Chair, APEC '92 General Chair

Milan Jovanovic

representing F. Lee

Philip Krein

Mailing list management

Mahmoud Sayani

APEC finance chair

David A. Torrey

Renssalaer Polytechnic Institute

Ron Jackson

IAS President

Yasuo Matsuda

representing K. Harada

Larry Gilbert



Meeting called to order 8:12 a.m., Thomas Wilson, Sr., PELS President presiding.

I. Roll Call, Introductions and Welcome

The chair took roll, noted that a quorum was present, and asked that each person in attendance introduce him/herself. The following absences without report are noted: F. Aldana, D. Blackburn, A. Capel, R. Steigerwald, G. Franz, R. Sell, J. Skiles, M. Schlecht.

II. Review and Adoption of Agenda

A preliminary agenda had been previously distributed (see Attachment #1). Item VIII. was modified to read "Election of PELS President and Vice Presidents for 1992, and At-Large Members with Terms Expiring in 1994, " and the agenda was adopted by acclamation.

III. Approval of the Minutes of the June 23, 1991 Meeting in Cambridge, Massachusetts (previously distributed).

T. Wilson, Sr. had previously noted several corrections (see Attachment #2). These corrections were read and included and the minutes. No further corrections were presented and the minutes were approved.

IV. Officer's Reports

a. President (T. Wilson, Sr.) - submitted report (see Attachment #3).

1. Noted that William W. (Trey) Burns, III had agreed to fill the unexpired term of David Blackburn as Technical Vice President.

2. Included a report on the progress of Myers/Smith in compiling a Society mailing list (see Attachment #4).

3. Reviewed plans for the January AdCom meeting and the PESC Program Committee meeting in Durham, North Carolina, on Friday and Saturday January 10&endash;11, 1992 (see Attachment #5). J. Kassakian requested that the cocktail reception on Friday begin at 6:00 p.m. so as to provide a full hour before dinner.

4. Presented a proposed PELS calendar for the upcoming year (see Attachment #6). It was noted by several AdCom members that a 7:30 a. m. start for the AdCom meeting in Toledo might be too early and should be given further thought. The scheduling conflict between the IAS '92 and INTELEC¨ '92 meetings was noticed and a decision on venue for the October '92 meeting was deferred.

5. Noted that a review of PELS would be conducted at the upcoming TAB meeting on October 4. The review is more to provide information for TAB rather than as an oversight of PELS by TAB. Presented a PELS facts sheet for use in the review and solicited remarks. T. Jahns noted that the APEC attendance numbers were in error and provided corrections. G. Verghese noted that it would be valuable to provide an indication as to the age of the conferences. J. Kassakian suggested that an indication of the rapid PELS growth could be useful. B. Murty suggested that the PELS-sponsored workshops be included. The following attendance levels for the workshops was mentioned:

Automotive Power Electronics 1990: 70 1989: 83 (B. Murty)
Computers in Power Electronics 1990: 45 1988: 60 (G. Verghese)

D. Divan noted that an indication of the international character of PELS would be valuable.

T. Wilson, Sr. thanked the AdCom for their suggestions and promised to incorporate as many as possible prior to the TAB meeting. The revised version is included in the minutes (see Attachment #7).

6. Noted that he had signed the Charter for the International Council on Power Electronics Cooperation with one reservation concerning PELS expenditures for travel (see Attachment #8).

7. Presented a report from Immediate Past President P. Thollot (see Attachment #9). A question from the floor questioned the "Power Issue." This issue had been raised by the recently rebuffed attempt of the IES to include power electronics in their scope of interest.

On the issue of "Institute Budget Problems" R. Jackson noted that in many instances the Institute's behavior is still not realistic.

8. Noted that it had been necessary to modify version 1.6 (see Attachment #10) of the APEC operating agreement which had been approved by the PELS AdCom and that version 1.7 (see Attachment #11) was being submitted for approval. R. White reviewed the changes for the AdCom. T. Jahns noted that he was in support of the revised agreement, and R. Jackson noted that IAS was in support of the agreement. It was moved, seconded and passed by acclamation that version 1.7 be signed by PELS President T. Wilson, Sr.who subsequently thanked R. White for his efforts on behalf of APEC.

9. Circulated summary of relevant legislative proposals in the U.S. Congress (not included due to length - copy may be obtained from T. Wilson, Sr.). T. Jahns noted that some pending legislation would restrict government employees' participation in professional societies. M. Ehsani noted similar problems with industry. R. Jackson remarked that IEEE efforts were underway in both areas to alleviate the problem.

10. Circulated request for Program Evaluators from ABET.

b. Administrative V. P. (W. Sayle, not present) - a PELS organizational structure distributed with the Agenda is also included with these minutes (see Attachment #12). An update of the Fellow Evaluation Committee was received after the meeting and is also included (see Attachment #13).

c. Technical V. P. (W. Burns, not present) - had been in contact with T. Wilson who noted that Technical Committees were still being worked on.

d. Secretary (A. Kelley) - asked each in attendance to be sure and check off on attendance sheet.

e. Treasurer (J. Hudgins) - presented statement of PELS financial position (see Attachment #14).

R. Hoft noted that IEEE is now watching transactions pages very closely. 40 papers are presently awaiting publication with 24 of them to be published in the January issue. Warned that Transactions could be 100 pages over the 640 newly authorized for next year. Noted problems in review process - has released an Associate Editor due to slow turn around.

10:20 a.m. Adjourned for break

10:36 a.m. Reconvened

J. Hudgins moved that PELS make a $15,000 loan for INTELEC¨ '92. The motion was seconded. R. Jurewicz gave a brief history of INTELEC¨ and noted that PELS would sponsor INTELEC only when held in North America. R. Jurewicz is to provide a summary of year-by-year INTELEC¨ history for inclusion in the minutes (see Attachment #15). The motion was passed by acclaim.

V. Technical Committee Reports

a. Meetings (M. Jovanovic for F. Lee) - The principal issue before the Meetings Committee is the PESC paper selection policy.

It was suggested that D. Divan (PESC '91 Program Chair) review the results of the meeting of the ad hoc committee formed to address this issue (see Attachment #16). D. Divan has also been in contact with Javier Uceda (PESC '92 Program Chair) to learn of the plans for the upcoming PESC (see Attachment #17). A set of proposed changes had been distributed with the agenda as part of the president's report (see Attachment #18a).

Based on input received from all sources, M. Jovanovic presented the Meetings Committee report (see Attachment #18b). After a wide-ranging discussion of PELS relationship to Europe and of "no-show" authors , no consensus was reached. It was moved, seconded and passed by acclamation that the Meetings Committee be charged with reviewing all inputs and producing a recommendation by the January 1992 meeting (Action: F. Lee)

D. Divan will write an article for the PELS newsletter describing paper selection for PESC '91 (Action: D. Divan).

T. Jahns noted that plans for APEC '92 were going well. The technical program committee was to be later in the day and would consider 200 digests in comparison to the prior year's 130. The exhibition is also promising having commitments for 34 of the target 40 booths.

VI. Administrative Committee Reports

a. Education (D. Divan) - submitted report (see Attachment #19).

The report contains the preliminary results of the Power Electronics Education survey.

b. Publications (H. Owen, Jr.)

There has been a minor change to wording of the procedure for special issues of the PELS Transactions (see Attachment #20).

An appeal for items of interest in the PELS newsletter was made.

VII. Committee Representative Reports


VIII. Election of PELS President and Vice Presidents for 1992, and At-Large Members with Terms Expiring in 1994

Nominations chair (J. Kassakian) - submitted report (see Attachment #21). Noted that the Nominations Committee had been restructured, and presented the slate of officers along with their biographies. It was questioned whether the change to the organization of the Nominations Committee required a change in the Constitution or Bylaws. T. Wilson, Sr. replied that technically a change is not needed, but but would be made anyway to fully spell out the procedure.

D. Bosack remarked that he would be forced to demur on his nomination to an At-Large Member position.

11:55 a.m. Adjourned for lunch

12:59 p.m. Reconvened

Voting was accomplished by secret ballot and J. Kassakian and J. Hudgins retired to tabulate the result.

out-of-order consideration of:

XI. New Business

a. Proposal on Schedule and Format of Committee reports (T. Wilson, Sr.) - presented proposal (see Attachment #22). It was generally agreed that the proposal had merit.

In addition, it was moved, seconded and passed by acclamation that T. Stuart be charged with drafting a change to the Constitution or Bylaws to make the Transactions Editor a voting member of the AdCom (Action: T. Stuart).

VIII. Election of PELS President and Vice Presidents for 1992, and At-Large Members with Terms Expiring in 1994 (continued)

J. Kassakian returned to announce the election results as follows:

President: T. Wilson, Sr.

Administrative Vice President: W. Sayle, II

Technical Vice President: R. White

At-large AdCom members: T. Jahns, P. Krein, F. Lee, M. Schlecht, J. Uceda, T. Wilson, Jr.

IX. Action Items

a. All concerned: charter and scope for committees.

Partially accomplished - see reports from Administrative and Technical Vice Presidents

b. Wilson, Sr.: engagement of R. Myers.

Accomplished - see President's report

c. Divan: ad hoc committee on PESC program.

Accomplished - see Meetings Committee report

d. Kelley: letter to Sell.


e. Sayle/Hudgins: auditing PELS books.

J. Hudgins reports that PELS 1990 books were given to W. Sayle and disseminated for independent audit. No conclusions to proposed changes in PELS Audit committee.

A. Kelley proposed that in the future Actions Items would be integrated under officer/committee reports rather than as a separate Agenda item. The general response from the AdCom was favorable.

f. All AdCom members: review proposed modifications to Constitution and Bylaws.

T. Stuart reviewed the proposed amendments which had been distributed with the minutes of the June 23, 1991 meeting (see Attachment #23). It was moved and seconded that the amendments be approved. After no discussion, the amendments were passed by a unanimous show of hands. T. Stuart to pursue approval of amendments of by TAB and publication in the PELS newsletter (Action: T. Stuart).

T. Stuart presented additional proposed amendments to the Constitution and Bylaws (see Attachment #24). The amendments would spell out the structure of the Nominating Committee (see Nominations Chair report). In addition, the amendments would relieve the Nominations Committee from nominating two candidates for President in the case of a President finishing the first year in office. Voting AdCom members should review these amendments and be prepared to vote on them at the January 1992 AdCom meeting (Action: T. Stuart and all voting AdCom members).

X. Unfinished Business


XI. New Business

b. Proposal to cooperate with the First Chinese-Japanese Power Electronics Conference (T. Wilson, Sr.).

Had received request for cooperation (see Attachment #25). It was moved, seconded, and passed by acclamation that PELS agree to be a cooperating Society.

c. Inquiry into interest in PELS participation in Colloquium '92 (T. Wilson, Sr.)

Had received request from Ed Parrish and Troy Nagle (see Attachment #26). After discussion, T. Wilson, Sr. given the task to seek additional information (Action: T. Wilson, Sr.).

d. Recommendations on review procedures of technical papers for PELS (T. Wilson, Sr.) - discussed previously.

return to:

VI. Administrative Committee Reports

c. Fellow Evaluations (T. Lipo) - Needs volunteers to write fellow nominations - anyone, including non-IEEE members my nominate Fellows (it was announced at the meeting that nominators must have senior member standing in the IEEE which was later discovered to be in error). However the nominees themselves must have senior member standing in IEEE. B. Murty volunteers for this duty.

e. Distinguished Lecturer program - addition to original agenda (G. Verghese) - asked if PELS had such a program. Generally agreed to put in Education Committee. Suggested it might be coordinated with Colloquium '92 and should be added to committee charter (Action: D. Divan).

f. Need to identify new technical issues and growth areas in Power Electronics - addition to original agenda. Also generally agreed to be a function of the Education Committee and should be added to committee charter (Action: D. Divan).

It was moved, seconded and passed by acclamation that the meeting be adjourned.

2:32 p.m. meeting adjourned.

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