Date: Sunday, June 23, 1991

Location: Twenty Chimneys, MIT Student Center, Cambridge, Massachusetts

Committee Membership (those attending in bold)


Immediate Past


Thomas Wilson, Sr.

Pierre Thollot

Administrative V. P.

William E. Sayle, II

Fernando Aldana

Technical V. P.

David Blackburn

Thomas Wilson, Jr.


Arthur Kelley


Jerry Hudgins

Members at Large (and terms)
1989 - 1990 - 1991
1990 - 1991 - 1992
1991 - 1992 - 1993

Fernando Aldana

Antoine Capel

William Burns, III

David Blackburn

Koosuke Harada

Deepak Divan

Donald Bosack

Harry Owen, Jr.

Mehrdad Ehsani

Philip Hower

William Sayle, II

Piero Maranesi

George Verghese

Robert Steigerwald

Balarama Murty

Thomas Wilson, Jr.

Robert White

Pierre Thollot

Technical Committees



Fred Lee


David Luchaco


Balarama Murty

Automotive Power Electronics

Joseph Thottuvelil

Computers in Power Electronics

Robert Sell

Electronic Transformers

Deepak Divan

Education Activities

Administrative Committees



John Kassakian


William Sayle, II


Thomas Wilson, Jr.

Intersociety Liaison

Katsuichi Yotsumoto

Asian Liaison

Antoine Capel

European Liaison

Harry Owen, Jr.


Richard Hoft


Thomas Stuart

Constitution and Bylaws

Donald Bosack


Thomas Habetler


Philip Hower


Piero Maranesi

Chapter Development

Thomas Lipo


Frank Oettinger

Fellow Evaluation

Committee Representatives



Balarama Murty


Mehrdad Ehsani

AES Liaison

Jim Skiles/Martin Schlecht



Thomas Jahns

APEC '92 Chair

Milan Jovanovic

Meetings Committee Secretary

Philip T. Krein

PESC '97 Proposal

Peter Lauritzen

PESC '93 Chair

Roger King

for Thomas Stuart, Constitution and Bylaws

Jim Walker


Glenn Skutt

Tamotsu Ninomiya

PESC '98 Proposal

Julie Ellis


Meeting called to order 11:03 a.m., Thomas Wilson, Sr., PELS President presiding.

I. Roll Call, Introductions and Welcome

The chair took roll, noted that a quorum was present, and asked that each committee member and guest introduce himself/herself. All absentees noted above are excused.

II. Review and Adoption of the Agenda

A preliminary agenda had been previously distributed. The agenda was modified to include discussion of engaging a society administrator under "X. New Business" (see Attachment #1) and adopted by acclamation.

III. Approval of the Minutes of the March 11, 1991 Meeting in Dallas, Texas (previously distributed).

The minutes were approved as distributed.

IV. Officers Reports

a. Past President (Thollot) - no report.

b. President (Wilson, Sr.) - submitted report (see Attachment #2).

Presented report on TAB meeting June 15&endash;17, 1991.

Noted petition to change IEEE Bylaws with respect to election of V.P. for Technical Activities.

Noted resignation of PELS Technical V.P. David Blackburn.

Reported on status of PELS. Growth rate last year was 5.9% while membership in many other societies declined. PELS is 21st in size of 35 IEEE Societies.

Noted several action items.

c. Past Administrative V.P. (Aldana) - no report.

d. Administrative V.P. (Sayle) - submitted report (see Attachment #3).

Proposed Organizational Structure for PELS. Had received Description of Charter and Scope for some positions (as noted on report), but not a majority. Renewed request for Description of Charter and Scope for remaining positions (Action: all remaining).

Adjourned for lunch 11:57 a.m.

Reconvened 12:49 p.m.

e. Past Technical V.P. (Wilson, Jr.) - no report.

f. Technical V.P. (Blackburn) - no report.

g. Secretary (Kelley) - no report.

h. Treasurer (Hudgins) - presented two reports (see Attachment #4).

Statement of PELS financial position. Report accepted by acclamation.

PELS budget for 1992. The changes over the prior year's budget are in bold. F. Aldana suggested the member fee could be raised from $15 to $20. J. Kassakian remarked that some increase in service should be provided to justify the increase. J. Hudgins suggested that more pages in the transactions could provide this justification. It was moved and seconded that the number of pages in the Transactions be increased to 656 per year. J. Kassakian suggested an increase to 6 issues a year. F. Aldana remarked that this could be used in 1993 to justify an increase in member fee as earlier proposed. The increase in Transactions pages to 656 was carried by acclamation. It was then moved, seconded and carried by acclamation that the Nonmember subscription fee be increased to $120.

X. T. Wilson, Sr. initiated early discussion of a PELS professional administrator as it would impact the 1992 budget. Presented a proposal (see Attachment #5) from Bob Myers of Myers/Smith, Inc. describing level of service and price. The ensuing debate centered on the relative merits of a professional administrator versus the IEEE Headquarters versus Courtesy Associates. T. Wilson, Jr. subsequently proposed the following 3&endash;part motion:

1) PELS engage Myers/Smith for 6 months for $6,000 beginning immediately and ending at January AdCom meeting at which point the relationship would be reevaluated.

2) PELS should give thought to its long-range administrative strategy.

3) PELS should ask for a quote from IEEE for similar services.

The motion was seconded. In a show of hands the motion carried with 14 in favor and 3 opposed. The funds will come from the 1991 budget with additional funding to be considered from the 1992 budget at the January 1992 AdCom meeting. T. Wilson, Sr. (Action Item: Wilson) will contact Bob Myers to determine the acceptability of this arrangement to him.

Acceptance of the 1992 budget as presented was moved, seconded and carried by acclamation.

V. Technical Committee Reports

a. Meetings (Lee).

Conference reports:

1990 PESC finished above the breakeven point.

1991 PESC preregistration is 328 which is also above the breakeven point.

1992 PESC has been moved from Madrid to Toledo, Spain.

1993 PESC is in Seattle.

1994 PESC is in Taiwan.

1995 PESC is in Atlanta.

1996 PESC is in Italy.

1997 PESC has been preliminarily proposed for either Chicago, St. Louis, or Indianapolis by P. Krein.

1998 PESC has been preliminarily proposed for Kyushu, Japan by T. Ninomiya.

1991 APEC showed approximately a $39,000 surplus wiping out deficit from 1990 APEC.

A. Capel initiated discussion on PESC paper selection process and noted that several dissatisfied European authors had contacted him, and that a 50% acceptance was too low. D. Divan (Action: Divan) to form an ad hoc committee to review PESC program committee selection process and make recommendations.

Noted that it was planned for PELS to sponsor INTELEC¨ '92.

Noted that the next workshop on Computers in Power Electronics is planned for Berkeley, California in 1992.

IX. b. F. Lee initiated early discussion of revised APEC Operating Agreement (see Attachment #6) and noted that the Meetings Committee recommends approval. R. White presented a short review of the changes to the agreement (see Attachment #7). Acceptance of the APEC Operating Agreement was moved, seconded and carried by acclamation.

It was moved, seconded, and carried under the new agreement that PELS approved $18,100 for advance publicity for APEC '92.

b. Standards (Luchaco) - presented report (see Attachment #8).

A. Kelley noted that D. Luchaco should contact R. Sell about ongoing Electronic Transformer Technical Committee (ETTC) standards activity. A. Kelley also noted that he had failed to invite R. Sell to AdCom meeting and that R. Sell is due a letter of apology (Action: Kelley).

c. Automotive Power Electronics (Murty).

Noted that the 2nd workshop was successful and generated a modest surplus. There is no workshop activity this year due to the IAS '91 meeting in Dearborn.

d. Computers in Power Electronics (Thottuvelil).

Noted success of special Transactions issue on modeling edited by Gerhard Frantz.

Workshops had been held in 1988, and 1990. The 1990 workshop had attendance of 54 and generated a $1,000 &endash; $2,000 surplus. He commended Tom Sloane for his efforts in organizing the 1990 workshop. The next workshop is planned for 1992 in Berkeley, California organized by Seth Sanders (see Attachment #9). A budget based on 75 attendees had been presented at the Meetings Committee meeting earlier in the day.

Noted that T. Sloane is organizing e-mail newsletter.

Committee chairmanship is passing from J. Thottuvelil to G. Frantz.

e. Electronic Transformers (Sell) - not present and excused.

f. Education Activities (Divan) - presented report (see Attachment #10).

"Preparing survey of power electronics educators for identifying status and needs in universities" (see Attachment #11).

VI. Administrative Committee Reports

a. Nominations (Kassakian).

Committee restructured to include 9 members with classes of 3 for 3 year terms. Committee to meet June 24, 1991 (during PESC) (see Attachment #12).

b. Finance (Sayle).

May change proposed organizational structure based on need to audit conference and PELS books without conflict of interest for Treasurer. Asks for help in finding workable structure - J. Ellis, T. Habetler, P. Krein, and W. Portnoy "volunteer." J. Kassakian suggests Audit Committee in addition to Finance Committee. W. Sayle and J. Hudgins to work with volunteers and find solution (Action: Sayle and Hudgins).

Underscored IEEE financial crisis.

c. Intersociety Liaison (Wilson, Jr.) - submitted report (see Attachment #13).

Worked on PELS and PSMA relationship centering on APEC. APEC exceeded PSMA expectations. R. White is PSMA representative to APEC steering committee.

d. Asian Liaison (Yotsumoto) - submitted report (see Attachment #14).

e. European Liaison (Capel).

Noted that meeting will take place June 24, 1991, 5:00 p.m. to review PESC program committee operations.

f. Publications (Owen) - submitted report (see Attachment #15).

Noted that new IEEE Fellows had been overlooked in January Newsletter, but will be remembered for July Newsletter.

A proposal is being formulated for policy regarding the contents of the Transactions versus the contents of the Newsletter.

The newsletter budget is $7,000. Printing and mailing is done at IEEE. The cost is $0.55 a copy for each issue for an average circulation of 4,500 copies. The cost to each member is $0.05 a copy.

g. Transactions Editor (Hoft) - submitted report and attachments (see Attachment #16).

Provided summary of Transactions activity and updated list of Associate Editors.

Report on IEEE Technical Editors Meeting (June 3, 1991).

Critical problems.

Future goals.

h. Constitution and Bylaws (Stuart) - Roger King for T. Stuart, submitted report (see Attachment #17).

R. King to serve on Constitution and Bylaws committee.

Presented proposed modifications to Constitution and Bylaws. It was moved, seconded, and carried by acclamation that the proposed modifications to Section V&endash;2.1 (item 2. in the report) be accepted. The proposed modifications to Section V&endash;6.1 (item 3. in the report) were discussed and amended as shown in Attachment #17. It was moved, seconded, and carried by acclamation that the proposed modifications to Section V&endash;6.1 as amended (item 3. in the report) be accepted. Voting members of the PELS AdCom are urged to review the proposed modifications to the Constitution and Bylaws and be prepared for a ratification vote at the September 29, 1991 PELS AdCom meeting (Action: all voting AdCom members).

i. Membership (Bosack).

Is preparing a proposal for a direct mailing targeting nonPELS IEEE members at a cost of $0.30 per letter.

Recruiting should be institutionalized at meetings including APEC, PESC, and INTELEC¨. T. Lipo noted that members of SAE and other societies can become affiliate members of PELS by paying only PELS membership fee (presently $15.00) without joining the IEEE and that these conference should be targeted as well.

j. Publicity (Habetler) - submitted report (see Attachment #18).

Membership brochure is available

PELS Trademark and Logo are registered.

k. History (Hower).

"Roots of PELS" in progress. Collection of photos available and corrections and additions to captions are solicited. Older photos are with Jerry Foutz. Archiving photos may be a good role for B. Myers.

Henry Oman had responded to a T. Wilson, Sr. article in the PELS newsletter (see Attachment #19).

l. Chapter Development (Maranesi) - submitted report (see Attachment #20).

Four PELS chapters established - Japan, South Africa, North Italy, Chile.

Los Angeles chapter is in progress; a request has been received from Chuck Mullet for $400 to help defray startup expense.

Jim Walker wanted a list of PELS members in his Section, noted that IEEE wanted $300 for a list. Wanted to know if PELS could support this expense. J. Hudgins remarked that Society is billed eventually if payment is not received from the Section. P. Krein noted that the IEEE will provide a list on computer diskette.

It was moved, seconded and carried by acclamation that the PELS Treasurer and Chapter Development Chair be authorized to dispense funds not exceeding $400 using their discretion as to the use of the funds.

Transmitted a message from Paolo Ferraris and the EPE thanking PELS for help in sending conference information to IEEE members. Also transmitted an invitation for a five minute speech at EPE by a PELS representative. J. Kassakian will speak by general agreement. Finally, noted that PELS would be welcome to have a promotional desk at EPE.

m. Awards (Lipo).

Newell Award winner has been chosen. The number of names submitted was not up to the expected level.

Has been attempting to find volunteers to nominate IEEE Fellows - had only four responses.

Also needs volunteers for advance work for IEEE Field Service Awards.

n. Fellow Evaluation (Oettinger) - submitted report (see Attachment #21).

VII. Committee Representative Reports

a. IEEE - USAB - PACE (Murty).

Professional Activities Council for Engineers (PACE) objective is to inform local groups to promote power electronics. Interaction with local schools - just starting.

b. AES Liaison (Ehsani).

Workshop planned perhaps for 1992 on applications of power electronics in aerospace with NASA, U.S. government, and industry.

c. Superconductivity (Skiles, Schlecht).

M. Schlecht reports he has not been attending meetings.

VIII. Action Items

a. Review March 11, 1991 Action Items - deferred to end of meeting.

IX. Unfinished Business

a. Power Electronics Goals Discussion (W. Burns) - presented revised goals (see Attachment #22). It was moved, seconded, and carried by acclamation that the goals be accepted and W. Burns was commended for his efforts in preparing them.

b. New agreement regarding joint sponsorship of APEC (R. White) - previously covered under V. a.

VIII. Delayed discussion of Action Items

The action items generated at the March 11, 1991 AdCom Meeting were reviewed and found to have been satisfied.

X. New Business

a. Society professional administrator previously covered under IV. h.

It was moved, seconded and carried by acclamation that the meeting be adjourned.

Meeting Adjourned 5:10 p.m.

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