Date: Monday, March 11, 1991

Location: Hyatt Regency Dallas, Dallas, Texas

Committee Membership (those attending in bold)


Immediate Past


Thomas G. Wilson, Sr.

Pierre Thollot

Administrative V. P.

William E. Sayle, II

Fernando Aldana

Technical V. P.

David Blackburn

Thomas G. Wilson, Jr.


Arthur W. Kelley


Jerry L. Hudgins

Members at Large (and terms)
1989 - 1990 - 1991
1990 - 1991 - 1992
1991 - 1992 - 1993

Fernando Aldana

Antoine Capel

William W. Burns, III

David Blackburn

Koosuke Harada

Deepak Divan

Donald Bosack

Harry A. Owen, Jr.

Mehrdad Ehsani

Philip Hower

William E. Sayle, II

Piero Maranesi

George Verghese

Robert L. Steigerwald

Balarama V. Murty

Thomas G. Wilson, Jr.

Robert V. White

Pierre A. Thollot




Fred C. Lee


Harry A. Owen, Jr.


Richard Hoft


Deepak Divan

Education Activities

Donald Bosack


Thomas G. Habetler


Piero Maranesi

Chapter Development

Thomas Stuart

Constitution and Bylaws

John Kassakian


Thomas Lipo


David Luchaco


Frank Oettinger

Fellow Evaluation

Philip Hower


Katsuichi Yotsumoto

Asian Liaison

Antoine Capel

European Liaison

Joseph Thottuvelil

Computers in Power Electronics

Balarama V. Murty

Automotive Power Electronics

Jim Skiles/Martin Schlecht


Thomas G. Wilson, Jr.

Intersociety Liaison


Van Niemala

Duke University

Ronald Wong


Milan Jovanovic

Virginia Polytechnic and State University
(Meetings Committee Secretary)

Bob Corbett

Chuck Harm

AT&T Bell Laboratories (APEC '91 General Chair)

Tom Jahns

GE CR&D (APEC '91 Program Chair, APEC '92 General Chair

Pete Morley

IEEE Division II Director


Meeting called to order 8:03 a.m., Thomas G. Wilson, Sr., PELS President presiding.

I. Roll Call, Introductions and Welcome

The chair took roll, noted that a quorum was present, and asked that each committee member and guest introduce himself. All absentees noted above are excused.

II. Review and Adoption of the Agenda

A preliminary agenda had been previously distributed. The preliminary agenda had been modified prior to the meeting (see Attachment #1). The modified agenda was presented and further modified to allow submission of officer's reports and committee reports as desired, to expand VIII. a. to include a general discussion of future meeting dates, and to add VIII. b. "Length of voting term on AdCom (T. Wilson, Sr.)". The resulting agenda was adopted.

III. Approval of the Minutes of the January 12, 1991 Meeting.

Item VI. a. modified (changes in italics) to read:

W. Sayle to address "Task for Immediate Action" by developing an organizational structure and charter/scope for all PELS officers except for technical committees.

Automotive Power Electronics, chaired by B. Murty, was unintentionally omitted from list of committees.

Intersociety Liaison, chaired by T. Wilson, Jr., was unintentionally omitted from list of committees.

The revised minutes were approved by acclamation.

IV. Officers' Reports

a. Treasurer (J. Hudgins)

Presented Statement of Financial Position (see Attachment #2) comparing PELS net worth on 1/1/91 and 1/1/90.

b. Administrative V. P. (W. Sayle)

Reported on the meeting of the IEEE Technical Activities Board (TAB) on 2/1/91-2/4/91 (see Attachment #3).

Major report topics:

(1) Industrial Electronics Society (IES) Field of Interest Statement Modification.

(2) The International Telecommunications Energy Conference (INTELEC¨) situation.

(3) Relations with the Industry Application Society (IAS).

(4) Change of TAB meeting plans.

(5) Needed change in PELS AdCom meeting plans.

(6) IEEE Budget situation.

c. Past-President (P. Thollot)

Underscored financial crisis of IEEE. Crisis seen as being caused by one-time costs due to move from New York, NY to Piscataway, NJ, and by move to electronic publishing.

d. President (T. Wilson, Sr.)

The PELS Society stationary is available to those in need of it for official correspondence. Unfortunately, the envelopes are embossed with Tom Wilson, Sr.'s return address which should be modified by those using them.

The present status of the requested change by the INTELEC¨ management committee from the Communication Society to PELS was reviewed. Issues surrounding the transfer are being explored with the IEEE by the INTELEC¨ management committee.

Proposed that Agenda Item "VII. a. Power Electronics Goals Discussion" be deferred until June AdCom Meeting. In the mean time, Tom Wilson, Sr., William Sayle, II, and David Blackburn are working to develop an organizational structure and, with the committee chairs, a charge/goals for each committee (Action: Wilson, Sr., Sayle, and Blackburn). Their goal is to produce a draft by May 1, 1991 for distribution with the June meeting agenda mailing.

Noted that unexcused absences policy had not been enforced and suggested that it might want to be addressed by the AdCom.

V. Committee Reports

a. Chapter Development (P. Maranesi)

Presented report (see Attachment #4).

F. Lee noted that Taiwan would like to form a local chapter, but has not received a response from paperwork filled out at PESC '90. M. Ehsani will check to see if it can be found (Action: Ehsani).

P. Maranesi noted the practical difficulty in getting forms to potential chapters. H. Owen volunteered to publish an advertisement in the PELS Newsletter using copy provided by P. Maranesi (Action: Owen and Maranesi).

D. Divan and M. Ehsani noted that they would like to start student chapters at University of Madison-Wisconsin and Texas A&M, respectively. It was remarked that they could benefit from the Virginia Polytechnic and State University (VPI&SU) model.

b. Publications (H. Owen)

H. Owen remarked that he would appreciate any chapter news or news of any other type for the newsletter.

c. Automotive Power Electronics (B. Murty)

Noted that the record of the recent conference on Electronics in Transportation is available.

VI. Action Items

Postponed by general agreement

VII. Unfinished Business

a. Power Electronics Goals Discussion (W. Burns)


b. New Agreement regarding joint sponsorship of APEC (R. White)

APEC '91 report (C. Harm)

275 registrants for technical sessions, 180 registrants for seminars, no possibility of loss given current and projected registration. IEEE increased order of proceedings from 400 to 750.

Report on 3/10/91 meetings with IAS and Power Sources Manufacturers Association (PSMA) (T. Wilson, Sr.)

Report on Draft Sponsor's Agreement (R. White)

R. White presented proposed agreement (see Attachment #5). APEC philosophy: APEC should have its own identity and should address working engineers and commercial concerns.

P. Thollot questioned Section 6.2 "Funding Process" and the tightness of the schedule with the budget.

J. Hudgins remarked the funding is provided 6 months in advance of the conference.

C. Harm remarked that the APEC '91 funds were made available in August '90.

T. Wilson, Sr. asked if the APEC budget could be distributed in advance of the June Meetings Committee and AdCom meetings.

R. White said budget goal is May 1 of each year.

T. Jahns, arriving from ongoing IAS Executive Board Meeting, reported that IAS had voted to cosponsor APEC '92 with an expansion of the steering committee to include two each additional members for PELS, IAS, and PSMA. IAS has selected Linos Jacovides and Mel Dold as IAS representatives.

P. Thollot remarked that PELS should also try to reach a decision at current meeting.

R. White moved, seconded by W. Sayle, that PELS AdCom agree to add two each additional steering committee members from PELS, IAS, and PSMA. Motion passed by acclaim.

It was moved and seconded that the PELS President appoint the PELS representatives to the APEC steering committee with the advice and consent of the PELS AdCom.

After considerable discussion centering around the role of these two members vis-a-vis the role of the Intersociety Liaison Committee the motion was carried by acclaim.

The discussion next turned to the identity of the two PELS representatives on the APEC Steering committee. Several names were proposed including F. Lee, W. Burns, P. Thollot, and R. White. After considerable discussion, it was moved, seconded, and passed that a short adjournment be taken to allow the chair to caucus with several AdCom members.

Meeting adjourned 10:25 a.m.

Meeting reconvened 10:55 a.m.

T. Wilson, Sr. recommends appointment of P. Thollot and F. Lee as the PELS AdCom representatives to the APEC Steering Committee. Both were present at the meeting and agreed to serve.

J. Hudgins expresses reservations concerning Section 6.3 "Funding of Advance Publicity" noting that this is a technical violation of IEEE conference procedure. J. Hudgins is to work with R. White to propose a more acceptable mechanism for funding advance publicity (Action: Hudgins and White).

It was move, seconded, and passed by acclamation that Bob White be commended for his efforts on behalf of APEC in general and in preparing the draft sponsor's agreement in particular.

The chair requested J. Hudgins to make brief remarks on handling of funds for conferences. J. Hudgins described a several step process:

1) Advance loan requested from Meetings Committee based on preliminary budget.

2) Loan must be approved by AdCom based on Meetings Committee recommendation.

3) PELS Treasurer arranges for IEEE conference services to send check for loan to conference finance chair.

4) PELS Treasurer and conference finance chair prepare post-conference budget and arrange for repayment of loan.

J. Hudgins to write summary of process for inclusion in minutes (Action: Hudgins).

Digression from agenda for introduction of and remarks from Pete Morley, Director, Division II of the IEEE. He remarked that Division II consists of PELS, IAS, Instrumentation and Measurement (I&M) Society, and Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation Society. Each society president and the division director are all on the IEEE TAB. In addition, the Division Director is also on the IEEE Board of Directors. Further remarked on the recent Board of Directors meeting that the General Fund deficit was due to the move from New York to New Jersey, but better services should result. Also remarked that in general all Societies are financially healthy.

c. AdCom Consideration for PELS becoming a Participating Organization in the International Council on Power Electronics Cooperation (ICOPEC) (P. Thollot).

First wished to report on the National Committee on Power Electronics (NCOPE). Provided a brief history of NCOPE and noted that the committee will dissolve after the April meeting in Dallas.

P. Thollot next reviewed Attachment #21 of the 1/12/91 minutes which contained the ICOPEC Participating Organization Memorandum of Understanding.

It was moved by P. Thollot and seconded that PELS become a Participating Member of ICOPEC with no financial obligation except for possible travel expenses of a PELS representative to ICOPEC meetings. At suggestion of W. Sayle, P. Thollot subsequently modified the motion to exclude funding of travel. The revised motion that PELS become a Participating Member of ICOPEC with no financial obligation passed by acclaim.

VIII. New Business

a. Future meetings.

T. Wilson, Sr. presented a proposed schedule of future meetings (see Attachment #6). After some discussion, the schedule was modified as shown below:

Jun. 23, 1991 Sun. Cambridge, MA PESC
7:30 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. PELS Meetings CommitteeÝ
10:45 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. PELS Administrative Committee*

Sep. 29, 1991 Sun. Dearborn, MI IAS
8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. PELS Administrative Committee

Jan. 10, 1992 Fri. Durham, NC
times TBD PESC Program Committee

Jan. 11, 1992 Sat. Durham, NC
7:30 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. PELS Meetings Committee
10:45 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. PELS Administrative Committee*

Feb. 23, 1992 Sun. Boston, MA APEC
8:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon PELS Administrative Committee
(optional depending on need)

Jun. 22, 1992 Mon. Madrid, Spain PESC
7:30 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. PELS Meetings Committee
10:45 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. PELS Administrative Committee*

Oct., 1992 Sat./Sun. Houston, TX IAS
8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. PELS Administrative Committee

Ý Continental Breakfast served one-half hour prior to beginning of meeting.

* Lunch served 12:00 noon

b. Length of voting term on AdCom (T. Wilson, Sr.)

The constitution and Bylaws presently state that the maximum voting term for an AdCom member is six consecutive years. T. Wilson raised the question: does this policy apply to both elected at-large members and appointed members, or to elected at-large members only? The sense of the AdCom was that the limit was meant to apply to elected at-large members only.

It was moved, seconded and passed by acclamation that the meeting be adjourned.

Meeting Adjourned 12:09 p.m.

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