F. RICHARDEAU, PH. LADOUX, Y. CHERON, "Introduction of "Dual-Switching" cells in high-power phase-controlled converters", EPE Journal, Vol. 7, No. 3/4, december 1998, pp. 18-xx.
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Article : [PAP350]

Info : REPONSE 4, INSPEC, le 22/09/2001.

Titre : F. RICHARDEAU, PH. LADOUX, Y. CHERON, Introduction of Dual-Switching cells in high-power phase-controlled converters, EPE Journal, Vol. 7, No. 3/4, december 1998, pp. 18-xx.

Cité dans :[REVUE064] EPE Journal, European Power Electronics and Drives, Volume 7, N° 3/4, december 1997.
Cité dans : [DIV007]  Classement par type de Congrés et de revues IEEE, avril 2003.
Cité dans : [DIV245]  Recherche sur l'auteur Fredéric RICHARDEAU, mars 2002.
Cité dans : [DIV131]  Recherche sur l'auteur Yvon CHERON, mars 2001.
Auteur : F. Richardeau
Auteur : Ph. Ladoux
Auteur : Y. Chéron, LEEI - ENSEEIHT, INP Toulouse

Source : EPE Journal
Volume : 7
Numero : 3/4
Date : decembre 1998
Pages : 18 - 24
Stockage : Thierry LEQUEU
ISSN : 0939-8368
SICI : 0939-8368(199812)7:3/4L.18:ITSC;1-F
Info : Document Type : Journal - Treatment Code : Theoretical; Experimental -
Info : Country of Publication : Belgium
Language : English

Abstract :
High power converters (MW) use thyristors arrangements in phase-controlled mode by the voltages of the power supply network. However, low-rank harmonic currents and lagging reactive power are drawn on the AC side. In this paper, a new "dual-switching" mode with GTO switches reverse blocking abilities is studied and carried out in basic rectifier bridges and naturally commutated cycloconverter topologies. This concept allows to suppress the reactive power flow between power supply network and direct converters whatever load parameters. Global features are given with a final comparison list, especially on the following "dual-switching" topologies: full-bridges cycloconverter, mixed-bridges cycloconverter and series arrangement of full-bridges cycloconverters. Presented experimental results are based on a 20 kVA versatile cycloconverter prototype and confirm the theoretical study. These topologies are expected for a better matching between network and high power converters.

Accession_Number : 1999:6242147 INSPEC

Références : 6 refs.

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