Article : [PAP312]
Titre : EPN, Hyper Electronics, Selecting The Optimum voltage transient suppressor to ensure suppressors can tolerate high energy levels for short periods, 1 June 2001.
Cité dans : [DIV039] Liste de revues diverses en électronique, avril 2016. Cité dans : [PAP313] EPN, Hyper Electronics, TVSS (Transient voltage surge suppression) what is it and why all of a sudden do we need it?, 17 May 2001.Auteur : EPN
Site :
Site :
Date : 1 June 2001
Group : Discrete semiconductor components
Introduction :
Although the published data for several transient suppressors may
appear similar enough to make the devices seem interchangeable,
careful analysis can rule out nearly identical parts whose use could
prove disastrous. This concept is clearly outlined in a six-page
application note from General Semiconductor. TVS are specialised
zener diodes intended to clamp the voltage appearing across a line.
They accomplish this conducting when the voltage across the line
exceeds the zener-avalanche rating. Because transient voltages can
be quite high, suppressors must be able to handle large avalanche
currents. This means that care must be taken in the construction of
the package and assembly process to ensure that the suppressor can
tolerate high energy levels for short periods. Taking into
considerations five key operating parameter such as breakdown
voltage, working stand-off reverse voltage, maximum peak pulse surge
current, maximum clamping voltage, and maximum breakdown-voltage
temperature coefficient, the note drives the reader through the
selection process by using a hypothetical example. Key steps such as
determining the energy content and duration of the surge, examining
manufacturer's data sheets, and verifying the transient suppressor's
power rating help the user make the right choice.
links :
Source :
General Semiconductor Deutschland GmbH
Albert-Schweitzer Str 64
81735 Munchen
tel: +49-89-679790
fax: +49-89-67979100
url :
Lien : ""
Info :
TVSS (Transient voltage surge suppression) what is it and why all of a sudden do we need it?
Experience with surge voltage protection devices.
Battery management included.
Serial-controlled motor driver IC amkes significant power dissipation savings.
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