Article : [PAP258]
Titre : K.M. MICHAELS, Sensible approaches to diagnosing power quality problems, IEEE Trans. on Industry Applications, 1997.
Cité dans : [DIV398] Les revues IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications et IEEE Industry Applications Society - IAS, novembre 2005.Auteur : Michaels, K.M - F.D. Hayes - Electr. Co., Lansing, MI, USA
Stockage : Thierry LEQUEU
Lien : private/Michaels.pdf - 88 Ko, 7 pages.
Source : IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications
Pages : 1124 - 1130
Date : July-Aug. 1997
Volume : 33
Issue : 4
ISSN : 0093-9994
References : 11
Accession_Number : 5661481
Abstract :
Power quality site surveys are electrical power system
investigations that attempt to locate and solve power quality
problems affecting electrical and electronic equipment. Site
surveys combine state-of-the-art diagnostic instrumentation with
the intuitive nature of the individuals who endeavor to utilize
them. Successfully performing a power site survey requires the
management of issues and resources on many levels. Some of the
minutiae to consider are: (1) coordinating the involved parties;
(2) procuring and safely utilizing necessary test equipment; (3)
implementing proper diagnostic techniques to the perceived
problem; (4) suitable interpretation of the results; and (5)
providing cost-effective recommendations to eliminate or mitigate
the cause of the disturbance. A problem-solving checklist and its
components can be introduced as a slide for participants who may
have a concern with the uniformity of their troubleshooting
techniques. This paper reviews these and other aspects of a power
site survey based upon the recent changes to the recommended
practices set forth by Chapter 6 of IEEE Std. 1100 (Recommended Practice for Power and Grounding Electronic Equipment-Emerald Book).
Subject_terms :
industrial power systems; power quality site surveys; power
quality problems diagnosis; state-of-the-art; diagnostic
instrumentation; test equipment; IEEE Std. 1100; disturbance
mitigation; recommended practices; industrial power networks
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