Article : [PAP236]
Titre : L. HAYES, J. SPANGLER, Off-Line Critical Conduction Switching Power Supply with Voltage and Current Limiting, Application Note AND8024/D, rev 0, ON Semiconductor, september 2000.
Cité dans : [DIV126] T. LEQUEU, Librairie des fichiers PDF de composants, octobre 2022. Cité dans : [DIV199] Application Note MOTOROLA - ON Semiconductor, septembre 2012.Auteur : Larry Hayes
Lien : AND8024.pdf - 12 pages, 79 Ko.
Adresse : ON Semiconductor - Phoenix, AZ 85008.
Site :
The need for a small, economical solution for switching power supplies and for battery chargers has increased.
These applications generally require both voltage limiting and current limiting. These must be very efficient and
produce a low amount of EMI radiated noise. The MC33364 is a critical conduction control IC that can be configured in
a resonant turn-off mode to reduce the amount of EMI generated during turn-off of the power MOSFET. The MC33341 is a
secondary side controller that contains the band gap reference to provide a very tight tolerance voltage reference.
The MC33341 also allows for current limiting thus providing an almost square loop of voltage and current needed
for lithium-ion battery charging. Combining these two devices produces a much more cost-effective solution than other
approaches offer.
[1] : Bob Haver, Semiconductors for Switching Power Supplies, Seminar handout 1985, 1985, Motorola Inc.
[2] : Jim Spangler, "A Power Factor Corrected MOSFET, Multiple Output, Flyback Switching Supply", Proceedings 10th PCIM ’85 Conf. Oct 85, pp 19-32.
[3] : Data sheets, MC33364, MC33341, TL431, MC33072, MTP1N60E, MMBT2222, MBRS360, MRA4004, MURS160, MBT4N60E, NTD3N60 from ON Semiconductor,
[4] : Savant, Roden, Carpenter, "Electronic Design, Circuits and Systems, 2nd ed", 1987, 1991, Benjamin/Cummings Publishing Co., Redwood City, CA, ISBN 0-8053-0285-9, pp 38-42.
[5] : Chryssis, George C., "High-Frequency Switching Power Supplies, Design & Theory", 1989, 1994, McGraw-Hill, NY, ISBN 0-07-010951-6, Chapter 5.
[6] : Ondrej Pauk, AN1593, "Low Cost 1.0 A Current Source for Battery Chargers", 1997, Motorola Inc.,
[7] : C. Basso, AN1681, "How to Keep a Flyback Switch Mode Supply Stable with a Critical-Mode Controller", 1999, Motorola Inc.,
[8] : Petr Lidak, unpublished application note in 1996 "AC-DC battery charger (constant current with voltage limit) using the MC33364 and the MC33341.
[9] : Magnetic Ferrite Cores catalog, Butler, PA, 724-282-6955.
[10] : C. McLyman,"Transformer and Inductor Design Handbook", 1978, Marcel Dekker, New York, NY; ISBN 0-8247-6801-9
[11] : C. McLyman, "Magnetic Core Selection for Transformers and Inductors", 1982, Marcel Dekker, New York, NY; ISBN 0-8247-1873-9
[12] : C. McLyman, 1987, Designing Magnetic Components for High Frequency DC-DC Converters, Kg Magnetics, Inc., San Marino, CA; ISBN 1-883107-00-8
[13] : Rectifier Applications Handbook, HB214/D, 1993, ISBN 0-929270-00-2; available from ON Semiconductor, Phoenix, AZ 85008
[14] : Rashid, "Power Electronics, Circuits, Devices, and Applications"; 1988, Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ 07632, ISBN 0-13-687667-6, pp.18-23
[15] : MicroMetals Iron Powered Cores, Catalog 4 Issue G, 1993, Anaheim, CA, 800-356-5977
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