Article : [PAP229]
Titre : S.-Y.H. LI, F. LIANG, Y. ZHAO, T.A. LIPO, A doubly salient doubly excited variable reluctance motor, IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, Jan.-Feb. 1995, Vol. 31, No. 1, pp. 99-106.
Cité dans : [DIV398] Les revues IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications et IEEE Industry Applications Society - IAS, novembre 2005.Auteur : Li, S.-Y.H.
Stockage : Thierry LEQUEU
Lien : private/LIPO2.pdf - 521 Ko, 8 pages.
Source : IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications
Pages : 99 - 106
Date : Jan.-Feb. 1995
Volume : 31
Numéro : 1
ISSN : 0093-9994
References : 6
Accession_Number : 4877395
Abstract :
A new variable reluctance motor is introduced to help solve the
energy circulation problems which exist during commutation in
conventional variable reluctance motors (VRM). The new motor
design enables the energy stored in the magnetic field to be
retained and utilized within the motor, instead of being returned
to the source. The operating principles of the motor and
associated power converters are presented. The analysis shows
that by employing both short pitch and full pitch windings, this
new motor can eliminate the two problems without extra conductors
in the slots. As a result, the new motor has the following
important performance advantages over conventional VRM: (1) it
allows a significant improvement in the turn-off process and
therefore allows higher speed capacity; (2) it has higher output
with the same or higher efficiency with the same output because
of the improvement on the turn-off performance and due to the
utilization of the trapped energy; and (3) the machine can have a
higher output with the same power converter because of the
improvement of the energy conversion ratio.
Subject_terms :
reluctance motors; commutation; machine windings; energy storage;
power convertors; machine testing; machine theory; variable
reluctance motor; doubly salient; doubly excited; energy
circulation; commutation; motor design; energy storage; magnetic
field; power converters; windings; trapped energy; turn-off
process; speed capacity; turn-off performance; energy conversion
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