F. YAN, L. SHI, G. NAMESSE, "Automatic modelling of power static converters by parallel Petri nets", IMACS-TC1 1993, pp. 477-483.
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Article : [PAP203]

Info : ANSWER 126, le 29/01/2001.

Titre : F. YAN, L. SHI, G. NAMESSE, Automatic modelling of power static converters by parallel Petri nets, IMACS-TC1 1993, pp. 477-483.

Cité dans : [DIV175]  Recherche sur les mots clés DESIGN et STATIC et CONVERTER.
Cité dans : [CONF006] IMACS & ElectrIMACS International Association for Mathematics and Computer in Simulation, Technical Committee n°1, mars 2004.
Auteur : Yan, F.
Auteur : Shi, L.
Auteur : Manesse, G. (Lab. d'Electr. Ind., Conservatoire Nat. des Arts et Metiers, Paris, France)

Source : IMACS - TC1 '93. 4th International Conference Proceedings.
Info : Computational Aspects of Electromechanical Energy Converters and Drives
Editors : Oliver, G.; Bouchard, R.-P. Montreal, Que., Canada: Ecole Polytech. Montreal, 1993.
Pages : 477 - 482 of xviii+732 pp.
Conference : Montreal, Que., Canada.
Date : 7-9 July 1993
Sponsors : IMACS; IEEE Montreal Sect
Info : Country of Publication : Canada
Language : English
Stockage : Thierry LEQUEU, le 19 février 2001.

Abstract :
This paper proposes a modelling method without "a priori" control of
static power converters by parallel Petri nets. This approach, which
uses idealized components, is based on: the identification of the
different configurations; on the succession of achievable
configurations made precise by their entrance and exit
receptivities; and on the establishment of their equations in a
variable topology. The model carries information for the
comprehension of power converter operation and is easy to use for
their simulation and their design. An example of simulation of a
half-bridge switch DC power supply is presented. Simulated and
experimental results are also shown.

Accession_Number : 1994:4784289 INSPEC



Références : 5 refs.
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[4] : D. KATT, C. GLAIZE, "Numerical simulation of static converters. Interest of a mathematical formulation with variable topology", IMACS, Proc. VOL.2, pp. 603-608, Nancy, Sept. 1990.
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