J.C. LAMURE, "A review of current static converter design", 1995.
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Article : [PAP198]

Info : ANSWER 76, le 29/01/2001.

Titre : J.C. LAMURE, A review of current static converter design, 1995.

Cité dans : [DIV175]  Recherche sur les mots clés DESIGN et STATIC et CONVERTER.
Auteur : Lamure, J.C. (GEC Alsthom, France)

Source : Electric Propulsion. The Effective Solution ?
Info : London, UK: Inst. Marine Eng, 1995. p.6-1-6-8 of 250 pp.
Référence : 0 refs.
Conference : London, UK.
Date : 5-6 Oct 1995
Info : Country of Publication : United Kingdom
Language : English
Stockage : Thierry LEQUEU, le 26 mars 2001

Abstract :
For a period of almost 20 years the author's company has developed
static converters. The first applications were dedicated to railway
applications. The opening of the borders in Europe created a need
for a new product able to cope with different voltages, under a
severe environment. This paper presents the evolution of both the
product and its applications. The advent of new semiconductors (IGBT
type) has resulted in a technological step, drastically reducing
weights and volumes, thus opening a way to new applications such as
submarines and surface vessels.

Accession_Number : 1996:5495207 INSPEC

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