F. COSTA, E. LABOURE, F. FOREST, S. LEFEBVRE, "Quantification and minimization of conducted interferences generated in hard switching and zero current switching cells", APEC'94.
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Article : [PAP153]

Titre : F. COSTA, E. LABOURE, F. FOREST, S. LEFEBVRE, Quantification and minimization of conducted interferences generated in hard switching and zero current switching cells, APEC'94.

Cité dans : [CONF001] APEC, Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition, juillet 2008.
Cité dans : [DIV007]  Classement par type de Congrés et de revues IEEE, avril 2003.
Cité dans :[ART146]
Auteur : Costa, F.
Auteur : Laboure, E.
Auteur : Forest, F.
Auteur : Lefebvre, S. - LESIR-ENS, CNRS, Cachan, France

Appears : in Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition, 1994. APEC '94. Conference Proceedings 1994., Ninth Annual
Pages : 615 - 621
Volume : 2
Date : 13-17 Feb. 1994
ISBN : 0-7803-1456-5
IEEE : Catalog Number: 94CH3364-7, Total Pages: 2 vol. 1077, References Cited: 7, Accession Number: 4726040
Lien : private/Pap153.pdf - 409 kB - 5 pages.

Abstract :
The purpose of this paper is to explain the mechanisms of generation of conducted interferences in static converters, to
model and simulate them. A new quantification method based on energy measurement is discussed and its advantages compared to
the spectral one. Finally an original active process to minimize the conducted common mode interferences is presented.

Subject_Terms :
power convertors; switching circuits; electromagnetic interference; interference suppression; conducted interference;
hard switching; zero current switching; static converters; quantification method; energy measurement; active process;
conducted common mode interference minimisation; buck converters

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