Chung, Yeonbae ; Burk, Dorothea E.; "Physically based DMOS transistor model implemented in SPICE for advanced power IC TCAD", ISPSD'95.
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Article : [PAP103]

Titre : Chung, Yeonbae ; Burk, Dorothea E.; Physically based DMOS transistor model implemented in SPICE for advanced power IC TCAD, ISPSD'95.

Auteurs : Chung, Yeonbae (Univ of Florida, Gainesville, FL, USA); Burk, Dorothea E.

Cité dans : [CONF007] ISPSD, Internationnal Symposium on Power Semiconductor Devices & Integrated Circuits
PUBLICATION : IEEE International Symposium on Power Semiconductor Devices & ICs (ISPSD) 1995.,95CH35785.
Page : p 340-345
CONFERENCE : Proceedings of the 1995 IEEE International Symposium on Power Semicomductor Devices and ICs. Yokohama, Jpn,
Date : May 23-25, 1995.
Sponsored : IEEE. Ei Conference Number: 43789. (ISBN 0-7803-2619-9)

A physics-based predictive semi-numerical lateral DMOS transistor model, which is directly implemented in commercially available SPICE2G.6
source code, is described and verified with experimental measurements. Different from the existing power device subcircuit models, our model
has an ability to account for the unique device structure such as the graded-channel and the non-planar-drift region. With an advantage of
directly using device and process parameters, the new model implemented in SPICE may be useful in computer-aided power IC design. (Author abstract)

Semiconductor Device Models; Mos Devices; Computer Software; Computer Simulation; Semiconductor Device Structures; Integrated Circuit Layout;
Transistors; Numerical Methods; Computer Aided Design

OTHER_SUBJECTS : Software Package Spice

714.2 (Semiconductor Devices and Integrated Circuits);
921 (Applied Mathematics);
723.1 (Computer Programming);
723.5 (Computer Applications);
921.6 (Numerical Methods)

NOTES : Treatment : Applications; Theoretical; Experimental; EI Accession no. : EIX95492893322; Coden : PISDEK

Références : 7 Refs.

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