"Capacitive clamp used in standards; analysis of test method and new results"
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Titre : Capacitive clamp used in standards; analysis of test method and new results

Auteurs : Dansou, J.; Weber, R. (Inst. Univ. de Technol. de Blois, France); Raingeaud, Y.; Baillou, J.

Recherche : STN Easy du 25 aout 1998, INSPEC

Source  : Electromagnetic Compatibility 1997. 12th International Zurich Symposium and Technical Exhibition on Electromagnetic Compatibility
Lieu : Zurich, Switzerland: Swiss Federal Inst. Technol
Page : p.7-12 of (xvii+672+suppl.412) pp. 4 refs.
Conference : Zurich, Switzerland, 18-20 Feb 1997
Sponsor(s) : IEEE Switzerland Chapter on Electromagn. Compatibility
ISBN : 3-9521199-1-1
Doc_Type : Conference Article
Language : English

Abstract   :
This article is based on the critical analysis of the standard EMC test procedures using a capacitive clamp (ISO 7637-3, IEC 1000-4-4,...).
It gives new results based on the time observation of the coupling phenomena simulated by the capacitive clamp. It also offers a synthesis
of the results not currently included in standard documents. It reflects on the suitability of the suggested test pulse levels in the
standard procedures. It also points out the existence in certain cases, of an incorrect correlation between the capacitive and inductive
coupling simulated by the capacitive clamp and an actual electromagnetic cross-talk observed between a victim and a polluter cable. Many
practical results not specified in the standardization, are given in this article, namely about the effects of the impedance conditions
of the DUT (device under test) on the coupling simulation by the capacitive clamp.

Accession_Number : 98:5998016

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