Article : [PAP051]
Titre : K. SIYOUNG, S. SEUNG-KUL, T.A. LIPO, AC to AC power conversion based on matrix converter topology with unidirectional switches, APEC'98.
Cité dans : [CONF001] APEC, Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition, juillet 2008. Cité dans : [DIV007] Classement par type de Congrés et de revues IEEE, avril 2003.Auteur : Siyoung Kim
Info : recherche du 4 juin 1998, STN - INSPEC
Source : APEC '98. Thirteenth Annual Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition (Cat. No.98CH36154)
Lieu : New York, NY, USA
Pages : 301 - 307
Volume : 1 of 2 vol. xxix+1178 pp.
References : 9 refs.
Conférence : Anaheim, CA, USA, 15-19 Feb 1998
Sponsor(s) : IEEE Power Electron. Soc.; IEEE Ind. Applications Soc.; Power Sources Manuf. Assoc
Price : CCCC 0 7803 4340 9/98/$10.00
ISBN : 0-7803-4340-9
Abstract :
In this paper, a new circuit for AC to AC power conversion is presented. The circuit is derived from the matrix converter
topology, which has the capability of direct AC to AC power conversion without any DC link reactive component and input
inductance except a small snubber. It consists of only unidirectional switches such as IGBTs with antiparallel diodes in
contrast to the matrix power converter which consists of bi-directional switches. The input displacement power factor of the
proposed scheme is unity and the overall power factor is near unity. The waveform of the input line currents is much alike with the diode
a large DC-link reactor. The validity of the circuit and its operation is confirmed by experiments which uses a dynamic
load-field oriented induction motor drive system.
Accession_Number : 98:5856477
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