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Here for LTC3440 Evaluation Kit
- Single Inductor
- Fixed Frequency Operation with Battery Voltages
- Above, Below or Equal to the Output
- Synchronous Rectification: Up to 96% Efficiency
- 25ľA Quiescent Current in Burst ModeŽ Operation
- Up to 600mA Continuous Output Current
- No Schottky Diodes Required (VOUT < 4.3V)
- VOUT Disconnected from VIN During Shutdown
- 2.5V to 5.5V Input and Output Range
- Programmable Oscillator Frequency from 300kHz to 2MHz
- Synchronizable Oscillator
- Burst Mode Enable Control
- <1ľA Shutdown Current
- Small Thermally Enhanced 10-Pin MSOP and (3mm × 3mm) DFN Packages