Fiche : [LIVRE090]
Titre : Y. QUERE, Physics of Materials, juillet 1998, 483 pages, 16 x 24 cm.
Auteur : Yves QUERE
Stockage : Bibliothèque LMP
Référence : 9862
Date_d'achat : 21 Octobre 1998
Prix : 542,59
Info. : Fiche N° LMP98-32c
Date : 1998
ISBN : 90-5699-118-3
Mots_clés :
Résumé :
Few areas of Sciences are as all encompassing as Materials Science. Chemistry, Physics, Mechanical Engineering, Mathematics... are each integral
components, ensuring their contribution to the global harmony while at the same time retaining their own importance. The role of physics then is to describe
the object, the effects and the phenomena at the different scales (micro-, meso- and macroscopic) as precisely as possible.
This book addresses this description at the elementary level of primer. Based on an undergraduate-level course taught at the Ecole Polytechnique (France),
its main accent is on the conduction-related phenomena (electronic properties) and the plastic behaviour (ionic properties) of common materials (metals and
alloys, semiconductors, ceramics). It assumes a basic grounding in statistical physics, quantum mechanics and elasticity but does not require prior knowledge
of solid-state physics, to witch it will serve as a useful introduction.
The presentation of the course is followed by several examination problems (with solution), wich cover various specific applications of the general concepts
and which will enable readers to test their assimilation of the latter.
Infos : livre traduit en anglais par Stephen S. Wilson
Date : juillet 1998
Pages : 0 483 pages, 16 x 24 cm, .
ISBN : 90-5699-118-3
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