Livre : [LIVRE010]
Titre : BUCHANAN, Micro-electronics system, design, modelling and testing, january 1997.
Cité dans : [DATA019] Liste d'ouvrages en Electronique de Puissance - EDP, LMP site ST et LMP site EIT, novembre 2002.Auteur : BUCHANAN
Année : February 14, 1997
ISBN-10 : 0340677716
ISBN-13 : 978-0340677711
Stockage : Bibliothèque LMP
Mots_clés : silicium
Info. : LMP97-27
Référence : 9710/LMP
Date_d'achat : 15-Jul-97
Prix : 315.83 F
Book Description
Publication Date: February 14, 1997 | ISBN-10: 0340677716 | ISBN-13: 978-0340677711
This text provides a comprehensive overview of the design, modellng and testing of microelectronic systems. It begins with a brief introduction to the history and development of microelectronics before discussing Bi-Polar and MOS Design (including CMOS and NMOS). After looking at memory systems and field programmable gate arrays it then goes on to explore all aspects of modelling, including VHDL, PSPICE and fault modelling. The third section looks at practical testing of systems, including a discussion of designing for testability and memory tests. This book finishes with a number of appendices that provide vital reference material for MOS characteristics, IC fabrication, design rules, VHDL and PSPICE references, including an excellent PSPICE tutorial.
This comprehensive coverage, from conception, through modelling to testing, of these key systems provides a fully up-to-date account that will prove invaluable for all those with an interest in microelectronics.
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