While attending IRPS 2001, remember to stop by the Reliability Society
table to view and purchase the latest IEEE Reliability Society and IEEE
Educational Activities sponsored training material. The products that will
be available to purchase at discounted prices are:
- "Accelerated Stress Testing," which is available on CD-ROM and NTSC video.
- From this product you will learn: Why you need to do Accelerated Stress
Testing; How to do Accelerated Stress Testing; Examples of benefits.
- "MEMS Performance & Reliability," which is available on video (NTSC and PAL).
- Important topics covered in this video include: How to make valid
performance and reliability measurements; The importance of using optimized
drive signals in achieving high reliability of MEMS actuators; How design,
performance, and reliability are related in MEMS; The physics behind the
failure mechanisms observed.
- "Oxide Wearout, Breakdown, & Reliability," which is available on video
(NTSC and PAL).
- From this video you will: Review the evolution of concepts
related to ever thinner oxides; Study models used to describe the processes
during the wearout/breakdown process; Learn about other literature
regarding oxide as it ages; Preview future developments in this field.
Don't miss this opportunity to purchase these educational materials at
discounts up to 20% off their regular prices!