Submission Deadline (Abstracts Must Be Received By): September 15, 2000
Abstract Preparation: Paper acceptance is based entirely on abstract
submission. Your work must be original and unpublished. Your abstract shall be a
maximum of two pages
long, and shall clearly and concisely state the
specific results of your work, why it is important, and how it relates to prior work.
The abstract should include graphs, drawings, photographs, and key references
as necessary within the two-page limit. Separate from the two page abstract, we
also require a cover page with a 50-word summary of your work, the category
of submission from the above listing, as well as the
authors' affiliation, addresses, phone & FAX numbers and e-mail addresses.
Submission: Abstracts will be accepted in either electronic
(preferred) or paper format. Please follow electronic instructions on the IRPS Web page
http://www.irps.org/tpc. Send electronic submissions to
Eric_Snyder@irps.org. Please limit abstract
file size to a maximum of 2MB. All submissions will be acknowledged within three
weeks. If you do not receive acknowledgment of your submission, please contact the
Technical Program Chair. If you choose paper format, we require 1 copy of your
one-page, 50-word summary and 1 paper copy of your 2page abstract to be sent via
express mail.
Mail to:
Eric S. Snyder, Technical Program Chair, 2001 IRPS
Sandia Technologies, Inc.
6003 Osuna Rd. NE
Albuquerque, NM 87109 USA
Tel: (505)-872-0011
e-mail: Eric_Snyder@irps.org
Late Papers: A limited number of excellent late papers reflecting
important breakthrough developments can be considered on a space-available basis.
Abstract and summary must be received no later than December
1, 2000 to be considered. Late papers must still meet the publication deadline stated below.
Proceedings Manuscript: Final, camera-ready manuscripts (which is
different from the abstract) must be received by
February 9, 2001 so that the
proceedings can be available at the Symposium.
Sponsors: The Electron Devices Society and the Reliability Society of
The Institute of Electrical & Electronic Engineers, Inc. are the sponsors of the
2001 IRPS.