Call for Papers

IEEE Industry Applications Society 39th Annual Meeting

Westin Hotel, Seattle, Washington, USA

October 3-7, 2004


Organized by

The IEEE Industry Applications Society


The Thirty Ninth Annual Meeting of the IEEE Industry Applications Society  (IAS 2004) will take place from Oct. 3  - 7, 2004 in Seattle, Washington, USA.  The Meeting will address the technical interests related to industrial applications of electrical energy.  Papers are solicited on any subject pertaining to the Scope of the Technical Committees of the IEEE Industry Applications Society.  Papers that include industry participation are strongly encouraged.  Each Technical Session will be tied to a Committee's interest area.  Papers will be selected by the Committees sponsoring Technical Sessions at the Annual Meeting according to their scopes.  Further information about the conference and the technical program may be obtained from the conference web site located at


Abstracts and digests (or full papers for submissions to the Industrial and Commercial Power Systems Department) shall be sent directly to the designated Technical Committee or Department Program Chair identified in this call for papers. Please note that certain Technical Committees may have somewhat different abstract and digest requirements as delineated in their call for papers below.  After review, each corresponding author will be notified of acceptance by the Technical Committee and will receive instructions regarding preparation and submission of the final manuscript to be reproduced in the conference record.  These communications will be conducted via email and internet so that a working email address and internet access is required for each corresponding author.  Presented papers are eligible for review and publication in the IEEE Industry Applications Society Transactions.  These Transactions reviews are conducted by the individual technical committees.


Please do not submit the same abstract to more than one Technical Committee or Department.  Duplication could result in rejection of the paper.


Please note that not all IAS Technical Committees have sessions at the IAS Annual Meeting.  If a committee contact is not given in this call for papers, please refer to the appropriate IAS Technical Committee Chair or IAS Technical Department Chair for further information.  The IAS Technical Committee Chairs are listed in the IAS Organizational Manual and Membership Directory.  Additional information can also be obtained via the Society website:


Some technical committees may also sponsor Products and Services sessions at the Annual Meeting.  These sessions consist of oral presentations only and there are no written papers.  These sessions are oriented towards the interests of industry and presentations may be of a somewhat more commercial nature than is possible in the standard technical sessions.  Persons interested in developing a presentation for a Products and Services session should check with the appropriate Technical Committee Program Chair about possible scheduling.       


General Abstract & Digest Requirements:

Electronic submission of abstracts and digests is strongly encouraged and may be required by some technical committees.  If electronic submission is not utilized, prospective authors shall submit four copies each of abstract and digest, typed and double spaced on 8.5 by 11 inch  (or A4 size) paper, to the appropriate area of interest Technical Committee Program Chair:

          one page abstract of fifty to one hundred words with fully headed paper title, names of all authors, area of interest, and name and address of the corresponding author, including phone, fax, and e-mail address.  It is essential that the corresponding author for a paper have a working email address and internet access as communications with authors will be conducted via e-mail and the conference web site.

          digest of up to four pages, including key equations, figures, and tables, headed by the paper title only. The digest must state: purpose of work, manner in which it advances engineering and/or science, and specific results and their significance in sufficient detail for undergoing a review process.


Authors' Deadlines:

January 15, 2004:              Abstract and digest of proposed papers from authors received by the Technical Committee Program Chairs.  Full papers received by the Industrial and Commercial Power Systems Department.

March 31, 2004:                Notification to authors of acceptance or rejection from the Technical Committee Program Chairs. Authors' information received by authors of papers selected for presentation from the Annual Meeting Technical Program Chair.

June 15, 2004:                    Completed papers and IEEE Copyright forms received. It should be noted that this is a firm deadline and that the processing of late papers will not be possible.   


Technical Committee Deadlines:

January 31, 2004:              Session information (FORM A) for all technical sessions received by the Technical Program Chair from the Technical Committee Program Chairs.

March 15, 2004:                Paper information (FORMS B and C) for all technical sessions received by the Technical Program Chair from the Technical Committee Program Chairs.


For further information, you may contact the:


Technical Program Chair

S. Mark Halpin

Auburn University

Electrical Engineering

200 Broun Hall

Auburn University, AL  36849


334 844 1824




Manufacturing Systems Development and Applications Department


The Electrostatic Processes Committee is seeking papers on any topic pertaining to electrostatics. Some examples of appropriate subjects include the following:

Electrostatic Phenomena—Coronas and gas discharge; gas and liquid breakdown; dielectrophoresis; electric fields and biological cells; charged particle physics; electrohydrodynamics; electrofluidization; ESD/EOS; corona chemistry; computational electrostatics.

Applied Electrostatics—Static elimination; electrostatic hazards; electrostatic spraying; electrostatic precipitation; electrophotography; electrostatic transducers, motors, and sensors; electrostatics in polymer processing; gas discharge chemical reactors; electrostatic coating; electrostatic separation; and high-voltage power supplies.


Prospective authors should prepare a one-page abstract along with the title, authors, and three keywords.  Also, the authors should identify one or two relevant subject areas from the above list pertinent to their abstract.  Please include the corresponding author’s name, affiliation, complete address, telephone, fax and e-mail.  Please submit your abstracts electronically to the Technical Program Committee Chair.


Technical Committee Program Chair: Prof. Malay K. Mazumder, Department of Applied Science, University of Arkansas at Little Rock, 2801 South University Ave., Little Rock, AR 72204, USA, tel:  501-569-8007, fax:  501-569-8020, email:


The Industrial Automation and Control Committee invites submittal of papers that present the results of research, innovative tutorials, and summaries of the state of the art on any topics falling within the broad scope of industrial electronic control which includes the application of industrial electrical and electronic devices, systems and methods to the conversion, regulation and utilization of electricity for the control of industrial processes, machinery and heating. Specific technical aspects to be emphasized by the committee this year are industrial process heating and other electro-thermal issues including heat management; industrial networking and communication systems; fault detection and identification in industrial environment; sensors, transducers, and actuators; advanced control technique; intelligent control based on expert systems, fuzzy logic, and neural networks; automation of industrial manufacturing process; and motion control applications.


Technical Committee Program Chair: M. David Kankam, NASA Glenn Research Center, MS 301-5, Cleveland, OH 44135-3127, USA, tel: 216-433-6143, e-mail:


The Production and Application of Light Committee is soliciting papers in areas that include, but are not limited to, lighting electronics (operation, analysis, simulation, and design of electromagnetic and electronic ballasts, igniters, and circuit and component development); lighting control (dimming ballast control, daylighting systems, supervisory system interfaces and control architectures); light sources (discharge physics, lamp design issues, lamp modeling, electrode modeling, etc.); lighting systems (discharge lamp-circuit interactions, power quality issues, etc.); and electronics packaging in lighting (compact packaging techniques, component reliability issues, etc.).


Prospective authors shall submit four copies each of abstract and digest, typed double spaced on 8.5 by 11 inch (A4 size) paper, to the Technical Committee Program Chair.  Alternatively, 1 copy of the abstract and digest can be submitted in pdf format by e-mail to the Technical Program Committee Chair. The abstract should be one page of fifty to one hundred words with fully headed paper title, names of all authors, area of interest, and name and address of the correspondent author, including phone, fax and e-mail.  The digest may be up to four pages, including key equations, figures, and tables, and should be headed by the paper title only.  The digest must state:  purpose of work, manner in which it advances engineering and/or science, and specific results and their significance in sufficient detail for undergoing a review process.


Technical Committee Program Chair:  Bill Peterson, E & M Power, 6 Emma Street, Binghamton, NY 13905, USA, tel: 607-766-9625, fax: 607-766-9622, email:


Process Industries Department


The Metal Industry Committee will be hosting technical sessions dealing with the application of Electricity and Electrical Engineering to the Metals Industry. Three Metals Industry Sessions are planned.  The scope of interest includes matters relating to the making, shaping or treatment of metals, including: power generation and distribution, electrical equipment applications, constant speed electrical drives, adjustable speed electrical drives, automation and control systems, innovative control systems, adaptive control techniques, human-machine interface (MMI, HMI), regulation systems, diagnostic systems, electrical maintenance, arc furnace systems, power quality, and project execution.


The abstracts shall be no longer than one page, but may include several pages of key figures and/or tables.  It must include the name of all authors, their employer, and the address, telephone number, fax number, and e-mail address of the corresponding author.  The abstract should state the purpose of the paper, the manner in which it is expected to advance knowledge within the industry, the specific results that will be described, and their significance.  All documents must be in the English language and e-mail/electronic submission in a Microsoft Word format is preferred.


Technical Committee Program Chair: S. Douglas Cromey, Alcan Aluminium Limited, P.O. Box 20001 Lappan's Lane, Kingston, ON  K7L4Z5 Canada, tel: 613-541-7024, fax: 613-541-7002, email:


The Mining Industry Committee will be sponsoring a technical session to provide a forum through which operations, manufacturing, consulting, academic, and governmental engineers can present papers and exchange information on subjects of mutual interest.  Papers are solicited on any subject pertaining to the field of electrical engineering applications to mining related industries.


Technical Committee Program Chair: John J. Sammarco, NIOSH Pittsburgh Research Laboratory, P.O. Box 18070, 626 Cochrans Mill Road, Pittsburgh, PA 15236, USA, tel: 412-386-4507, fax: 412-386-6710, email:


Industrial and Commercial Power Systems Department


The Industrial and Commercial Power Systems Department seeks papers on the practical application power generation, distribution, and utilization in general industry, and also on rural electric power distribution. The general scope of the department includes the design, analysis, installation, protection, operation, and maintenance of electrical power systems and equipment installed in industrial, commercial, and institutional facilities, and in rural applications.  Special topics of current interest to attendees include the following: developments or trends in power generation for industrial facilities and independent power producers; enhancements in protection of low- and medium-voltage circuits; development of data and procedures for reliability studies; systems and equipment grounding techniques, including grounding of sensitive electronic equipment in an industrial environment; safety practices in electrical power system design, installation, operation, and maintenance; control, monitoring, and management of electrical energy systems; and the effect of new or revised standards or codes on the supply, distribution, and utilization of electricity in industrial and commercial facilities.  Full papers (not abstracts and digests) should be submitted by January 15, 2004 to:


Department Program Chair:  Norman T. Stringer, Artwel, 3429 Jabbour Way, Sacramento, CA 95834,USA, tel: 916-442-4130, fax 916-925-5319, e-mail:


Industrial Power Conversion Systems Department


The IAS Annual Meeting provides a major international forum for papers addressing industrial applications of power electronics, organized into sessions by the four Technical Committees of the IAS Industrial Power Conversion Systems Department. We are soliciting papers in many areas of electrical power conversion, as described in detail below by each individual committee.


Electric Machines Committee: Topics of interest include but are not limited to the following: design and analysis of electrical machines such as induction, synchronous, permanent magnet, switched reluctance, DC, and piezoelectric machines. Design and analysis of other electromagnetic devices such as micromachines, solenoids, actuators, and electromagnetic sensors. Areas of design interest are electrical design, thermal design, mechanical design, cost/performance tradeoffs, and design for specific characteristics such as high efficiency or low noise. Other areas of interest are drive issues, control issues, and safety issues as they relate to and influence the motor design and performance, or are determined by motor characteristics. Emphasis should be on applications and performance including measurements, diagnostics, and monitoring.  The preferred method of submitting abstracts and digests is by email. 


Technical Committee Program Chair:  Dr. Peter Wung, Emerson Motor Company, Motor Technology Center, 8050 W. Florissant Road, Sta. 8293, P.O. Box  36912, St. Louis, MO  63136, USA, tel: 314 595 8293, fax: 314 595 8236, email:


Industrial Drives Committee: Topics of interest include but are not limited to the following: electric drive systems design and applications; applications and issues related to motors and motor controllers from manufacturer and user perspectives; electric vehicle motor drives; comparative evaluations, opportunities, and limitations for drive systems in industrial, commercial and residential environments; cost, reliability, and efficiency issues; system compatibility and power quality issues.  AC and DC drive systems topologies and configurations including novel power converter topologies and machine geometries for industrial, vehicle, and servo drives. New AC and DC drive control concepts; advanced techniques; fuzzy logic, neural networks, performance optimization, adaptive drive control, high-performance servo drives. New microprocessor and digital architectures for drive control applications; drive software design and algorithms including simulation, software stability, computational issues, etc.


Technical Committee Program Chair: Joseph Olorunfemi Ojo, Tennessee Technical University, Department of Electrical And Computer Engineering, Cookeville, TN  38505, USA, tel: 931-372-3869, fax: 931-372-3436, email:


Industrial Power Converter Committee: Topics of interest include but are not limited to the following: application, operation, control, analysis, design and simulation of all types of static power conversion and power control equipment. For example: rectifiers, inverters, frequency changers, dc/dc converters for various applications such as uninterruptible power supplies, switched mode power supplies, active compensators and filters, transportation systems, distributed power generation, dc or ac motor drives, and in general application specific converters.  Techniques for applying new or existing power devices, snubbers, gate drive and device protection, and modulation/control strategies for power converters and innovations that address power quality and electromagnetic compatibility are also of interest.  All abstracts and digests should be submitted electronically, preferably in pdf format.  If pdf is not available to the author(s), then Word may be used as an alternative.


Technical Committee Program Chair:  Dr. Giovanna Oriti, Power Engineering Consultant, 8 John Robinson Dr., Hudson, MA 01749, USA, email:


The Power Electronics Devices and Components Committee is soliciting papers in the following and related topics: Power module technology, applications and integration strategies; Integration, packaging and reliability; Capacitor technologies and applications; Magnetic components, devices and their applications; Semiconductor devices (power MOS, IGBTs and thyristors) and their applications.


The PEDCC has adopted an electronic format in the submission process of conference abstracts and digests.  Detailed instructions and requirements for preparing and sending the electronic submssions will be posted on the PEDCC website at


Technical Committee Program Chair: Prof. Jean Luc Schanen, Laboratoire d’Electrotechnique de Grenoble, LEG-ENSIEG, BP46, F-38402 SMH Cedex, Grenoble, FRANCE, tel: +33 4 76 82 64 73, fax: +33 4 76 82 63 00, email: