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The European Physical Journal AP
Eur. Phys. J. AP 8, November 1999
Materials I: Properties of bulk, thin film and nanomaterials
- p99
- Dielectric properties induced by hindered molecular motion
in crystals and liquids
F.I. Bashirov
PDF file (160 Kb)
- p105
- Characteristics of Pt/PbZr0.52Ti0.48 O3/Pt and Au/PbZr0.52Ti0.48O3/YBa2Cu3O
capacitors after
-ray irradiation
J. Gao, L. Zheng, Z. Song, C. Lin and D. Zhu
PDF file (115 Kb)
- p111
- Effects of excess carbon and vibrational properties
in ultrafine SiC powders
S. Charpentier, A. Kassiba, A. Bulou, M. Monthioux and M. Cauchetier
PDF file (1504 Kb)
- p123
- Pop-in phenomenon during nanoindentation in MgO
C. Tromas, J. Colin, C. Coupeau, J.C. Girard, J. Woirgard and J. Grilhé
PDF file (236 Kb)
- p129
- Spectral signatures of axially excited slabs of dielectric thin-film helicoidal bianisotropic mediums
A. Lakhtakia
PDF file (203 Kb)
- p139
- Fabrication of co-planar metal-insulator-metal solid state nanojunctions down to 5 nm
S. Cholet, C. Joachim, J.P. Martinez and B. Rousset
PDF file (318 Kb)
- p147
- Numerical study of bandwidth of radar absorbers
K.N. Rozanov and S.N. Starostenko
PDF file (136 Kb)
Materials II: Synthesis, processing
and characterization
- p153
- Effect of Cu on InSe/Si(111) heterojunctions
B. Abidri, J.-P. Lacharme, M. Ghamnia, C.A. Sébenne and M. Zerrouki
PDF file (123 Kb)
- p159
- Study of microwave absorptions in M-hexaferrites
for anti-radar applications
O. Dubrunfaut, S. Zouhdi, A. Fourrier-Lamer, E. Brando and H. Vincent
PDF file (149 Kb)
Physics of Electronic Devices
- p163
- Equivalence between the method of magnetic images
and the variable separation method in the study of some
slotless surface permanent magnet synchronous machines
A. Youmssi, A. Rezzoug, E.J. Gudefin and F.M. Sargos
PDF file (252 Kb)
- p171
- Ionizing irradiation effect on the current-voltage characteristics of the metal/ultra-thin oxide/semiconductor structures
K. Kassmi, R. Maimouni and G. Sarrabayrouse
PDF file (204 Kb)
Physics and Mechanics of Fluids
- p179
- Bifurcation modes in non-associated and non-coaxial plastic models
N.G. Diouta, D. Kondo and J.F. Shao
PDF file (183 Kb)
Instrumentation, Measurement, Metrology
- p189
- Ultra-fast optical pyrometry for the measurement of
detonating explosive temperature
B. Leal-Crouzet, R. Bouriannes, G. Baudin and J.C. Goutelle
PDF file (239 Kb)
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