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The European Physical Journal AP
Eur. Phys. J. AP 7, July 1999
Materials I: Properties of bulk, thin film and nanomaterials
- p 1
- A kinetic formulation of piezoresistance in N-type silicon:
Application to non-linear effects
A.R. Charbonnieras and C.R. Tellier
PDF file (380 Kb)
- p 13
- Structure of lead zirconium oxide: Evidence from NMR
S.M. Korniyenko, I.P. Bykov, M.D. Glinchuk,
V.V. Laguta and L. Jastrabik
PDF file (282 Kb)
- p 19
- Magneto-optical properties of metal-dielectric composites
with a periodic microstructure
Y.M. Strelniker and D.J. Bergman
PDF file (487 Kb)
Materials II: Synthesis, processing and characterization
- p 25
- Application of crystal orientation mapping to local orientation perturbations
R.K. Davies and V. Randle
PDF file (396 Kb)
- p 33
- A homologous series Pb2n+1Nb2n-1O7n-1
studied by electron microscopy
Ch. Leroux, T. Badeche, G. Nihoul, O. Richard and
G. van Tendeloo
PDF file (426 Kb)
- p 41
- Microwave flash-synthesis of iron oxides nanoparticles
P. Rigneau, K. Bellon, I. Zahreddine and D. Stuerga
PDF file (236 Kb)
- p 45
- Computation of 3D curvatures on a wet snow sample
J.B. Brzoska, B. Lesaffre, C. Coléou, K. Xu and R.A. Pieritz
PDF file (763 Kb)
Lasers and Optics
- p 59
- Microcavity effect on dye impregnated porous silicon samples
S. Setzu, P. Solsona, S. Litant, R. Romestain and J.C. Vial
PDF file (295 Kb)
Physics of Electronic Devices
- p 65
- Thermal studies of a superconducting current limiter using Monte-Carlo method
J. Lévèque and A. Rezzoug
PDF file (336 Kb)
- p 73
- Monte-Carlo investigation of in-plane electron transport
in tensile strained Si and Si1-yCy
Ph. Dollfus, S. Galdin and P. Hesto
PDF file (278 Kb)
Plasma and Discharge Physics
- p 79
- Numerical studies on a positive ion trajectory in a magnetoelectrostatic trap for plasma confinement
H.B. Ramalingam and V. Selvarajan
PDF file (269 Kb)
- p 87
- Characterization of a spray torch and analysis of
process parameters
R. Ramasamy and V. Selvarajan
PDF file (345 Kb)
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