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The European Physical Journal AP
Eur. Phys. J. AP 6, April 1999
Materials I: Properties of bulk, thin film and nanomaterials
- p 1
- Atomic force microscopy of twin formation in low-stacking fault CuAl alloy
C. Coupeau, F. Tranchant, J. Vergnol and J. Grilhé
PDF file (602 Kb)
- p 7
- Comparative study of electrical properties of
polyaniline films and polyaniline-polystyrene blends
V. Jousseaume, A. Bonnet, M. Morsli and L. Cattin
PDF file (454 Kb)
- p 13
- Conductivity of a periodic particle composite with spheroidal inclusions
N. Harfield
PDF file (341 Kb)
- p 23
- Dielectric properties of periodic heterostructures: A computational electrostatics approach
C. Brosseau and A. Beroual
PDF file (459 Kb)
- p 33
- Domain integral representation vs. homogenization methods
for the analysis of photonic band gaps and absorbers
H. Roussel and W. Tabbara
PDF file (267 Kb)
- p 41
- A fast numerical scheme for computing the response
of composites using grid refinement
D.J. Eyre and G.W. Milton
PDF file (285 Kb)
- p 49
- Group theoretical approach to complex and bianisotropic media description
V. Dmitriev
PDF file (275 Kb)
Physics of Energy Transformation
- p 57
- Electromagnetic properties of a modular MHD thruster
C.H. Kom and Y. Brunet
PDF file (270 Kb)
- p 61
- On the robust control of an induction machine:
A complete design and realization
D.R. Chouiter, G. Clerc, P. Auriol and J.M. Rétif
PDF file (963 Kb)
- p 71
- Analytical modelling of travelling-wave piezomotor stators
using a variational approach
C. Giraud-Audine and B. Nogarède
PDF file (436 Kb)
Lasers and Optics
- p 81
- Multiple light scattering in random systems:
Analysis of the backscattering spot image
A. Arhaliass and P. Snabre
PDF file (367 Kb)
Physics of Electronic Devices
- p 89
- The effects of the time-dependent and exposure time to air
on Au/epilayer n-Si Schottky diodes
H.A. Çetinkara, M. Saglam, A. T
t and N. Yalçin
PDF file (241 Kb)
Plasma and Discharge Physics
- p 95
- Stability region studies of CO2 gas laser mixture RF capacitative discharges
S.M.A. Durrani, P. Vidaud and D.R. Hall
PDF file (244 Kb)
- p 101
- Random pseudo promptings applied to the thermal
characterization of a wet porous material
E. Delacre, D. Defer, E. Antczak and B. Duthoit
PDF file (398 Kb)
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