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The European Physical Journal
Applied Physics
Eur. Phys. J. AP 4, November 1998
Materials I: Properties of bulk, thin film and nanomaterials
- p 117
- Properties of rapidly solidified Al-12.5 Si-1Ni alloy
N.L. Tawfik, E.M. Abdel Hady and A.M. Bastawros
PDF file (282 Kb)
- p 125
- Micromechanical modelling for tension-compression pseudoelastic
behavior of AuCd single crystals
A. Vivet and C. Lexcellent
PDF file (404 Kb)
- p 133
- Characterization of self-affine surfaces from 3D digital reconstruction
J.-J. Ammann and E. Bouchaud
PDF file (878 Kb)
- p 143
- Local spin density functional investigations
of a manganite with perovskite-type derived structures
S.F. Matar, F. Studer, B. Siberchicot, M. A. Subramanian, G. Demazeau and J. Etourneau
PDF file (308 Kb)
- p 149
- Stacking faults and phase transformations in silicon nitride
X. Milhet, J.-L. Demenet and J. Rabier
PDF file (340 Kb)
Materials II: Synthesis, processing and characterization
- p 157
- Surface composition analysis during the oxidation of ferrites: A necessity
K. Basset, B. Domenichini, J. Merle, P. Perriat and S. Bourgeois
PDF file (194 Kb)
- p 161
- Evidence for crystallographically abrupt grain boundaries in nanocrystalline copper
Y. Champion and M.J. Hÿtch
PDF file (194 Kb)
Plasma and Discharge Physics
- p 165
- Influence of the H
and SF
addition to Ne + 1%Xe on the narrow
barrier discharge spectral radiation
G. Musa, A. Baltog, G. Bajeu, C.P. Lungu, E. Raiciu, I. Borcoman and A. Ricard
PDF file (336 Kb)
- p 171
- Plasma treatment of aqueous solutes: Some chemical properties of a
gliding arc in humid air
B. Benstaali, D. Moussa, A. Addou and J.-L. Brisset
PDF file (420 Kb)
- p 181
- Surface modification of hexatriacontane by CF4
plasma studied by optical emission and threshold ionization mass spectrometries
F. Poncin-Epaillard, W. Wang, D. Ausserré,
W. Scharzenbach, J. Derouard and N. Sadeghi
PDF file (375 Kb)
- p 193
- Study of plasmas in He-O2 mixtures and their role
on the stability of the surface properties of polymers
F. Arefi-Khonsari, G. Placinta, J. Amouroux and G.Popa
PDF file (308 Kb)
Instrumentation, Measurement, Metrology
- p 203
- Study of monitoring load failure of an actuator system
G. Salles, G. Grellet, F. Filippetti and H. Yahoui
PDF file (423 Kb)
- p 213
- Influence of the atmospheric humidity on the behaviour
of silicon AFM probes in photon scanning tunneling microscopy
M. Benfedda, S. Lahimer and J. Bonnafe
PDF file (321 Kb)
- p 219
- Metrological features of the rubidium two-photon standards
of the BNM-LPTF and Kastler Brossel Laboratories
L. Hilico, R. Felder, D. Touahri, A. Clairon and F. Biraben
PDF file (284 Kb)
- p 227
- Temperature measurements by optical pyrometry
during the epitaxial growth of semiconductors
G. Lévêque and M. Nouaoura
PDF file (294 Kb)
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