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The European Physical Journal
Applied Physics
Eur. Phys. J. AP 4, October 1998
Rapid Note
- p 1
- Gate-induced spin precession in an In
As two dimensional electron gas
A. Bournel, P. Dollfus, P. Bruno and P. Hesto
PDF file (267 Kb)
Materials I: Properties of bulk, thin film and nanomaterials
- p 5
- Electrical and optical investigations of Rb
crystals in the vicinity of the incommensurate phase
A. Abu El-Fadl
PDF file (269 Kb)
- p 11
- Quantitative analysis of HRTEM images from amorphous materials. I: About the estimation of
f from HRTEM diffractograms
H.S. Baik, T. Epicier and E.Van Cappellen
PDF file (689 Kb)
- p 27
- Investigation on base surface recombination in Self Passivated GaAlAs/GaInP/GaAs Heterojunction Bipolar Transistor
R. Bourguiga, H. Sik and A. Scavennec
PDF file (277 Kb)
Materials II: Synthesis, processing and characterization
- p 31
- Study by electrical analogy of different types of pulse tubes refrigerator: Model and experiment (text in French)
A. Halouane, J.-C. Marichal and M. David
PDF file (272 Kb)
Physics of Energy Transformation
- p 37
- Minimization of the stray inductance in metallized
capacitors: Connections and winding geometry
S. Siami, N. Daudé, Ch. Joubert and P. Merle
PDF file (356 Kb)
Lasers and Optics
- p 45
- Ion beam assisted deposition of organic light emitting devices: Enhanced optoelectronic properties
R. Antony, A. Moliton, B. Ratier and C. Moussant
PDF file (391 Kb)
Physics of Electronic Devices
- p 53
- A few discussion on expert system development for electrical power systems-optimization of an inverter-
motor of a railway traction chain
D. Fezzani, H. Piquet, H. Foch and Ph. Nogaret
PDF file (389 Kb)
Plasma and Discharge Physics
- p 65
- Plasma-modification of polymers: Process control in
PE-CVD of gas-barrier films and plasma-processes for immobilizing anti-thrombotic molecules
R. Lamendola, P. Favia, F. Palumbo and R. d'Agostino
PDF file (268 Kb)
- p 73
- Analytic calculations of ozone concentration in an oxygen-fed wire-to-cylinder ozonizer and comparison with the Vasil'ev relation
B. Held and R. Peyrous
PDF file (446 Kb)
- p 87
- Diagnostic and modelling of
discharges for iron nitriding
A. Ricard, B.F. Gordiets, M.J. Pinheiro, C.M. Ferreira, G. Baravian, J. Amorim, S. Bockel and H. Michel
PDF file (327 Kb)
Physics and Mechanics of Fluids
- p 95
- Analogy electromagnetism-acoustics: Validation and application to local impedance active control for sound absorption
L. Nicolas, M. Furstoss and M.A. Galland
PDF file (388 Kb)
Instrumentation, Measurement, Metrology
- p 101
- Measurements of conductivity in liquids. Application to
G. Gruener, K. Dembinski, A. Bouvier, J.-P. Loup and P. Odier
PDF file (363 Kb)
- p 107
- Surface-potential decay due to surface conduction
A. Crisci, B. Gosse, J.-P. Gosse and V.Ollier-Duréault
PDF file (657 Kb)
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