EPE 2007 - 12th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications
2 - 5 September 2007, Aalborg, Denmark
Aims of Conference
EPE is the place for specialists in power electronic components, converters and systems, to present papers and attend sessions on state-of-the-art technology in this challenging and evolutionary sector. The conference aims to be a meeting forum for researchers, developers and specialists from the industry. Papers are encouraged on all topics described in the list for interdisciplinary discussions of new ideas, research, development, applications and the latest advances in the field of power electronics and adjustable speed drives.
Receipt of synopses 1 November 2006
Notification of provisional acceptance 1 March 2007
Receipt of full typescript for final review 15 May 2007
Working Language
The working language of the conference is English, which will be used for all printed material, presentations and discussions.
