Article : [DIV477]
Titre : B. ANDREYCAK, U-133A - UCC3800/1/2/3/4/5 BiCMOS Current Mode Control IC's, UNITRODE, SLUA149, September 1999, 19 pages.
Cité dans : [DIV095] Librairie TEXAS INSTRUMENTS - UNITRODE et Notes d'applications diverses, octobre 2013. Cité dans : [DIV126] T. LEQUEU, Librairie des fichiers PDF de composants, octobre 2022.Auteur : Bill Andreycak
Source : Unitrode Texas Instruments
Adresse : UNITRODE CORPORATION, 7 CONTINENTAL BLVD. - MERRIMACK, NH 03054 - TEL. 603-424-2410 - FAX 603-424-3460
Lien : SLUA149.pdf - 19 pages, 584 Ko, B. Andreycak, "U-133A - UCC3800/1/2/3/4/5 BiCMOS Current Mode Control IC's ", UNITRODE.
Pages : 1 - 19
Date : September 1999
Lien : UCC1803.pdf - 19 pages, 381 Ko, UCC1800/1/2/3/4/5, UCC2800/1/2/3/4/5, UCC3800/1/2/3/4/5, Low-Power BiCMOS Current-Mode PWM application, SLUS270C - MARCH 1999 - REVISED JANUARY 2005
Vers : Bibliographie
Presentation :
The UCC3800 IC has several innovative features for general purpose current-mode controlled applications: high speed circuitry, undervoltage lockout, an op-amp type error amplifier, fast overcurrrent protection, a precision reference and a high-current totem-pole output.
The popular UC3842 control-circuit architecture has been recently improved to deliver even higher levels of protection and performance. Advanced circuitry, such as leading-edge blanking of the current sense signal, soft-start, and full-cycle restart have been built in to minimize external parts count.
Also, these integrated circuits have been developed on a BiCMOS wafer fabrication process to virtually eliminate supply power and propagation delays in comparison to those of bipolar UC3842 devices.
This application note describes the features of this new generation of PWM controllers and the enhancements possible in typical applications.
Power supply design has become increasingly more challenging as engineers confront the difficulties of
obtaining higher power density, improved performance and lower cost. The control for many of these
switchmode supplies was revolutionized with two significant introductions; an advance technique known as
current mode control, and a novel PWM solution, the UC3842 controller. This IC contained several innova-tive
features for general purpose current mode controlled applications. Included were high speed circuitry,
undervoltage lockout, an op-amp type error amplifier, fast overcurrrent protection, a precision reference
and a high current totem-pole output.
The popular UC3842 control circuit architecture has been recently improved upon to deliver even higher
levels of protection and performance. Advanced circuitry such as leading edge blanking of the current
sense signal, soft-start and full cycle restart have been built-in to minimize external parts count. Addition-ally,
these integrated circuits have been developed on a BiCMOS wafer fabrication process geared to virtu-ally
eliminate supply power and propagation delays in comparison to the bipolar UC3842 devices. These
sophisticated new BiCMOS controllers, the UCC3800 through UCC3805 pulse width modulators address
the challenges presented by the upcoming generations of power supply designs. This application note will
highlight the features incoporated into this new generation of PWM controllers in addition to realizeable en-hancements
in typical applications. The specific differences between members of the UCC3800/1/2/3/4/5
family are reflective of their maximum duty cycle, undervoltage lockout thresholds and reference voltage
which are summarized in the following table.
Bibliographie | ![]() |
[1] : [PAP158] ------- [2] : [DIV474] UNITRODE, U-111, Practical Considerations in Current Mode Power Supplies, UNITRODE, SLUA110, September 1999, 19 pages. [3] : [PAP158] ------- [4] : [PAP158] ------- Biblio : DVI469
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