Fiche : [DIV368]
Titre : AN244, Designing with the L296 monolithic power switching regulator, SGS-THOMSON Application Note, december 1988, 43 pages.
Cité dans : [DIV009] Application Note ST Microelectronics, juillet 2005. Cité dans : [DIV126] T. LEQUEU, Librairie des fichiers PDF de composants, octobre 2022. Cité dans :[REVUE358]Auteur : STM
Date : decembre 1988
Stockage : Thierry LEQUEU
Pages : 1 - 43
Lien : L296.pdf - 286 Ko, 22 pages, L296, L296P, HIGH CURRENT SWITCHING REGULATORS, June 2000.
Résumé :
Acost-effectivereplacement for costly hybrids, the L296 Power Switching Regulator delivers 4A at an output
voltage of 5.1V to 40V and includes many popular supply features. This comprehensive application guide
explains how the device operates and how it is used. Typical application circuits are also presented.
Introduction :
The SGS THOMSON L296 is the first monolithic switching regulator in plastic package which includes the power section. Moreover, the circuit includes all the functions which make it specially suited for microprocessor supply.
Before the introduction of L296, which realizes the step down configuration, this function was implemented with discrete power components driven be integrated PWM regulator circuits (giving a maximum output current of 300 to 400mA) or with hybrid
circuits. Both of these solutions are characterized by a low efficiency of the powertransistor. For this reason it is generally necessary to operate at frequencies in the 20kHz to 40kHz range.
Of the two alternatives discrete solutions are usually less expensive because they do not include as many functions as
the L296.
With the new L296 regulator the driving problem of the power control stage has been eliminated. Besides a higher overall efficiency, it is therefore also possible to operate directly at frequencies as high as 100kHz. At 200kHz the device still operates (further reducing the cost of the L and C external components) when a reduction of a few percent in efficiency
is acceptable.
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