Fiche : [DIV234]
Titre : AN1261, C. ADRAGNA, Getting Familiar with the L6590 Family High-voltage Fully Integrated Power Supply, APPLICATION NOTE, STMicroelectronics, May 2001.
Cité dans : [DIV009] Application Note ST Microelectronics, juillet 2005. Cité dans : [DIV233] L6590, ST: high voltage chip to simplify power supply design, juin 2001.Auteur : Claudio Adragna - STMicroelectronics
Site :
Lien : AN1261.pdf - 279 Ko, 28 pages.
Abstract :
In offline switchers in general and in low power ones in particular, the driving factors when making a design
are reduction of cost, component count, size, weight as well as design to market.
The monolithic or "one-chip" solution, where PWM control and power switch are integrated on the same
sil-icon and/or housed in the same package, looks very attractive especially in low power applications, where
the typical approach, with separate PWM IC and power switch, features the higher cost-per-watt. A
mono-lithic solution, which allows to build an SMPS with very few external parts, has in this case a dramatic impact.
On the other hand, the flexibility of the "two-chip" approach does not provide significant advantages in such
systems where no sophisticated functionality is normally required. Additionally, the monolithic approach
im-proves system reliability and reduces design effort.
This application note describes in details the L6590 and the L6590A, a set of integrated monolithic switching
regulators for offline converters. After a brief description of BCD OFFLINE, the technology used for these
devices, their internal architecture and functionality will be described in details, then a number of application
ideas and application examples will be provided.
[1] : Minimize Power Losses in a Lightly loaded Flyback Converter with the L5991 PWM Controller - AN1049.
[2] : Offline Flyback Converters Design Methodology with the L6590 Family - AN1262.
[1] : [DIV236] AN1049, Minimize Power Losses in a Lightly loaded Flyback Converter with the L5991 PWM Controller, APPLICATION NOTE, STMicroelectronics. [2] : [DIV235] AN1262, C. ADRAGNA, Offline Flyback Converters Design Methodology with the L6590 Family, APPLICATION NOTE, STMicroelectronics, May 2001.
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