La base de données "Ei COMPENDEX".
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Fiche : [DIV157]

Titre : La base de données Ei COMPENDEX.

Cité dans :[99DIV002] Le site Web de DIALOG, serveur de base de données
Cité dans :[99ART029] T. LEQUEU, Comment faire une recherche bibliographique au Laboratoire de Micro-électronique de Puissance L.M.P. de Tours, octobre 2001, 40 pages.

Info : From the Web site or

Vers : 7.1. Database : IE COMPENDEX
Vers : 7.2. File Data
Vers : 7.3. Subject Coverage
Vers : 7.4. Sources
Vers : 7.5. Database Producer

Site : / Databases / All Products and services / Ei Compendex for Computing TM
Lien : cpdx_com.txt - C O M P E N D E X F O R C O M P U T I N G

Site : / Databases / All Products and services / Ei CompendexRWeb / Compendex Journal Coverage
Lien : cpdx_AB.txt - Misc. and A & B
Lien : cpdx_CD.txt - C & D
Lien : cpdx_EH.txt - E & H
Lien : cpdx_ine.txt - I & Ine
Lien : cpdx_inf.txt - Inf & Iz
Lien : cpdx_J.txt - J
Lien : cpdx_KO.txt - K & O
Lien : cpdx_Pi.txt - P & Pix
Lien : cpdx_Pix.txt - P & Pix
Lien : cpdx_PIS.txt - Pl & Proceedings of the IASTED
Info : non dispo. - Proceedings of the IEEE & Proceedings of the International Software
Lien : cpdx_PIS.txt - Proceedings of the International Symposia - Q
Lien : cpdx_RT.txt - R & T
Lien : cpdx_UZ.txt - U & Z

7.1. Database : IE COMPENDEX


COMPENDEX (COMPENDEX*PLUS), the joint COMPuterized ENgineering InDEX and EI Engineering Meetings database, is a comprehensive bibliographic database covering the worldwide literature in engineering and technology. Citations, with abstracts, are in English. If a title is in a language other than English, about 10% of the citations, both the original title and the English translation are available. COMPENDEX (COMPENDEX*PLUS) corresponds to The Engineering Index.

7.2. File Data


- 1970 to the present.
- More than 3.97 million citations (7/97).
- Updated weekly with about 3,500 citations

7.3. Subject Coverage


oAcoustics oData Processing oMetallurgy oAerodynamics oElectrical Engineering oMeteorology oAeronautical Engineering oElectromagnetic Technology oMining oAerospace Engineering oElectronics oMining Engineering oAgricultural Engineering oEnergy oNuclear Engineering oAstronomy oEngineering oNuclear Technology oAstrophysics oEnvironmental Engineering oOptical Devices oAutomotive Engineering oFood Engineering oOptics oBioengineering oFractal Structures oPetroleum Engineering oBiotechnology oFuel Engineering oPhysics oCeramic Engineering oGeological Engineering oPlasma oChemical Engineering oGeophysics oQuantum Mechanics oCivil Engineering oGeosciences oRailroad Engineering oCommunication Engineering oHeat oSafety oCommunications oHigh Energy Physics oSemiconductors oComputers oIndustrial Engineering oSolar Energy oControl Devices and Principles, Instruments and Measurement oMarine Engineering oSounds and Acoustical Technology oControl Engineering oMaterials Science oSuperconductors oConstruction Engineering oMechanical Engineering oTextile Engineering oCorrosion Engineering oMetallurgical Engineering oThermodynamics

7.4. Sources


- About 4,500 journals (63%),
- Books,
- 25% of all citations are conference contributions from about 2,000 conferences per year,
- Reports,
- Other nonconventional literature.

7.5. Database Producer


Engineering Information, Inc. (Ei)
Copyright Holder
Castle Point on the Hudson
Hoboken, NJ 07030

7.6. Usage Terms


The following database producer's special conditions for use of his database(s) apply to your use of the COMPENDEX file on STN.
7.6.1. General Part I Scope
Section 2 to 4 of these conditions apply to all databases offered via STN Karlsruhe as far as no differing regulations are specified under II. Special Part. Customers
A customer is an individual or an institution (i.e. a legal body such as a university, public authority, company) for whom online access has been ordered. Search Results
All rights are reserved. Search results delivered online or offline are only for internal (own) use of the customer. No written permission of the database producer is required if search results delivered to the customer in computer-readable form are used only for internal purposes of the customer, i.e. printed, processed, modified, or linked with other data (e.g. for creating a database). The customer must observe the copyright of the database producer.

Results from searches carried out by the customer on request, or on behalf of individuals or institutions (see under 2.) outside his own institution (third parties) may only be given to them for explicit internal use. The transmitted search results must include the database producer's copyright. For safety purposes, the customer may keep a copy of the results obtained from a search carried out for third parties.

The customer must obtain database producer's specific written permission for any further uses of search results obtained for third parties, particularly for the transmission of search results in electronic form or their distribution in hardcopy, e.g. sale, loan, license, or free charge.

The customer must do his/her best efforts in preventing a theft or inadvertent illicit dissemination of the records. . Warranty and Liability
The database producers shall use their best efforts to deliver correct information in their databases, however, they do not accept warrenty and liability for completeness, accuracy and timeliness unless set out differently in II. Special Part.
7.6.2. Special Part II
Use or copies of all part of Ei Compendex for replacing the database is not authorized. No part of Ei Compendex may be copied in machine-readable form for delivery to or made available for the use of any third party.

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