Fiche : [DIV069]
Titre : Recherche sur l'auteur J.K. STEINKE, février 1999.
Auteur : Thierry LEQUEU
Cité dans : [DIV096] Recherches bibliographiques diverses, janvier 2019. Cité dans : [ART009] J.K. STEINKE, Control of a neutral-point-clamped PWM inverter for hight power ac traction drives, PESC'88, July 1988, pp. 214-217. Cité dans : [ART004] Reduced Harmonics PWM Controlled Line-Side Converter for Electric Drives Cité dans : [PAP031] J.K. STEINKE, Control strategy for a three phase AC traction drive with three-level GTO PWM inverter, PESC'88, Vol. 1, pp.431-438 Cité dans :[THESE041] E.M. BERKOUK, Contribution à la conduite des machines asynchrones monophasée et triphasée alimentées par des convertisseurs directs et indirects. application aux gradateurs et onduleurs multiniveaux, 1995.
Recherche : STN Easy du 16 février 1999
Question : STEINKE J K
4 réponses dans la banque de données COMPENDEX
14 réponses dans la banque de données INSPEC
1 Use of a LC filter to achieve a motor friendly performance of the PWM voltage source inverter.
2 Vector control of a high power induction machine.
3 Five-level GTO inverters for large induction motor drives.
4 Five level GTO inverters for large induction motor drives.
5 Field oriented control of a high power GTO-VSI fed AC drive with high dynamic performance using a programmable high speed controller (PHSC).
6 Switching frequency optimal PWM control of a three-level inverter.
7 Field-weakening with the direct self control (DSC) as a control-scheme for high power three-level GTO inverters.
8 PWM control of a three-level inverter-principles and practical experience.
9 Switching frequency optimal PWM control of a three-level inverter.
10 PWM control of a neutral-point-clamped inverter for AC traction motors in the range of low shaft speeds.
Question : "STEINKE" & "J"
19 réponses dans la banque de données COMPENDEX
21 réponses dans la banque de données INSPEC
1 Use of a LC filter to achieve a motor friendly performance of the PWM voltage source inverter.
2 Vector control of a high power induction machine.
3 Five-level GTO inverters for large induction motor drives.
4 Five level GTO inverters for large induction motor drives.
5 Field oriented control of a high power GTO-VSI fed AC drive with high dynamic performance using a programmable high speed controller (PHSC).
6 Switching frequency optimal PWM control of a three-level inverter.
7 Field-weakening with the direct self control (DSC) as a control-scheme for high power three-level GTO inverters.
8 PWM control of a three-level inverter-principles and practical experience.
9 Switching frequency optimal PWM control of a three-level inverter.
10 PWM control of a neutral-point-clamped inverter for AC traction motors in the range of low shaft speeds.
11 Comparison of Mie theory and the light scattering of red blood cells.
12 Control strategy for a three phase AC traction drive with three-level GTO PWM inverter.
13 Experimental results on the influence of the capacity of the snubber capacitor on the shape of the tail current of a GTO-thyristor.
14 Control of a neutral-point-clamped PWM inverter for high power AC traction drives.
15 Basic principles for the development of control strategies for three-level inverters with three phase AC traction drives.
16 Diffusion model of the optical absorbance of whole blood.
17 Diffuse reflectance of whole blood: model for a diverging light beam.
18 Role of light scattering in spectrophotometric measurements of arteriovenous oxygen difference.
19 Role of light scattering in whole blood oximetry.
20 Firing control unit with closure angle monitor.
21 Rev-counter with LED scale.
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