Fiche : [DIV028]
Titre : ElectrIMACS'96, International Association for Mathematics and Computer in Simulation, Saint NAZAIRE.
Cité dans : [CONF006] IMACS & ElectrIMACS International Association for Mathematics and Computer in Simulation, Technical Committee n°1, mars 2004. Cité dans : [DIV003] Liste des actes de congrès par années, février 2003. Cité dans : [DIV106] Recherche par mots-clés : FLICKER Cité dans : [DIV131] Recherche sur l'auteur Yvon CHERON, mars 2001. Cité dans :[99DIV079] Recherche sur l'auteur Philippe LADOUX, mai 2002. Cité dans :[99DIV084] Recherche sur les mots clés RESONAN* ou INDUCTION* ou HEATING, juin 2004. Cité dans : [DATA203] Recherche sur les mots clés CONVERTER et INDIRECT, octobre 2000. Cité dans :[REVUE043] REE N°01, Revue de l'Electricité et de l'Electronique, janvier 1999.
Organized : by the technical committe N°1 of IMACS
Date : 17-18-19 septembre 1996
Lieu : Saint Nazaire
Info : International Association for Mathematics and Computer in Simulation
Modeling and simulation of matrix converter / induction motor drive 1
Matsuo T., Bernet S., Colby R. S. & Lipo T.A., USA
Modelling and simulation for design and manufacturing of electromechanical systems 11
Sabonnadière J.C., FRANCE
Synthesis of different synchronous modulators for high power three-phase/single phase PWM converters 23
Cambronne J.P. & Pierre X., FRANCE
The series resonant DC/DC converter in current synchronized phase-shift operation 29
Dedecius D., Pouet C., Andrianoelison F. & Cheron Y., FRANCE
Soft switching bidirectional DC/DC converter with galvanic disconnection 35
Buttner J., Szeponik S. & Petzoldt J., GERMANY
Modelling multi-limb transformers with an electromagnetic transient program 41
Enright W., Arrillaga J., Watson N.R. & Zavahir J., NEW ZEALAND
Overvoltages computation in a power transformer connected to the power system 47
Moreau O., Michel R. & Guillot Y., FRANCE
Dynamic modelization of transformers in order to predict magnetic losses 53
Fraisse H. & Masson J.P., FRANCE
Thermal effects bond graph modeling of power electronics switching devices 59
Garcia J., Dauphin-Tanguy G. & Rombaut C., FRANCE
3d numerical study of the annular induction plasma installation 67
Mimoune S.M., Fouladgar J. & Develey G., FRANCE
Mixed formulations applied to thermal problems 73
Hedia H., Dular P., Remacle J.F. & Legros W., BELGIUM
A practical approach to the singular perturbation for simplifying the small signal stability analysis 79
of power systems
Duric M., Radojevic Z. & Turkovic E., YUGOSLAVIA
Modelling of giant magnetostriction in thin films 85
Body C., Reyne G. & Meunier G., FRANCE
Automatic determination of feeding circuit equations in a combined converter-electromagnetic device analysis 91
Kuo-Peng P., Sadowski N.,Bastos J.P.A., Carlson R. & Lajoie-Mazenc M., BRAZIL
State space suitable modeling of power semiconductors with ideal switches, resistors, constant voltage and 97
current sources
Demir Y., Koksal M. & Herdem S., TURKEY
Real-time analog simulator using current conveyors 103
Braham A., Schneider H. & Metz M., FRANCE
Modelling of the matching for non-linear one-phase systems 109
Obrebski G. & Walczak J., POLAND
Developing a nonlinear dynamic toolbox for the study of electric power system ferroresonance 115
Gagnon R., Viarouge P. & Sybille G., CANADA
Modelling of a nonlinear solenoid towards the development of a proportional actuator 121
Rahman M.F., Cheung N.C. & Lim K.W., AUSTRALIA
Simulation of converter-switched reluctance motor for the permanent and dynamic regimes 129
Atanasiu G., Soran I.F. & Sorandaru C., ROMANIA
Permanent magnet synchronous motor modelling for simulation purposes 133
Sanz M.A., Cabanas M.F., Rio J.C. & Orcajo G.A., SPAIN
Digital simulation of a high performance slip power recovery system 139
Marques G.D., PORTUGAL
Modeling and simulation of a six-phase permanent magnet converter-fed machine 145
Goldemberg C. & Lobosco O.S., BRAZIL
Design of a 45 kW permanent magnet synchronous motor for a hybrid electric vehicle 151
Henneberger St., Van Haute S., Hameyer K. & Belmans R., BELGIUM
Force calculations on claw-pole alternator using permeance network coupled with electric circuit 157
Hecquet M. & Brochet P., FRANCE
Influence of the orientation of Nd-fe-B magnetization on the behaviour of a brushless machine 163
Espanet C., Miraoui A. & Kauffmann J.M., FRANCE
Current-controlled modeling of synchronous machines with application to stator and rotor 169
decrement test analysis
Wamkeue R., Kamwa I. & Dai-Do X., CANADA
Modelisation and simulation of a push-pull inverter fed travelling wave piezoelectric motor 177
Bocage S. & Nogarede B., FRANCE
Contribution for choosing a model for induction machine in electrical automotive applications 181
Derouane B. & Friedrich G., FRANCE
EMC modelling for railway traction systems 187
Hill R.J., Brillante S., Pozzobon P. & Pozzobon A., UNITED KINGDOM
Comparison of performances of synchronous drive control strategies for electric vehicles using 193
a global system approach
Mestre P., Astier S. & Lajoie-Mazenc M., FRANCE
Analysis of the electromechanical behaviour of a railway traction drive taking into account 199
the static converter faults
Roboam X., Dagues B., Azema P. & Provoost M., FRANCE
Decoupled-control of levitation and propulsion in underwater LM car ME02 203
Yoshida K., Takami H. & Shi L., JAPAN
Models in the study of power supply for 2x25 kV electric railway track from 1x25 kV system 211
Uglesic I. & Pavic I., CROATIA
Modelling of magnetic and mechanical transient phenomena in an electromagnetic forming system 217
Bendjima B., Srairi K. & Feliachi M., FRANCE
Calculation of electromagnetic forces on large generator end-windings under fault conditions using 223
a three-dimensional finite element method
Richard N., FRANCE
Numerical methods for time stepping coupled field-circuit systems 227
Gyselinck J. & Melkebeek J., BELGIUM
Automatic optimization for the design of Eddy currents systems 235
Burais N. & Thollon F., FRANCE
SESSION O5 : CONTROL Part I | ![]() |
Fuzzy logic based field orientation in an indirect foc strategy of an induction actuator 239
Robyns B., Buyse H. & Labrique F., BELGIUM
Optimization of an observer for the airgap of a hybrid excited magnetic levitation system 245
Friedrich T. & Henneberger G., GERMANY
Sliding mode design of voltage controllers for twelve pulse parallel rectifiers 249
Ferreira Pinto S. & Fernando Silva J., PORTUGAL
Hierarchical control design using structural decomposition of a rectifier converter model 255
François B. & Hautier J.P., FRANCE
Control algorithms of a single-phase active power filter 261
Machmoum M., Bruyant N. & Le Doeuff R., FRANCE
Study and simulation of a cycloconverter - Active filter device with a unity power factor 267
Richardeau F., Cheron Y. & Marroyo L., FRANCE
[1] : [PAP357] F. RICHARDEAU, Y. CHERON, L. MARROYO, Study and simulation of a cycloconverter-active filter device with a unity power factor, 1998.
New harmonic elimination methodology employing structural properties 273
Bolognesi P., Carrara G., Casini D. & Taponecco L., ITALY
A reflection on the subject of converters internal harmonic impedance 279
Souto O.C.N., Carlos Oliveira J. & Aloiso De Oliveira, BRAZIL
SESSION O7 : CONTROL Part II | ![]() |
Discrete modelling of the field oriented control system in VSI fed AC motor drives 285
Labrique F., Fu Y., Sente P. & Buyse H., BELGIUM
Design and evaluation of fuzzy logic controllers for induction motor drives 291
Ta-Cao M., Silva Neto J.L. & Le-Huy H., CANADA
Modelling and experimental studies of an instantaneous torque and field weakening control scheme 297
for an interior permanent magnet synchronous motor drive
Zhong L., Rahman M.F. & Lim K.W., AUSTRALIA
A robust auto-tuning controller for synchronous actuators 303
Kang K., Bacha S., Arza J. & Rognon J.P., FRANCE
A state space control of brushless DC motor with current and voltage limitations 309
Sicot L., Siala S. & Bergmann C., FRANCE
The saturation of leakage reactances in electrical machines 315
Esteves J., Garrido M.S., Pierrat L. & Santana J., PORTUGAL
On the modelling of saturated synchro-reluctant machines considering cross magnetization effect 321
Vahedi A., Meibody Tabar F., Sargos F.M. & Zaim M.E., FRANCE
Characterisation and modelling of hysteresis phenomenon 327
Debruyne H., Clenet S. & Piriou F. , FRANCE
A detailed model of grounded synchronous machines for saturated unsymmetrical transients 333
Wamkeue R., Kamwa I. & Dai-Do X., CANADA
Statistical analysis in network harmonic modelling 341
Arson S., Martinon J. & Rioual P., FRANCE
Statistical analysis of power system damping variation due to load model uncertainty 347
Milanovic J.V. & Hiskens I.A., AUSTRALIA
Synchronous machine parameters estimation using Kalman filter and maximum likekihood 353
combined method
Zhu M.L., Mpanda-Mabwe B., Crappe M. & Renglet M., BELGIUM
Stochastic and neural models of an induction motor 359
Krüger L., Naunin D. & Garbrecht C., GERMANY
SESSION P4 : CONTROL Part III | ![]() |
Neural solutions to the voltage violations problem in on-line contingency analysis 365
Cartina G., Georgescu G., Gavrilas M., Bonciu CR. & Alexandrescu V., ROMANIA
Robustness study of an indirect field oriented control with parametric uncertainty 369
Monmasson E. & Le Ballois S., FRANCE
Induction machine control with neural network to consider non linear loads 375
Forgez C., Lemaire-Semail B. & Hautier J.P., FRANCE
Dynamic field and current space vector analysis of the slip power recovery system 381
Marques G.D., PORTUGAL
State feedback linearizing of a non-linear induction motor control 385
Djermoune A. & Goureau P., FRANCE
Field oriented control for double fed induction machine : simulation and experimental results 391
Morel L., Mirzaian A. & Kauffmann J.M., FRANCE
General control modelling of static converters and optimization of their conversion function 397
Guillaud X. & Degobert P., FRANCE
Comparison of cartesian vector control and polar vector control for induction motor drives 403
Bouscayrol A., Pietrzak-David M. & De Fornel B., FRANCE
DSP based fuzzy controller for electromechanical drives 409
Fernando Silva J., Pina F. & Quadrado J.C., PORTUGAL
Fuzzy sliding mode controller for DC current control 415
Razik H., Weinachter F. & Rezzoug A., FRANCE
Position control of surface mounted permanent magnet synchronous motors without mechanical sensors 421
Sanz M.A., Cabanas M.F., Melero M.G. & Aleixandre J.G., SPAIN
Finite element analysis for determining the operating parameters of high-power generators 427
Plançon J., FRANCE
A hierarchical algorithm for the calculation of the impedance of an induction plasma with a cold crucible 435
Fouladgar J., Chentouf A. & Develey G., FRANCE
Mathematical model to evaluate thermal effects on individual pole of low voltage current limiting 439
circuit-breakers under single-phase and three-phase short-circuit condition
Carrescia M., ITALY
Calculation of electromagnetic transients in power systems by the time constant method 443
Tuttas C., GERMANY
Calculation of the axial magnetic field in the core-end region of large turbogenerator used to determine 449
interlamination voltage of stator core
Stevanovic I. & Petrovic D., YUGOSLAVIA
Modelling of the thermal field in excitation windings of a turbogenerators on basis of resistance networks 455
Krok R. & Miksiewicz R., POLAND
A time stepping fem model of induction motors running on personal computers 461
Ho S.L., Fu W.N., Wong H.C. & Hung C.Y., CHINA
Coupling models for analyzing dynamic behaviors of electromagnetic actuators 467
Srairi K., Bendjima B. & Feliachi M., FRANCE
Modeling of a 100 HP PM brushless DC motor prototype by using the finite element method 473
De Paula P.P., Da Silva J.A., Da Silva W.M. & Scheibig W.E.F., BRAZIL
Comparison of two models of inverters for railway traction 479
Kim K.S., Robert J. & Poloujadoff M., BELGIUM
A new design - Technology technique for optimisation of high power pulse thyristor characteristics 485
Asina S.S. & Surma A.M., RUSSIA
Digital implementation of real time calculation of firing angles for a cycloconverter 491
Elmasri A., Malleus P. & Aubry J.F., FRANCE
Study and simulation of control strategies for three phase sinusoidal absorption rectifiers 495
Marroyo L., Piquet H. & Richardeau F., FRANCE
[1] : [PAP358] L. MARROYO, H. PIQUET, F. RICHARDEAU, Study and simulation of control strategies for three phase sinusoidal absorption rectifiers , ElectrIMACS 1996, pp. 495-xxx.
Extension of the static output network for a class of DC-DC resonant converters 501
Marion-Pera M.C., Robert B. & Goeldel C., FRANCE
Analysis of thyristors' failure in current source inverter 507
Berkan W., Kociszewska-Szczerbik M., Michalski A., Serafin S., Swiatek H. & Zymmer K., POLAND
Soft commutation in the series parallel resonant converter 511
El-Bachtiri R. & Matagne E., BELGIUM
Multiresonant circuit dimensioning and characterization method for a 12 kW converter 517
Lafitte F., Dakyo B. & Protin L., FRANCE
Boost converter modeling for EMC performances improvement 523
Schanen J.L., Roudet J. & Merienne F., FRANCE
Simulation of power converters as hybrid systems with continuous semigroups of linear operators 529
Pastravanu A., ROMANIA
Multilevel PWM rectifier - Multilevel inverter cascade. Application to the position control of 535
the induction machine
Berkouk M. & Manesse G., FRANCE
The current controller minimizing the number of the transistors switching for VS-PWM converter 541
in AC/DC power supplies application
Sikorski A. & Citko T., POLAND
Modeling and simulation of AC/DC converter in non standard supply conditions 547
Graovac D. & Katic V., YUGOSLAVIA
A novel IGBT model for PSpice applied to parallel and series connections 1221
Musumeci S., Raciti A., Sardo M., Frisina F. & Letor R., ITALY
SESSION P7 : CONTROL Part IV | ![]() |
Robustness of a fuzzy controller for induction machine 551
Goureau P. & Ibaliden A., FRANCE
Comparison between two control laws for a two axis excitation generator 557
Mangel H. & Kauffmann J.M., FRANCE
Stator field oriented control of induction actuators without speed sensor 563
Degobert P. & Robyns B., FRANCE
Linearization by generalized input-output injection for electrical motors observers 569
Plestan F. & Glumineau A., FRANCE
Control strategy for direct frequency changer real-time operation 575
Da Silva A.J.R., Monteiro F.B. & Ribeiro E.R., BRAZIL
Determination of a fuzzy controller topology using simulation. Application for speed control 581
of a step motor drive
Betin F., Deloizy M. & Goeldel C., FRANCE
A fuzzy logic control blockset for SIMULINK 587
Silva Neto J.L., Ta-Cao M. & Le-Huy H., CANADA
Nonlinear control of an induction motor 593
Tarbouchi M. & Le-Huy H., CANADA
Perfect and H optimized fault detection in a DC motor control loop 599
Courtine S., Benamara A. & Rognon J.P., FRANCE
Analysis of flux observer sensitivity for FOC induction machine 605
Delmotte E., Robyns B. & Lemaire-Semail B., FRANCE
A parameter plane approach for state space induction machine modeling and control 611
Bottura C.P. & Augusto S.A., BRAZIL
Using an invariant neural network emulator to implement a neural network controller on a boost converter 617
Jammes B., Marpinard J.C., Leyva R. & Martinez L., FRANCE
CAD tools for sensorless control of SR- and PM-motors 621
Kokornaczyk E., GERMANY
Electromagnetic interference of brake stray fields on resolvers in brushless d.c. servo drives 627
Binder A., GERMANY
Numerical simulation of a HF induction generator 633
Ploteau J.P., Auger F., Fouladgar J. & Develey G., FRANCE
Taking into account some three-dimensional effects in the modelling of a brushless permanent-magnet motor 639
Jean F., Brochet P. & Rombaut C., FRANCE
Study based on finite element techniques of high frequency magnetic components 645
Pleite J., Prieto R., Asensi R., Cobos J.A. & Olias E., SPAIN
Heating analysis of a thin plate in a longitudinal flux 651
Hedia H. & Legros W., BELGIUM
3D Eddy current analysis for small skin depth problems. Application to plasma torch for TRIFOU validation 657
Aymard N., Fache P., Feliachi M. & Paya B., FRANCE
The transmission line modelling (TLM) technique as a new solution method in linear magnetodynamics 661
Deblecker O., Lobry J., Broche C. & Crappe M., BELGIUM
2D field calculations with hyteresis for the characterisation of magnetic circuits 667
Ninet O., Peccolo M.A., Fraisse H. & Masson J.P., FRANCE
Permeantive and reluctantive torques evaluated by asymmetrical stress tensors 673
Burlikowski W. & Spalek D., POLAND
A new computer-aided tutor for electrothermal processes CATTHERM 679
Lakhsasi A., Xu J., Neacsu D.O., Brillon D. & Rajagopalan V., CANADA
Design and evaluation of a multimedia package for computer based training on induction motor drives 685
Esteves J., Palma J. & Pires A.J., PORTUGAL
Gentiane : a simulation package for electromechanical systems 689
Gerbaud L., Bolopion A. & Bigeon J., FRANCE
An integrated modelling and experiment suite for the teaching of steady-state and dynamic performance 695
of variable speed drives
Rahman M.F. & Zhong L., AUSTRALIA
A new computer-aided tutor for electrotechnologies CATELEC 701
Neacsu D.O., Yao Z., Brillon D., Lakhsasi A. & Rajagopalan V., CANADA
MINISIEX : Expert system for the teaching of micro power hydraulic stations operation and 707
incipient failure detection
Cabanas M.F., Lombo M.A., Sanz M.A. & Orcajo G.A., SPAIN
A software tool oriented towards the teaching of asynchronous and DC motors dynamic behaviour 713
Orcajo G.A., Prieto M.A.R., Casielles P.G., Cabanas M.F. & Melero M.G., SPAIN
Single quadrant DC motor educational drive with field weakening and with conventional and fuzzy control 719
Cabanas M.F., Nosti P.F., Vazquez F.P. & Sanz M.A., SPAIN
CHURI : Simulation program of induction motor drives with educational purposes 725
Sanz M.A., Ansuriza A., Aleixandre J.G. & Orcajo G.A., SPAIN
A CAE package for understanding Eddy currents repartition 731
Thollon F., Muller D. & Nicolas L., FRANCE
Electromagnetic forces on large generator end-windings : influence of steady-state conditions 735
Duffeau F., Richard N. & Szylowicz N., FRANCE
A model for the prediction of the flux waweform influence on iron losses 743
Boglietti A., Bottauscio O., Chiampi M. & Repetto M., ITALY
Active filtering of torque ripples in double stator synchronous machines 749
Khezzar A. & Davat B., FRANCE
Vibration model for stators of electrical machines incorporating the damping effects 755
Verma S.P. & Balan A., CANADA
Optimal torque-flux control for induction motors : experimental evaluation 763
Ramirez J. & Canudas De Wit C., FRANCE
Induction motor control using a bond graph model of inverter fed machine 769
Riiera R., Delmotte E., Kamel A., Semail B. & Dauphin-Tanguy G., FRANCE
Non linear speed control of an asynchronous motor by using variable structure control 775
Mitzova D., Mira C., Pietrzak-David M., Purwoadi A. & Vorwald P., FRANCE
Stability analysis of an induction motor drive : influence of the rotor flux estimation 781
Delemontey B., Jacquot B., Iung C., De Fornel B. & Bavard J., FRANCE
Experimental noise characterization for induction motor identification 787
Loron L. & Le Carpentier E., FRANCE
Design oriented analytical modelling of linear synchronous on-board generators for EMS maglev systems 793
Di Gerlando A., Fortuna S. & Vistoli I., ITALY
Information losses in decoupling space harmonics effects for an induction drive 801
Cheny C. & Kauffmann J.M., FRANCE
Efficient modeling of synchronous reluctance motor with axially-laminated rotor 807
Feng X., Hameyer K. & Belmans R., BELGIUM
Analytical model for an ironless high speed electronically commutated permanent magnet motor 813
Scheibig W.E.F., Cardoso J.R. & Da Silva W.M., BRAZIL
Robust and frequency adaptive control design for a single phase active power filter 817
Gouraud T., Auger F., Chevrel P., Guglielmi M., Lebret G. & Machmoum M., FRANCE
Implementation of a nonlinear digital speed controller for a synchronous servomotor 823
Madani A. & Bonnassieux Y., FRANCE
Anti-wind up position control of synchronous machine with current limitation 829
Cazaurang F., Ygorra S., Bergeon B., Fadel M. & Faucher J., FRANCE
Linear quadratic simultaneous control of a synchronous servomotor associated to a PWM inverter 835
Bonnassieux Y., Le Pioufle B., Aïoun F. & Aboukandil H., FRANCE
Application of sliding mode control to electrical machines 1227
Siala S., Benkhoris M.F. & Glumineau A., FRANCE
Computer aided simulation of induction motors : a necessary comparison of mathematical models 841
and numerical methods
Moreno-Eguilaz J.M., Cipolla-Ficarra M. & Peracaula J., SPAIN
Application of a parallel inference machine to dynamic simulation of electric power converter 847
Kaneda H., Ohasaki H. & Masada E., JAPAN
A real-time simulation of induction motor drive : a practical experience 1233
Chiesa E., Castelli Dezza F., Marchesoni M., Monti A. & Segarich P., ITALY
Modelling and control technique of unified power flow controller (UPFC) 853
Delarue P., Bogus C., Bausiere R., Milent E., Crappe M., Renglet M. & Trecat J., FRANCE
General sampled data modeling of power systems supplied by static converter with digital and 859
analog controller
Flieller D., Louis J.P. & Barrenscheen J., FRANCE
Study of electromagnetic perturbations in a 500 kHz, 2 kW resonant converter : optimization 865
of the driver and power circuits
El Baroudi S., Belmezouar T., Bocus S.D. & Berthon A., FRANCE
A simple method for the valuation of the harmonics generated by multilevel converters 871
Bartholomeus P. & Le Moigne P., FRANCE
Power factor correction of rectifiers used in induction heating systems 877
Thalin P., Ladoux P. & Nuns J., FRANCE
A proposal for voltage flicker measurement in electrical power systems 881
Peixoto G.R., De Oliveira J.C. & De Oliveira F.A., BRAZIL
Practical proposals to reduce harmonic currents in electrical power systems 887
Souto O.C.N. & De Oliveira J.C., BRAZIL
Numerical simulation and experimentation of a fully digital controlled voltage source active filter 893
Salem Nia A. & Saadate S., FRANCE
Simple model and control method for three-phase active filter 899
Bensoam M., Lequeu T. & Tholomier M., FRANCE
Lien : private/IMACS96A.pdf - 9 pages, 435 Ko.
[1] : [PAP017] M. BENSOAM, T. LEQUEU, M. THOLOMIER, Simple model and control method for three-phase active filter, Proceeding of IMACS'96, Saint Nazaire, France, 17-19 septembre 1996, pp. 899-904.
H control for a single-phase active power filter : experimental results 905
Chevrel P., Auger F. & Machmoum M., FRANCE
Stochastic study of line harmonic currents produced by rectifiers 911
Guerin P., Machmoum M. & Le Doeuff R., FRANCE
Estimating the parameters of synchronous generators directly from the line voltage and current waveforms 917
Salman S., Penman J. & Stewart I.D., UNITED KINGDOM
Identification of electrical machine parameters 923
Li Y.M., Gautier M., Bergmann C. & Feuvrie B., FRANCE
Adaptive position control of a synchronous drive fed by a ZVS PWM inverter, using on line 929
identification and self-tuned RST controller
Kabbaj H., Vorwald P. & Fadel M., FRANCE
Estimation of the electrical parameters of a synchronous machine 935
Jemmi A., Trigeassou J.C. & Champenois G., FRANCE
Thermal supervision of DC motor by parameter estimation 941
Da Cunha J.P., Champenois G. & Gabano J-D., FRANCE
Parameter estimation of an induction machine 947
Moreau S., Gaubert J.P., Coirault P. & Champenois G., FRANCE
Recursive least squares implementation for induction motor parameter estimation 953
Dehay G. & Loron L., FRANCE
Extraction of the parameters for a single-phase squirrel-cage induction motor using an iterative method 959
Christensen L., Mathiassen O., Bech Rasmussen L. & Ritchie A.E., DENMARK
Synchronous drive parameters estimation 965
Robet P. Ph., Gautier M. & Bergmann C., FRANCE
Inductance harmonics identification of a permanent-magnet synchronous machine 971
Madani A., Colamartino F., Marchand C. & Barbot J.P., FRANCE
A novel saturated induction machine model with application in analysis of capacitor braking 977
Levi E., Oros DJ. & Jevremovic R., UNITED KINGDOM
Method for the study of torsional oscillations and their effect on the endurance of 983
turbo-generators' line of shafting
Zlatanovici D. & Florea C., ROMANIA
A numerical simulation of turbine generator rotor vibrations resulted from thermal unbalance 989
Borovkov A.I. & Ryjik B.V., RUSSIA
Detection of a broken bar in asynchronous machines by spectrum analysis of the observed 995
electromagnetic torque
Yahoui H. & Grellet G., FRANCE
An analysis of iron loss models used for inverter fed induction motors 999
Benamrouche N., Bousbaine A., Low W.F. & Mc Cormick M., UNITED KINGDOM
The implementation of multiple artificial neural networks and wavelet thresholding for the 1005
diagnosis of combined faults
Murray A. & Penman J., UNITED KINGDOM
Method of calculating Eddy currents induced in pipe-sheathings of the three-phase flat line 1011
Piatek Z., POLAND
Computation of electromagnetic losses in high speed motors 1017
Ducreux J.P. & Diop A., FRANCE
Fretting fatigue strength estimation of large turbogenerator rotors 1023
Shtilerman J.Z., Iogansen V.I. & Kadi-Ogly I.A., RUSSIA
Setting the obviousness with a numerical method of the cross-saturation effect in synchronous machines 1029
Koubaa Y. & Kamoun M.B.A., TUNISIA
The computation of the differential inductances of the saturated SRM 1035
Dufour S., Vinsard G., Sargos F.M. & Laporte B., FRANCE
Evaluation of torsional strains in a turbine-generator shaft at network disturbances 1039
Maljkovic Z., Kuterovac L. & Glavan B., CROATIA
Effects of shaft misalignment on the current, axial flux and air gap torque of induction motors 1045
Cabanas M.F., Melero M.G., Aleixandre J.G., Muniz M.G. & Solares J., SPAIN
Influence of space harmonics on unslotted saturated solid rotor asynchronous motor performance 1051
Comte Ch. & Grellet G., FRANCE
Modelling and simulation of self commutated synchronous motor as a controlled system for 1055
steady state optimization
Muszynski R., POLAND
Elaboration of an automised system for the diagnosis of the break down of the electrical machines, 1061
converters and control
Chetate B., Lebaroud A., Aitouche M.A. & Boumedine M.S., ALGERIA
Skin effect modelling for multiple continuous casting squirrel cage of induction motors 1067
Cistelecan M. & Demeter E., ROMANIA
Self-excitation phenomenon and unbalanced operations of an induction generator 1071
Ouhrouche M.A., Dai-Do X., Lê Q.M. & Chaîné R., CANADA
Computer model for predicting the transient voltages in high power induction motors fed by inverters 1077
Popiel L., FRANCE
Development of a current-forced reversible rectifier fed single-phase variable speed induction motor drive 1083
Rahman M.F. & Zhong L., AUSTRALIA
Study of an autonomous induction generator connected to a PWM rectifier 1089
Leplat P.M., Tounzi A., Clenet S. & Piriou F., FRANCE
Investigation of the dynamic behaviour of a week grid during connecting a wind turbine generator 1095
via simulation
Tsimplostefanakis V. & Safacas A., GREECE
Simulation of a multi AC-machines drive system using SIMULINK 1101
Broesse A., Friedrich Th. & Hennegerger G., GERMANY
Dynamic simulation of a synchronous permanent magnet machine using the permeance network method 1107
Roisse H. & Brochet P., FRANCE
Variable speed reluctance motors with three and six flux guided rotors 1113
Design simulation for the brushless doubly-fed machine as a very low-speed drive 1119
Wiedenbrüg E. & Wallace A.K., USA
Stator or rotor mounted permanent magnet electrical machines - Likeness and difference 1125
Petkovska L.B., Cundev M.D. & Cvetkovski G.V., MACEDONIA
Predeterminations of permanent magnet reluctant machine with flux concentration 1131
Tia P., Matt D., Poulot P. & Regord C., FRANCE
A multi-phase planar micromotor with etched windings : an investigation on mathematical model 1137
and performances
Marignetti F. & Scarano M., ITALY
Simulation of the transient operational behaviour of a novel electromechanical vibration exciter 1143
for rock drills
Biechl H., Koch A. & Matt A., GERMANY
Three-phase transformer model for circuit simulators 1151
Birca-Galateanu S., FRANCE
A deterministic method for calculation of load supplying capability 1157
Tran-Quoc T., Pierrat L., Lâm-du S., Nguyen-Boi K., Bui-Ngoc T., Nguyen-Chu H., Nguyen-Khac N.
& Tran-Dinh L., FRANCE
Modelling and simulating electric power networks application to aeronautics 1163
Bonenfant L., Pietrzak-David M., De Fornel B. & Geoffroy A., FRANCE
Electromechanical transient behaviour of a large synchronous machine subjected to single 1171
pole switching sequence
Ammari A.C., Pierrat L. & Laouamer R., FRANCE
Modelling of a circuit breaker in order to study the dynamics of the arc roots 1175
Velleaud G., Pezaire D., Laurent A., Mercier M. & Gary F., FRANCE
Experimental validation of numerical modeling of a transformer 1179
Tanneau G., FRANCE
Simulation and monitoring of the circuit breakers mechanical system 1183
Adam M., Baraboi A., Ciutea I., Coculeana Popa & Leonte P., ROMANIA
Torsional interaction in flexible AC transmission systems with a thyristor controlled serie capacitor 1187
Ndayizamba J., Lefebvre S. & Dai-Do X., CANADA
A frequency domain model for transformer loss of life estimation under non-sinusoidal operation 1193
Delaiba A.C., De Oliveira J.C., Vilaca A.L.A. & Cardoso J.R., BRAZIL
Modelling and test of contactless inductive energy transmission 1199
Jufer M., Macabrey N. & Perrottet C., SWITZERLAND
Comparative analysis of different approaches of damping power influence in transient stability problems 1205
Turkovic E., Turkovic M., Djuric M. & Radojevic Z., YUGOSLAVIA
Wavelets and HTA network model exploitation 1211
Chaari O., Ferracci P. & Meunier M., FRANCE
Modelling of vibration of a transformer windings 1217
Byczkowska-Lipinska L. & Mlotkowski A., POLAND
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