Recherche sur l'auteur "D.P.H. HASSELMAN".
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Fiche : [DATA198]

Titre : Recherche sur l'auteur D.P.H. HASSELMAN.

Cité dans : [DIV096]  Recherches bibliographiques diverses, janvier 2019.
Auteur : Thierry LEQUEU

Recherche STN du samedi 1 octobre 2000


Réponses : 138 answers in COMPENDEX databases
Réponses : 364 answers in INSPEC databases
  [1] : [SHEET430] D.P.H. HASSELMAN, Thermal Stress Resistance Parameters for Brittle Refractory Ceramics: a compendium, Bull. Amer. Ceram. Soc., Vol. 49, No. 12, pp. 1033-1037, 1970.
  [2] : [SHEET431] D.P.H. HASSELMAN, Unified Theory of Thermal Shock Fracture Initiation and Crack Propagation in Brittle Ceramics, J. Amer. Ceram. Soc., vol. 52, no. 11, pp. 600-607, 1969.
  [3] : [SHEET432] D.P.H. HASSELMAN, Crack Propagation Under Constant Deformation and Thermal Stress Fracture, Int. J. Frac. Mech, vol. 7, no. 2, pp. 157-161,  1971.
  [4] : [SHEET433] D.P.H. HASSELMAN, Thermal Stress Crack Instability and Propagation in severe thermal environments, Ceramics in Severe Environments, Proc. of the Sixth Univ. Conf. on Ceram. Sci., North Carolina State Univ. at Raleigh, December 7-9, 1970.

Ajout de novembre 2000


  [1] : [SHEET514] J.P. SINGH, K. NIIHARA, D.P.H. HASSELMAN, Analysis of thermal fatigue behaviour of brittle structural materials, Journal of materials  science, vol.16, pp.2789-2797, 1981.

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