Fiche : [DATA139]
Titre : AN601, B. RIVET, New High Voltage Ultra-Fast Diodes: the Turboswitch A and B Series, Schottky & Rectifier Diodes Databook, STMicroelectronics, 1994, pp 935-938.
Cité dans : [DIV009] Application Note ST Microelectronics, juillet 2005. Cité dans :[PAP131]Auteur : B. Rivet
Stockage : Thierry LEQUEU
Introduction :
In today’s power converter, the commutation
speed of the transistor and the operating
frequencies are higher and higher.
Fast diodes used for freewheel, snubber, and
rectifier functions become one of the main causes
of the power losses. In the range of 600V-1200V,
SGS THOMSON has developed a new family of
ultrafast diodes.
Taking into account these new constraints which
are different from one application to another,
SGS-THOMSON proposes two series :
The specific characteristics of these two series
offer to the designer a double choice, allowing him
to use the best diode in this application.
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