IEE booksIEE Books

Properties of Crystalline Silicon Book Cover

Properties of crystalline silicon

Edited by Robert Hull, University of Virginia, USA


A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Z |


AAS atomic absorption spectroscopy
AB antibonding
AC alternating current
AFM atomic force microscopy
AM Austin model
APCVD atmospheric pressure chemical vapour deposition
APD antiphase defect
APD antiphase domain (boundary)
APW augmented plane wave
ARPES angle resolved photoemission spectroscopy
ASED atom superposition and electron delocalisation

Abbreviations Index


BC bond centred
BCA binary collision approximation
BDT brittle-to-ductile transition
BESOI bond and etchback silicon-on-insulator
BHS Bachelet-Hamann-Schlueter
BOX buried oxide
BP Becke-Perdew
BPS Burton Prim Slichter
BSD backside damage
BSF back surface field
BSOI bonded silicon-on-insulator
BTE Boltzmann transport
BZ Brillouin zone

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CB conduction band
CCD charge coupled device
CCM cyclic cluster model
CI configuration interaction
CITS current-imaging-tunnelling spectroscopy
CMOS complementary metal oxide semiconductor
CMP chemical mechanical polishing
CNDO complete neglect of differential overlap
CNDO/S CNDO/spectroscopic
COP crystal originated particle
COS corona oxide semiconductor
CPAA charged particle activation analysis
CPMD Car-Parrinello molecular dynamics
CPU central processing unit
C-V capacitance-voltage
CVD chemical vapour deposition
CW continuous wave
CZ Czochralski
Cz Czochralski
CZN cerium zinc nitrate

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DAS dimer adatom stacking fault
DC direct current
DE-AAS drop etching atomic absorption spectroscopy
DFT density functional theory
DF-TB density functional based tight binding
DHL dislocation half-loop
DI de-ionised
2DLFM two-dimensional low-frequency motion
DLTS deep level transient spectroscopy
DMC diffusion Monte Carlo
2DNG two-dimensional nucleation and growth
DO differential overlap
DQMC diffusion quantum Monte Carlo
DRAM dynamic random access memory
DRIE deep reactive ion etching
DSPE double solid phase epitaxy
DZ denuded zone

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EBIC electron-beam-induced current
ECR electron cyclotron resonance
EELS electron energy loss spectroscopy
ELID electrolytic in-process dressing
ELTRAN RTM epitaxial layer transfer
EMA effective mass approximation
EMT effective mass theory
ENDOR electron nuclear double resonance
EOR end of range
EPM empirical pseudopotential model
EPR electron paramagnetic resonance
ESF extrinsic stacking fault
ESR electron spin resonance
ETB empirical tight binding

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FCC face centred cubic
FD fully-depleted
FEOL front end of line
FET field effect transistor
FFT fast Fourier transform
FPD flow pattern defect
FRS forward recoil scattering
FTIR Fourier transform infrared
FWHM full width at half maximum
FWHP full width at half peak
FZ floating zone

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GEA gradient expansion approximation
GFA gas fusion analysis
GGA generalised gradient approximation
GOI gate oxide integrity
GSMBE gas-source molecular beam epitaxy
GTO Gaussian-type orbital
GW approximation to the self energy based on the one-electron Green's function G and screened Coulomb interaction W (Hedlin & Lundquist, 1969)

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HBT heterojunction bipolar transistor
HC high carbon (content)
HEMT high electron mobility transistor
HF Hartree-Fock
HFR Hartree-Fock-Roothaan
HL high level
HNA hydrofluoric-nitric-acetic
HREELS high resolution electron energy loss spectroscopy
HREM high resolution electron microscopy
HRTEM high resolution transmission electron microscopy
HSC Hamann-Schlueter-Chiang
HTEM high resolution transmission electron microscopy
HTS high temperature sputtering
HTS high temperature superconducting

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I self-interstitial
IBAS ion beam assisted sputtering
IBZ irreducible Brillouin zone
IC integrated circuit
IIP3 input-referred third order intercept point
INDO intermediate neglect of differential overlap
IPA isopropyl alcohol
IR infrared
IRAS infrared absorption spectroscopy
ISF intrinsic stacking fault
ITOX internal thermal oxide/oxidation
I-V current-voltage

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JFET junction field effect transistor

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KB Kleinman-Bylander
K-K Kramers-Kronig
kMC kinetic Monte Carlo
KS Kohn-Sham

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L longitudinal
LA longitudinal acoustic
LATID large-angle-tilt implanted drain
LBIC laser beam induced current
LC low carbon (content)
LCAO linear combination of atomic orbitals
LCGO linear combination of Gaussian orbitals
LD low dose
LDA local density approximation
LDA-PP local density approximation using pseudopotentials
LDD lightly doped drain
LDF local density functional
LED light emitting diode
LEED low energy electron diffraction
LEEM low energy electron microscopy
LET linear energy transfer
LHeT liquid helium temperature
LL low level
LMTO linear muffin tin orbital
LNA low noise amplifier
LO local oscillator
LO longitudinal optical
LPCVD low pressure chemical vapour deposition
LPVPE low pressure vapour phase epitaxy
LRP limited reaction processing
LSD local spin density
LSDA local spin density approximation
LSI large scale integration
LST light scattering tomography
LTO low temperature oxide
LVM local vibrational mode

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MBA molecular beam allotaxy
MBE molecular beam epitaxy
MC Monte Carlo
MCM molecular cluster model
MCZ magnetic field-applied Czochralski
MD molecular dynamics
MEMS micro electromechanical systems
MESFET metal-semiconductor field effect transistor
MFD multiple stacking fault defect
MIM metal insulator metal
MINDO modified INDO
MIR multiple internal reflection
MIT multiple internal transmission
MIT-IR multiple internal transmission infrared
ML monolayer
MLDA modified local density approximation
MNDO modified NDDO
MODFET modulation doped field effect transistor
MOS metal oxide semiconductor
MOSFET metal oxide semiconductor field effect transistor
MP Monkhorst and Pack
M-S metal-semiconductor
MS molecular statics
MSPE monolayer solid phase epitaxy

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NAA neutron activation analysis
ND new thermal donor
NDDO neglect of diatomic differential overlap
NDM negative differential mobility
NDO neglect of differential overlap
NF noise figure
NFET n channel field effect transistor
NI not indicated
NMOS n channel metal oxide semiconductor
NMOSFET n channel
MOSFET NN nearest neighbour
NNN next nearest neighbour

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ODE orientation-dependent etch
ODMR optically detected magnetic resonance
OED oxidation enhanced diffusion
OIP3 output-referred third order intercept point
OISF oxidation induced stacking fault
OME oxide mediated epitaxy
OPW orthogonalised plane wave
OSF oxidation induced stacking fault
OV oxygen-vacancy (centre)

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PACE plasma assisted chemical etching
PBS poly-backside seal
PC photoconductivity
PCD photoconductivity decay
PDG phosphorus diffusion gettering
PID planar interstitial defect
PIMC path integral Monte Carlo
PL photoluminescence
PLE photoluminescence excitation
PM parametrised model
PMOS p channel metal oxide semiconductor
PP pseudopotential
PPPW pseudopotential plane-wave
PR piezoresistive
PRDDO partial retention of diatomic differential overlap
PSG phosphosilicate glass
PTIS photothermal ionisation spectroscopy
PV photovoltaic
PW Perdew-Wang
PZ Perdew-Zunger

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QP quasiparticle

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RBE reactive beam epitaxy
RBS Rutherford backscattering
RE rare earth
RF radio frequency
RGA residual gas analysis
RHEED reflection high-energy electron diffraction
RIE reactive ion etching
RMS root mean square
RPCVD reduced pressure chemical vapour deposition
RSCE reverse short-channel effects
RT room temperature
RTA rapid thermal anneal
RTCVD rapid thermal chemical vapour deposition
RTP rapid thermal processing
RW Rayleigh wave

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SAD selected area diffraction
SADS silicide as the doping source
SANS small angle neutron scattering
SB Schottky barrier
SBH Schottky barrier height
SBZ surface Brillouin zone
SCF self-consistent field
SCI surface charge imaging
SCP surface charge profiling
SDL stable defect layer
SE spectroscopic ellipsometry
SEM scanning electron microscopy
SETB semi-empirical tight-binding
SEU single event upset
SF stacking fault
SFT stacking fault tetrahedra
SGS SiGe on sapphire
SIMOX separation by implantation of oxygen
SIMS secondary ion mass spectrometry
SOI silicon-on-insulator
SOS silicon-on-sapphire
SPE solid phase epitaxy
SPER solid phase epitaxial regrowth
SPV surface photovoltage
SQUID superconducting quantum interference device
SR spreading resistance
SRAM static random access memory
SRH Shockley-Read-Hall
SRP spreading resistance profile
STD shallow thermal donor
STIR site total indicator reading
STM scanning tunnelling microscopy
STO Slater-type orbital
SX-LDA screened-exchange local density approximation

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T tetrahedral
T transverse
TA transverse acoustical
TB tight binding
TBMD tight binding molecular dynamics
TBTE tight-binding total-energy
TCAD technology computer aided design
TCP temperature coefficient of piezoresistance
TCR temperature coefficient of resistance
TD thermal donor
TD threading dislocation
TDD thermal double donor
TED transient enhanced diffusion
TEM transmission electron microscopy
TFSOS thin film silicon on sapphire
TIME Ti interlayer mediated epitaxy
TO transverse optical
TR transmit/receive
TTV total thickness variation
TXRF total reflectance X-ray fluorescence

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UHV ultra high vacuum
UHV/CVD ultra high vacuum chemical vapour deposition
ULSI ultra large scale integration
USTD ultra-shallow thermal donor
UV ultraviolet

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V vacancy
VFF valence force field
VLPCVD very low pressure chemical vapour deposition
VLSI very large scale integration
VMC variational Monte Carlo
VO vacancy-oxygen
VPD-AAS vapour phase decomposition atomic absorption spectroscopy
VPE vapour phase epitaxy
VWN Vosko-Wilk-Nusair

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WLF Wannier-like function

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XPS X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy
XRD X-ray diffraction
XROI X-ray and optical interferometry
XTEM cross-sectional transmission electron microscopy

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ZDO zero differential overlap

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