CSC'4 SCIENTIFIC POSTERS 1-6 July 2001 - Tours (France) |
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1 |
Effet de la
température sur la technique de pompage de charge spectroscopique pour la
modélisation des défauts à l'interface des transistors MOS
submicroniques |
2 |
Modelling of interface traps for ageing study of TMOS N. Guenifi, F. Djahli, A. Mayouf - Univ. Ferhat Abbas, Sétif (DZ) |
3 |
Positive corona inception in HVDC configurations under variable air
density and humidity conditions Y. Zebboudj - Univ. de Béjaïa (DZ) |
4 |
Analysis of electric field during the positive DC corona in
wire-cylinder H. Yala, A. Kasdi, Y. Zebboudj - Univ. de Béjaïa (DZ) |
5 |
Caractérisation de matériaux diélectriques par réflectométrie
temporelle A. Soualmia, M. Abdelguerfi - Fac. des Sciences (Physique), Alger/El-Alia (DZ) |
6 |
Monte Carlo simulation of the implantation of a negative charge in
an insulating target by a well focused electron beam R. Renoud, F. Mady, J.P. Ganachaud - Univ. Nantes (F) |
7 |
Mobility results in molecularly doped polycarbonate as obtained by
time of flight and radiation induced conductivity techniques A.P. Tyutnev*, E.D. Pozhidaev*, A.V. Vannikov**, Yu.F. Kundina*, V.S. Saenko* - *Moscow State Inst. of Electronics & mathematics (FR) - **Frumkin Inst. of Electrochemistry, Moscow (FR) |
8 |
Modification of MoO3 surfaces by an electron beam or by Co
deposition J.L. Carelli, G. Benitez, L. Viscito, J.M. Heras - Univ. Nat. de La Plata (Argentina) |
9 |
Mesure des paramètres de la décharge couronne en géométrie nappe de
fils-plan S. Ait-Amar, Y. Zebboudj - Univ. A. Mira, Béjaïa (DZ) |
10 |
Charge stability and piezoelectric properties of porous
fluoropolymer space-charge electrets as free standing films and in composit systems M. Wegener, W. Wirges, T. Görne, R. Gerhard-Multhaupt - Univ. of Potsdam (D) |
11 |
Surface potential contrast observed by scanning Kelvin probe
microscopy on SiO2/Si surfaces C. Guasch, H. Dongmo, P. Girard, J. Bonnet - Univ. de Montpellier 2 (F) |
12 |
On a new field dependence of time-to-breakdown model for
reliability of dielectric ranging from 20 to 65 nm S. Oussalah*, F. Nebel**, R. Jérisan** - *CDTA, Alger (DZ) - **LMP-ST Microelectronics, Tours (F) |
13 |
Impurity and point defect segregation near interfaces in
iono-covalent nanomaterials S. Amara Korba*, D.E. Mekki*, C. Monty** - *Univ. d'Annaba (DZ) - **CNRS-IMP, Font-Romeu (F) |
14 |
Zones d'attraction d'un paratonnerre horizontal dans le cas d'une
terre discontinue A. Rahmani*, A. Boubakeur**, H. Brouri** - *Univ. A. Mira, Bejaia (DZ) - **Ecole Nat. Polytechnique, Alger (DZ) |
15 |
Evolution of the trapped charge induced by high energy electron
beam bombardment of dielectric material B. Askri*, K. Raouadi*, B. Yangui*, R. Renoud**, N. Dammak***- *Fac. des Sciences de Tunis (TN) - **Fac. des Sciences et des Techniques de Nantes (F) - ***Fac. des Sciences de Sfax (TN) |
16 |
Electrical conduction behaviour of 100 MeV Si+ ion irradiated
polyromellitimide film M. Garg, J.K. Quamara - Regional Engineering College, Kurukshetra (Inde) |
17 |
The application of
charged liquid-phase deposited oxide as interlayer for self-induced
lightly-doped-drain (SI-LDD) Poly-Si TFT's C.F. Yeh, D.C. Chen, S.C. Wang, T.Z. Yang - Nat. Chiao Tung Univ., Taiwan (R.O.C.) |
18 |
Thermally stimulated depolarization current behaviour of high
energy ion - irradiated poly (P-hydroxy benzoic acid-co-ethylene
terephthalate) liquid crystal polymer J.K. Quamara, Y. Sridharbabu - Regional Engineering College, Kurukshetra (Inde) |
19 |
Evolution of pulsed
acoustic waves generated in a solid material by injection of
high-current-density electron beam of nanosecond pulse
duration V.I. Bykov, M.I. Chebodaev, A.V. Chernov, D.I. Vaisburd - Tomsk Polytech Univ. (FR) |
20 |
Quantum theory and experimental research of two-dimensional (2D)
electron gas generated in the surface layer of a dielectric by injection
of high current-density electron beam K.E. Evdokimov, D.I. Vaisburd - Tomsk Polytech Univ. (FR) |
21 |
Space charge dynamics in electron-irradiated
dielectrics V.A. Dyrkov, E.V. Lisichkov, N.A. Zacharov - Tomsk Polytech Univ. (FR) |
22 |
Influence of the induction heating of the surface of
ceramics L.L. Sartinska - Inst. for Problems of Materials Science, Kiev (Ukraine) |
23 |
Development of hydrothermal processing of nanocrystalline zirconia
powders and films R. Piticescu*, M. Kosec**, S. Axinte***, C. Monty**** - *Inst. for Non-ferrous & Rare Metals, Bucharest-Pantelimon (R) - **Jozef stefan Inst., Ljubljana (Slovenia) - **Microlectronica SA, Bucharest-Voluntari (R) - ****CNRS-IMP, Font Romeu (F) |
24 |
Monte-Carlo calculation of low energy electron scattering in
insulators H.J. Fitting, E. Schreiber, J.C. Kuhr, A. von Czarnowski - Rostock Univ. (D) |
25 |
Mesure de la distribution de la charge des composés
diélectriques M. Hemissi, N. Guennifi, F. Alisahraoui - Univ. Ferhat Abbas, Sétif (DZ) |
26 |
Contournement d'une surface isolante sous pollution non
uniforme A. Mekhaldi, M. Teguar, A. Boubakeur - Ecole Nat. Polytechnique, Alger (DZ) |
27 |
Modèle de contournement des isolateurs partiellement
pollués M. Teguar, A. Mekhaldi, A. Boubakeur - Ecole Nat. Polytechnique, Alger (DZ) |
28 |
Beta particules methods for space charge measurements in electron -
irradiated dielectrics V.A. Dyrkov, E.V. Lisichko, N.A. Zakharov - Tomsk Polytechnic Univ. (FR) |
29 |
Change of properties
of MIN-structure at formation of a positive charge in
insulator Y.V. Saharov, P.E. Troyan, A.A. Zhigalsliy - Tomsk State Univ. of control system and radioelectronics (FR) |
Mesure du champ électrique en géométrie pointe - barrière trouée -
plan S. Mouhoubi - Univ. A. Mira, Béjaïa (DZ) |
31 |
Trapping characterization in thin oxide films by the induction
charges measurement J. Liebault*, D. Siesse-Moya*, G. Baret**, G. Moya* - *Fac. des Sciences de St Jérôme, Marseille (F) - **Thomson Plasma, Moirans (F) |
32 |
Charge trapping effect induced secondary electron emission
variation D. Braga, G. Blaise - Univ. Paris Sud, Orsay (F) |
33 |
Measurements of space charge in oil impregnated pressboard. Effect
of BTA concentration and temperature gradient P. Mas*, G. Touchard*, O. Moreau** - *Lab. d'Etudes Aérodynamiques, Futuroscope-Poitiers (F) - *Electricité de France, Clamart (F) |
34 |
Application of the SEMM method to heterogeneous
materials O. Pauhle*, D. Juvé*, D. Tréheux - Ecole Centrale de Lyon, Ecully (F) |
35 |
The mirror method through the medium of a metallic ball (or
pin) O. Pauhle, J. Vallayer, C. Guerret-Piécourt, D. Tréheux - Ecole Centrale de Lyon, Ecully (F) |
36 |
Charge trapping and charge relaxation measurement in
electron-irradiated insulators in SEM M. Belhaj, O. Jbara, D.J. Ziane - Fac. des Sciences, Reims (F) |
37 |
Analysis of two methods of measurement of surface potential of
insulators in SEM : electron spectroscopy and x-ray spectroscopy methods M. Belhaj*, O. Jbara*, M.N. Filippov**, E.I. Rau** - *Fac. des Sciences, Reims (F) - **Moscow State Univ. (FR) |
38 |
Electrical characterization of thin dielectric films using
conductive atomic force microscopy P. De Wolf - Veeco Instruments, Dourdan (F) |
39 |
Comparison between SiO2/glass Si3N4/SiO2/glass behaviors under
electron bombardment R. Gallet*/**, J.P. Gosse**, Y. Arnal** - *PixTech SA, Rousset (F) - **CNRS/LEMD, Grenoble (F) |
40 |
Status on charge effects at dielectric surface in plasma display
panels operation A. Seguin - Thomson Plasma, Moirans (F) |
41 |
Determination of the charge centroid and the total injected by
corona process in silicon dioxide/silicon samples N. Farhat*, G.M. Sessler** -*Fac. des Sciences de Monastir (TN) - **Univ. of Technology, Darmstadt (D) |
42 |
Stress induced leakage current analysis of a 7,2 nm-thick SiO2
oxide J.P. Sorbier - Univ. De Povence, Marseille (F) |
43 |
Quelques propriétés des agrégats de MgO contenant un atome de
substitution C. Coudray, G. Blaise - Univ. Paris-Sud, Orsay (F) |
44 |
Surface charging distribution in ceramic rf windows S. Michizono, Y. Saito - KEK, Ibaraki (J) |
45 |
Study of the secondary electron emission yield of a charging
insulating target R. Renoud, J.-P. Ganachaud, F. Mady - Université de Nantes (F) |
2 | |
1 |
Effet de la
fréquence sur la permittivité dielectrique du polychlorure de vinyle
rigide et plastifié |
2 |
Structure-sintering temperature relationship in lead
zirconate-titane solid solutions : xPbZrO3-yPbTiO3-zPb(Fe1/5, Ni1/5,
Sb3/5)O3 A. Boutarfaia - Univ. de Biskra (DZ) |
3 |
Microwave discharge locally initiated at ceramics V.A. Nevrovsky* - V.A. Vasin** - *Moscow State Univ. of Aircraft Technology (FR) - **Polygon MT Ltd, Novy Byt (FR) |
4 |
Laser induced dielectric flashover in air V.A. Nevrosky*, V.A. Vasin** - *Moscow State Univ. of Aircraft Technology - **Polygon MT Ltd, Novy Byt (FR) |
5 |
Mobility estimation from space-charge measurements as an indicator
for insulation ageing G. Mazzanti, G.C. Montanari, F. Palmieri - Univ. di Bologna (I) |
6 |
Influence des vieillisssements thermique et électrique sur
l'évolution des arborescences électriques N. Rouha, A. Medjoub - Univ. A. Mira, Béjaïa (DZ) |
7 |
Correlated mechanichal and dielectrical properties of solid
insulators : case of TiO2 (rutile) A. Kallel*, D. Tréheux**, C. Guerret**, T. Temga*/**, Z. Fakfakh** - *Fac. des Sciences de Sfax (TN) - **Ecole Centrale de Lyon, Ecully (F) |
8 |
Evaluation de la
charge par émission X des matériaux diélectriques chargés
progressivement S. Fakhfakh*, K. Raouadi**, Z. Fakhfakh* - *Fac. des Sciences de Sfax (TN) - **Fac. des Sciences de Tunis (TN) |
9 |
Study of the space charge relaxation in amorphous and
semi-crystalline poly ether ketone (PEEK) M. Arous*/**, A. Kallel*, Z. Fakhfakh*, G. Pérrier** - *Fac. des Sciences de Sfax (TN) - **Univ. de Savoie, Le Bourget du Lac (F) |
10 |
The streamer stage of the crystal dielectric breakdown
V.D. Kulikov - Tomsk Polytechnical Univ. (FR) |
11 |
Surface and volume charge trapping studied by potential decay
measurements on polypropylene films P. Llovera, P. Molinié - Supélec, Gif-sur-Yvette (F) |
12 |
Space charge investigation in unfilled epoxy resins aged under AC
field and high temperature A. Sylvestre*, P. Gonon*, P. Rain*, A. Khomsi** - *LEMD, Grenoble (F) - **Schneider Electric, Grenoble (F) |
13 |
Improvement of industrial alumina ceramics hold-off voltage.
Application to X-rays tubes in NDT area L. Martinez, J. Cachard - Thomson Tubes Electroniques, Thonon-les-Bains (F) |
14 |
Dynamics of charge transport in electrical treeing under ac voltage
M. Sack, M.D. Noskov, A.S. Malinovski, A.J. Schwab - Univ. Karlsruhe (D) - Polytechnic Univ. of Tomsk (FR) |
15 |
Internal field-assisted charge transfer in insulators V. Dallacasa - Univ. of Verona / Istituto Naz. di Fisica della Materia, Sezione di Parma (I) |
16 |
Study of physical ageing in PNMA by DSC and TSDC J. Sellarès, J. Belana, J.C. Canadas, J.A. Diego, M. Mudarra, I. Tamayo - ETSEIT, Terrassa (SP) |
17 |
Characterization of mid voltage XLPE insulated cables by
TSDC I. Tamayo, M. Mudarra, J.C. Canadas, J.A. Diego, J. Sellarès, J. Belana - ETSEIT, Terrassa (SP) |
18 |
Charge distributions on aluminas of different purity under
non-uniform electric field of DC voltage application in vacuum Y. Yamano*, K.* Kasuga*, S. Kobayashi*, Y. Saito** - *Saitama Univ. (J) - **KEK, Ibaraki (J) |
19 |
Experimental and numerical studies of polyetylene cable connexion
by thermal step method E. Belgaroui*, S. Agnel**, Y. Mlik*, A. Toureille** - *Inst. Préparatoire aux Etudes d'Ingénieurs de Sfax (TN) - **Univ. de Montpellier 2 (F) |
20 |
Heating effect on space charge behaviour in epoxy resin material
characterized by IR spectroscopy H. Smaoui*, H. Guermazi*, S. Agnel**, Y. Milk*, A. Toureille**, F. Schue** - *Inst. Préparatoire aux Etudes d'Ingénieurs de Sfax (TN) - **Univ. de Montpellier 2 (F) |
21 |
Charge transport mechanism in teflon FEP samples irradiated with
electron beam D.L. Chinaglia*, M.T. Figueiredo**, G.F. Leal Ferrreira**, R.M. Faria** - *Univ. Estadual Paulista, Rio-Claro (Brazil) - **Inst. de Fisica de Sao Carlos (Brazil) |
22 |
Influence of TiO2 on the electric properties of high density
polyethylene D. Schwantes, W.M. Araujo, M. Zanin, J.A. Giacometti - Inst. de Fisica de Sao Carlos (Brazil) |
23 |
Influence of the dopant acid PH in the electric breakdown of
PET/PANI composites A.E. Job*, N. Alves*, J.A. Giacometti**, M. Zanin***, L.H.C. Mattoso**** - *Fac. de Ciencia e Tecnologia, Presidente Prudente (Brazil) - **Inst. de Fisica de Sao Carlos (Brazil) - Federal Univ. of Sao Carlos (Brazil) - Embrapa Instrumentacao Agropecuaria, Sao Carlos (Brazil) |
24 |
Influence of oxidation and reduction on the trapping capacity of
a-alumina single crystal D. Juvé*, C. Jardin**, D. Tréheux*, J. Bigarré***, P. Hourquebie*** - *Ecole Centrale de Lyon, Ecully (F) - **Univ. Cl. Bernard-Lyon I, Villeurbanne (F) -***CEA Le Ripault, Monts (F) |
25 |
Influence of an applied stress on the trapping capacity of an
insulating material D. Juvé*, D. Tréheux*, J. Bigarré**, P. Hourquebie** - *Ecole Centrale de Lyon, Ecully (F) - **CEA Le Ripault, Monts (F) |
26 |
The localisation of stored energy in alumina biomaterials after
sterilization by g-radiation J.C. Dubois*, C. Jardin**, P. Exbrayat*, M. Lissac*, D. Tréheux*** - *Fac. d'Odontologie, Lyon (F) - **Univ. Cl. Bernard-Lyon I, Villeurbanne (F) - ***Ecole Centrale de Lyon, Ecully (F) |
27 |
The effects of a reducing treatment on the cathodoluminescence of
a-Al2O3 C. Jardin*, D. Juvé**, J. Bigarré***, P. Hourquebie*** - *Univ. Cl. Bernard-Lyon I, Villeurbanne (F) - **Ecole Centrale de Lyon, Ecully (F) - ***CEA Le Ripault, Monts (F) |
28 |
Traps, defects and colouring of a-Al2O3 crystals under photon and
electron excitation C. Jardin*, M. Ghamnia** - *Univ. Cl. Bernard-Lyon I, Villeurbanne (F) - **Univ. d'Oran, Es-Sénia (DZ) |
29 |
Characterization of the superconducting Bi2Sr2Ca1Cu2O8+d + with
subtitution Sm-Ca N. Benreguia, A. Akroune - Inst. de Chimie, Alger (DZ) |
30 |
Influence of additives on the morphology and DC dielectric
breakdown of high polye- thylene compound M. Zanin, A. Jakelaitis - Federal Univ. of Sao Carlos (Brasil) |
31 |
Study of the influence of polarity reversal on space charge
accumulation in power cable insulation P. Notingher jr, S. Agnel, A. Toureille - Univ. Montpellier 2 (F) |
32 |
Trapping associated to mono-, BI- and trivalent impurities in
single crystal alumina J. Liebault, D. Siesse-Moya, F. Moya, G. Moya - Fac. des Sciences de St Jérôme, Marseille (F) |
33 |
Caractérisation diélectrique de porcelaines en vue de leur
optimisation mécanique O. Pauhle*, D. Juvé*, G. Fantozzi**, G. Lacrambe***, D. Tréheux* - *Ecole Centrale de Lyon, Ecully (F) - **INSA de Lyon, Villeurbanne (F) - ***Cerama, Bassin de St Vallier (F) |
34 |
Caractérisation des différents états de piégeage de l'alumine
a J. Vallayer, D. Tréheux - Ecole Centrale de Lyon, Ecully (F) |
35 |
Detection of thermal ageing of mass-impregnated medium voltage
cables by recovery voltage measurements B. Alijagic-Jonuz*, P.H.F. Morshuis*, J. Pellis** J.J. Smit* - *Delft Univ. of Technology (NL) - **Pirelli Cables and Systems (NL) |
36 |
Effect of La2O3 on
dielectric characteristics for massive ceramics with BaTiO3 based,
synthesis by humid process B. Melouani, M. Hamlaoui, Y. Boucheffa - UER de Chimie Appliquée, Alger (DZ) |
37 |
Corrélations entre les propriétés mécaniques et diélectriques du
composite unidirectionnel verre-épox B. Kchaou*, C. Turki**, Z. Fakhfakh*, A. Kallel*, D. Tréheux***, M. Salvia*** - *Fac. des Sciences de Sfax (TN) - **Ecole d'Ingénieurs de Sfax (TN) - ***Ecole Centrale de Lyon, Ecully (F) |
38 |
Effet de polissage sur les propriétés de charge dans le monoxyde de
magnésium N. Dammak*, A. Kallel*, D. Tréheux** - *Fac. des Sciences de Sfax (TN) - **Ecole Centrale de Lyon, Ecully (F) |
39 |
Electrical and dielectric properties of unsaturated
polyester/carbon black composite R. Hachichi, N. Beldjoudi - Inst. de Physique, Alger (DZ) |
40 |
Electrosensitivity in silica based glasses A.S. Jacqueline, B. Poumerllec, C. Haut, F. Kherbouche - Univ. Paris-sud, Orsay (F) |
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Organised by SFV
Division Diélectriques 19, rue du Renard - 75004 Paris (France) Tél : 33 (0)1 53 01 90 30 Fax : 33 (0) 1 42 78 63 20 Web : E-mail 1-6 July 2001 - Tours (F) with the support of CEA-Le Ripault - 37230 Monts (France) |