1-6 July 2001 - Tours (France)
Monday 2nd of July 2001 (University F. Rabelais)
Opening Ceremony

Researches on non-conducting materials. Promise of quality and of productivity improvements in various industrial fields (Plenary lecture)
C. Le Gressus - Fontenay le Fleury (F)

Charge and the unexpected : solid state processes involving charged species (Plenary lecture)
A.M. Stoneham*, A.H. Harker*, M.M.D. Ramos** - *Centre for Materials Research, London (UK) - **Univ. do Minho, Braga (P)
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Characterization of charge and conduction properties of insulators using electron beam excitation (Plenary lecture)
G. Damamme - CEA-Le Ripault, Monts (F)
Nonstationary electron emission of irradiated dielectrics (Plenary lecture)
V.S. Kortov - Ural State Univ., Ekaterinburg (FR)
Electrons - insulator - interaction
Charge dynamics of insulators under electron beam (Plenary lecture)
G. Blaise - Univ Paris Sud, Orsay (F)
Secondary electron emissions and charging in surface analysis (XPS and AES) (Plenary lecture)
J. Cazaux - Fac. des Sciences, Reims (F)
Charge distribution in the mirror experiment
C. Attard, J. Bigarré, P. Hourquebie - CEA Le Ripault, Monts (F)
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Transient conductivity and high power electron emission from a dielectric into vacuum induced by injection of high-current-density electron beam (Plenary lecture)
D.I. Vaisburd - Tomsk Polytech Univ. (FR)
Spatial-temporal and current characteristics of space charge stimulated discharge
M.D. Noskov*, C.M. Cooke**, A.S. Malinovski*, A.J. Schwab***, K.A. Wright** - *Polytechnical Univ. of Tomsk (FR) - **Massachusetts Inst. of Technology, Cambridge (USA) - ***Univ. of Karlsruhe (D)
Welcome party offered by the lord mayor of Tours


Tuesday 3rd of July 2001 (University F. Rabelais)
  Surface - Interface
Charge accumulation and dynamics near insulator-electrode interfaces (Plenary lecture)
C.M. Cooke - MIT, Cambridge /MA (USA)
Scanning probe methods in the study of non-conducting materials (Plenary lecture)
G.C. Stevens - Univ. of Surrey, Guilford (UK)
Stoichiometry effects and charge effect on heated alumina surface morphology
L. Pham Van, J. Cousty, C. Lubin - CEA Saclay, Gif sur Yvette (F)
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Electrostatic properties of insulating surfaces studied by atomic force microscopy (Plenary lecture)
M. Saint Jean, J. Lambert, C. Guthmann - Univ. de Paris VI et VII (F)
Electron transport and space charge effects in nanodiamond clusters
T. Tyler, V.V. Zhirnov, A.V. Kvit, J.J. Hren - North Carolina State Univ., Raleigh/NC (USA)
Measurement and control of the electrical properties of grain boundaries in zinc oxide varistors (Plenary lecture)
R. Freer - Univ. of Manchester (UK)
Influence of the grain boundary plane orientation on the barrier structure of zinc oxide varistors (Plenary lecture)
C. Leach - Univ. of Manchester and UMIST (UK)
  Space charge characterization
Partial discharge activity in an insulating metal substrate (Plenary lecture)
W.J. Sarjeant*, J. Zinheld*, W.J. Sarjeant*, L. Voon Ng**, H.J. Fick**, G. Blaise*** - *State Univ. of New-York, Buffalo/NY (USA) - **Bergquist Company, Edina/Mi (USA) - ***Univ. Paris-sud, Orsay (F)
Interdigital frequency-wavelength dielectrometry sensor design and parameter estimation algorithms for non-destructive materials evaluation (Plenary lecture)
M. Zahn*, Y. Du**, A. Mamishev*** - *MIT, Cambridge/MA (USA) - **Exponent, Menlo Park/CA (USA) - ***Univ. of Washington, Seattle/WA (USA)
Relaxation and resonance phenomena investigations in new oxifluoride ceramics (Plenary lecture)
L. Benziada-Taibi - Inst. de Chimie, Alger/Bab-Ezzouar (DZ)
The effect of annealing on the trapping and accumulation of electric charges in MgO single crystals
N. Farhat*, T. Ditchi**, S. Hole**, J. Lewiner*** - *Fac. des Sciences de Monastir (TN) - **Univ. Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris (F) - ***Ecole Sup. de Physique et Chimie, Paris (F)
Last advanced results on the thermal step method
A. Toureille - Univ. Montpellier 2 (F)
Poster session 1


Wednesday 4th of July 2001 (University F. Rabelais)
  Charge transport
Modellation of self-consistent electrical charging of insulating layers (Plenary lecture)
H.J. Fitting*, I.A. Glavatshkikh**, V.S. Kortov** - *Univ. Rostock (D) - **Urals State Technical Univ., Ekaterinburg (FR)
Atomistic and mesoscopic modelling of electric charge evolution in polymers (Plenary lecture)
M.M. Ramos*, A.M. Almeida*, A.M. Stoneham** - *Univ. do Minho, Braga (P) - **Univ. College, London (UK)
Low dielectric constant polymers - A new class of space-charge electrets
S. Bauer-Gogonea, R. Schwödiauer, G.S. Neugschwandtner, S. Bauer - Univ. Johannes-Kepler, Linz (AU)
Charge transport in polysterene : experiment and theory
A.P. Tyutnev, V.S. Saenko, D.N. Sadovnichii, Yu.F. Kundina, E.D. Pozhidaev - Moscow state Inst. of Electronics & Mathematics (FR)
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Electric charges in heterogeneous materials - A new route for piezoelectricity (Plenary lecture)
S. Bauer, G.S. Neugschwandtner, R. Schwödiauer, S. Bauer-Gogonea - Univ. Johannes-Kepler, Linz (AU)
Photoassisted orientation of azo-dyes groups in polymers (Plenary lecture)
J.A. Giacometti, J.R. Silva, F.F. Dall Agnol, U.M. Neves, S.C. Zilio, O.N. Oliveira jr - Inst. Sao Carlos (Brazil)
Transport properties of lead sulphide doped vanadium phosphate glasses
C.M. Khairnar*, S.P. Yawale**, S.V. Pakade*** - *Anuradha Engineering College, Chikhli (Inde) - **Government Vidharbh Mahavidyalaya, Amravati (Inde) - ***Inst. of Science, Nagpur (Inde)
Microwave nonlinear effects on charge and mass transport in ionic crystalline solids
K.I. Rybakov, V.E. Semenov - Inst. of Applied Physics of the Russian Acad. of Science, Nizhny Novogorod (FR)
Excursion & Conference dinner
Visit of Chinon (town and Château) and middle age cellar for cocktail dinner.


Thursday 5th of July 2001 (University F. Rabelais)
  Mechanical and electrical properties
Conduction electron dynamics in the optical breakdown problem (Plenary lecture)
G. Petite - Ecole Polytechnique, Palaiseau (F)
Radiation damage in alumina ceramics (Plenary lecture)
Y. Saito*, M. Uota*, D. Nishizawa** M. Kinsho** - *KEK, Ibaraki (J) - **JAERI, Ibaraki (J)
Correlated mechanical and dielectrical properties of insulators (Plenary lecture)
C. Guérret-Piécourt, J. Vallayer, D. Juvé, D. Tréheux - Ecole Centrale de Lyon, Ecully (F)
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Thermal shock on an alumina material : influence on mechanical and dielectrical properties
X. Meyza*, D. Goeurit*, J. Liebault*, D. Juve**, D. Tréheux**, F. Thévenot** - *ENS des Mines de Saint-Etienne (F) - **Ecole Centrale de Lyon, Ecully (F)
Correlation between the dielectric breakdown strength and the positron lifetime measurements in sintered alumina
J. Liebault*, A. SiAhmed*, J. Kansy**, D. Goeuriot***, G. Moya* - *Fac. des Sciences de St Jérôme, Marseille (F) - **Silesian Univ., Katowice (PL) - ***ENS des Mines de Saint-Etienne (F)
Charge trapping by electron-irradiated alumina
P. Jonnard, C. Bonnelle - Univ. Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris (F)
Theoretical and experimental determination of the crystallographic and electronic structure of doped corundum. Application to rubies and sapphires
P. Sainctavit*, A. Kiratisin*, C. Brouder*, D. Cabaret*, E. Antoine*, A. Rogalev**, J. Goulon** - *Lab. de Minéralogie-Cristallographie de Paris (F) - **European Synchrotron Radiation Facility, Grenoble (F)
Polymers / Ageing
Nanoscopic aspects of electronic ageing in HV cables induced by high-voltages, field use and low-energy electrons (Plenary lecture)
L. Sanche - Univ. of Sherbrooke (CDN)
The role of local space charge concentrations in producing branched tree structures (Plenary lecture)
L.A. Dissado, J.C. Fothergill - Leicester Univ. (UK)
Extraction of information from space charge measurements and correlation with insulation ageing (Plenary lecture)
G.C. Montanari - Univ. di Bologna (I)
Evaluation of the onset of space charge and electroluminescence as a maker for cross-linked polyethylene ageing
A. See*, J.C. Forthergill*, L.A. Dissado*, G. Stevens**, -G.C. Montanari***, C. Laurent****, G. Teyssedre**** - *Univ. of Leicester (UK) - **Univ. of Surrey, Guildford (UK) - ***Univ. of Bologna (I) - ****Univ. Paul Sabatier, Toulouse (F)
Space charge-induced luminescence in epoxy resins
V. Griseri*, L.A. Dissado*, J.C. Forthergill*, G. Teyssedre**, C. Laurent** - *Univ. Leicester (UK) - **Univ. Paul Sabatier, Toulouse (F)
Poster session 2


Friday 6th of July 2001 (University F. Rabelais)
Space charge characterization by dynamic electrical analysis (Plenary lecture)
M. Mudarra, J. Belana - Univ. Politecnica de Catalunya, Terrassa (SP)
Insulation thresholds for electrical ageing obtained by conduction current measurements (Plenary lecture)
JJ. Smit, P.H.F. Morshuis, J. Beyer - Delft Univ. (NL)
Caracterisation de phases amorphes polymères par spectroscopies diélectriques
E. Dantras, E. Dudognon, J. Menegotto, A. Bernes, P. Demont, C. Lacabanne - Univ. Paul Sabatier, Toulouse (F)
Trapping and detrapping of electrical charges in polymers : how to reach materials with improved dielectric strengh ?
P. Hourquebie*, J. Bigarré*, P. Mazabraud*, H. Janah** - *CEA Le Ripault, Monts (F) - **Alcatel Câble, Calais (F)
The space charge in new insulating materials for very high voltage DC cable
J. Matallana*, J. Bigarré*, S. Agnel**, P. Hourquebie*, A. Toureille**, H. Janah***, P. Mirebeau***, B. Aladenize****, R. Coelho**** - *CEA Le Ripault, Monts (F) - **Univ. de Montpellier 2 (F) - ***Alcatel Câble, Calais (F) - ****Alcatel CRC, Marcoussis (F)
Space charge behavior in cellulose materials
R. Ciobanu*, G. Montanari**, C. Schreiner* - *T.U. Lasi (R) - **Univ. of Bologna (I)
The influence of previous polarization on the life time of LDPE
S.M. Lebedev, O.S. Gefle, Yu.P. Pokholkov - Tomsk Polytechnic Univ. (FR)


Organised by SFV Division Diélectriques
19, rue du Renard - 75004 Paris (France)
Tél : 33 (0)1 53 01 90 30
Fax : 33 (0) 1 42 78 63 20
Web : E-mail 1-6 July 2001 - Tours (F)
with the support of CEA-Le Ripault - 37230 Monts (France)