1-6 July 2001 - Tours (France)

Aim and Scope. CSC’4 is the fourth Conference on Electric Charge in Non-Conductive Materials. It is a combination of courses, tutorial and original work presentations. CSC’4 will bring together Scientists and Engineers world-wide from different disciplines to discuss charge phenomena in insulating materials and develop our knowledge of the links between microscopic fundamental processes and macroscopic behaviour related to dielectric aging, electrical breakdown, mechanical failure and wear. This field has numerous technological applications of increasing importance.

Main topics and keywords
Physics of insulating Solids - Charge transport - Trapping and energy localization - Charge effects at surfaces - Interfaces and thin films - Energy relaxation - Defect production and aging breakdown - Flashover - Mechanical failure - Wear measurements of charge distrivution and specifications polymers - Ceramics and advanced dielectric Materials - Applications and technological development.


Short Courses
Sunday 1st of July 2001 (Brasserie de l'Univers)
Due to the limited number of participants,
please register prior to May 15
09.00 Energy and forces in dielectrics
Charged dielectrics have the specificity to be subjected to long range interactions within the material itself. This modifies the usual energy terms of the thermodynamic potentials and adds particular new coupling in case of polarization equilibrium. The grounds of these approaches will be recalled. Consequences on the dissipate behaviour (adhesion, wearing) and the catastrophic ones (fracture, electrical breakdown, flashover) will be developped.
Gilles Damamme - CEA Le Ripault, Mons (F)
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11.00 The story of an electric charge confined in an insulating material
Electronic band structure of a perfect insulator. Polaron concept and charge transport on free states. Structural and chemical disorder in insulators : Anderson localized states. Weak localisation and charge transport on band tails Anderson states. Strong localisation on impurity states and charge trapping.
Guy Blaise - Univ. Paris-Sud, Lab. de Physique des Solides, Orsay (F)
14.00 Characterization methods of insulators
Dielectric have both mechanical and electrical elementary properties and also coupled ones (electro- striction). Their characterization must also take into account the way charges are trapped and detrapped as their conduction properties. Technical limitations of their use depend on these phenomena and can be better characterized when referring to their elementary properties. What must be measured and how to do it will be deduced from the previous analysis.
Gilles Damamme - CEA Le Ripault, Mons (F)
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16.00 Technological applications of insulating materials : the accurracy of theories and methods
Technological applications of insulating materials are numerous and concern as well electric as mechanical engineering. In all case, catastrophic damages (breakdown, fracture, ageing, ...) are not easy explained by conventional theories. In fact these theories consider incomplete balance of energy. Particularly, the polarisation energy generally is neglected. In this way characterisation methods of insulating materials have to take into account not only the stable space charge but essentially the dynamic formation and diffusion of the charges during the time life of the material or systems.
Daniel Tréheux - IFOS, Ecole Centrale de Lyon, Ecully (F)
19.00 Free discussion with buffet
Space charge in the surface region and near interfaces
This free discussion will emphazise the innovative ideas related to space charge, with a special attention to phenomena occuring near surfaces and interfaces. The energy localization resulting from charge trapping, and the subsequent effects on ageing and breakdown phenomena will be discussed. The suitable procedures and the pertinent parameters to be measured in order to solve technological problems will be considered.
Participants are encouraged to prepare questions or/and comments on debatable points
which could be submitted to the discussion during this convivial session.


Organised by SFV Division Diélectriques
19, rue du Renard - 75004 Paris (France)
Tél : 33 (0)1 53 01 90 30
Fax : 33 (0) 1 42 78 63 20
Web : E-mail 1-6 July 2001 - Tours (F)
with the support of CEA-Le Ripault - 37230 Monts (France)