Fiche : [CONF078]
Titre : PEMD, Power Electronics, Machines and Drives, mai 2003.
Cité dans : [DATA224] Liste alphabétique des conférences, août 2016.
Site :
PEMD'2004 | ![]() |
The conference organising committee welcomes contributions from across the full range of topics in Power Electronics, Machines and Drives. We are keen to encourage papers covering the themes and topic areas in the table below. Papers covering industrial design, applications experience or academic study are welcome.
This list is not exclusive and the organising committee welcomes contributions in all technical and application areas of Power Electronics, Machines and Drives.
Themes - Possible Topics
More / All Electric Transport Railway traction
Marine drives and power systems
Aircraft actuators and generatorsElectric / Hybrid vehicles
Automotive power systems
Frequency-wild and DC systems
Distributed and Sustainable GenerationRailway traction
Marine drives and power systems
Aircraft actuators and generatorsEnergy storage
Power quality and protection
FACTS and T&DVery high power converters
HVDC, V-source HVDC
Statcoms and SVCsPower flow controllers
Active T&D networks
Custom power
Motion ControlIntegrated drives
Energy efficient drives
Fault tolerant drives
Servo control systems
Sensorless controlInduction machines
Brushless & reluctance machines
Actuators and linear machines
Condition monitoring
Power ConversionSwitch-mode power supplies
High-frequency power supplies
Power factor correction
Electroheat and special applications
Matrix and multilevel convertersPower semiconductor devices
EMC / Power quality
Active power filters
Packaging and materials
Submission Process
Authors of prospective contributions are asked to submit a detailed synopsis of
4 A4 pages in length, including any figures, by Monday 15 September 2003.
Authors whose synopses are selected for development into full written papers for
further consideration will be requested to provide a typescript of a maximum of
6 pages of A4 paper (including text and illustrations) for final assessment by
Friday 19 December 2003.
Final versions will be published by the IEE, and copies of the proceedings will
be provided to all conference delegates.
All submissions should be sent as an electronic file attachment by Email to
Submissions for PEMD 2004 will be reviewed by a panel of experts who will not be
advised of the authors' names or affiliations. You should therefore submit a
separate coversheet in addition to your 4 page synopsis, detailing:
The title of your proposed paper
The names and affiliations of each contributing author
The full contact details (address, telephone, fax and Email address) of at
least one author
The technical theme from the list below that your paper will address
The title of your paper and the technical theme should be repeated on the first
page of your synopsis. No names or affiliations of authors should appear on the
Technical Themes
A - Semiconductor Devices, Packaging and Materials
B - Switch-Mode Power Supplies
C1 - AC/DC Converter Circuits
C2 - DC/AC Converter Circuits
C3 - AC/AC Converter Circuits
D - Induction (asynchronous) machines
E - Synchronous machines
F - Permanent-magnet machines
G - Reluctance and stepper machines
H - Non-standard geometry machines
I - Field Orientation Control
J - Other Drive System Control
K - Drive systems design and application
L - Utility interfaces and power quality
M - T&D applications
N - Analysis and simulation techniques
O - Education and training
P - Other topic
Please click here for a template coversheet
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