Fiche : [CONF023]
Titre : DCIS, Conference on Design of Circuits and Integrated Systems.
About DCIS'2000 | ![]() |
Topics of interest | ![]() |
As usual, DCIS will accept regular submissions and shorter industrial communications.
For the first time, DCIS will accept and strongly encourages electronic submission of your paper in
PDF or PS format. Please carefully read the submission guidelines given in the paper submission section.
If you cannot submit your paper electronically, you can prepare your paper according to the
instructions given in the paper submission section. In case of acceptance of your paper, you must
be aware that only the electronic version will be accepted for the final version.
Author's Schedule | ![]() |
Contact | ![]() |
Program Co-chairs M. Renovell
Tel: +33 4 67 41 85 23
Fax: +33 4 67 41 85 00
T. Riesgo
Tel: +34 91 336 31 91
Fax: +34 91 564 59 66
Secretariat C. Zicler
161 rue Ada, 34392 Montpellier Cedex 5, France
Tel: +33 4 67 41 85 03
(french and english speaking)
Fax: +33 4 67 41 85 00
For the first time, DCIS will accept and strongly encourages electronic submission of your paper in PdF or PS format.
Electronic submission information
Paper submission to DCIS'2000 is a three-step process:
Summary submission
Submission notification
Paper submission
Step 1: Summary submission
You must make a summary submission including paper title, author information, contact author and abstract. You will then be assigned a paper ID which is needed for submitting your paper or extended summary.
To proceed to the summary submission, click on the "summary submission" button at the bottom of this page.
Step 2: Submission notification
Following the summary submission, you will receive an email notifying that your summary submission has been entered into the DCIS '2000 database.
Step 3: PdF / PS Paper submission
After you have obtained your ID, you must send your PdF / PS file to the following email adress:
Note that each submission should include the paper itself, with no indication on the author name and affiliation because of the blind review process.
You can dowload the 'paper format guidelines' above file for more details on the paper preparation:
Paper format guidlines Word98 | RTF
Author's Schedule
Submission Deadline
Notification of Acceptance
Final Submission Deadline April 7, 2000
June 23, 2000
July 21, 2000
Summary Submission
If you cannot submit your paper electronically, you can prepare and send your paper according to the instructions given below. (In case of acceptance of your paper, you must be aware that only the electronic version will be accepted for the final version).
Non-electronic submission information
Paper submission Guidelines:
Each submission should include one cover page and 6 stapled copies of the complete manuscript.
The one cover page should include:
Name, affiliation, and complete address for each author
Designed contact person including his/her telephone number, fax number, and email address
A list of topic numbers
The manuscript should include:
Title of the paper
60-word abstract indicating significance of contribution
The complete text of the paper in English, including all illustrations and references, not exceeding 6 A4 pages for regular communications and 4 A4 pages for industrial communications.
The complete package must be mail to:
Dr P. Nouet
161 rue Ada, 34392 Montpellier Cedex 5, France
Topics of interest:
Analog IC Design
Analog-Digital Interface Design
CAD Methods and Tools
Communication Application
Digital IC Design
Digital Signal Processing
Field-Programmable Device and Systems
III-V Integrated Circuits
Image Processing IC Design
Industrial Applications
Integrated Circuits for Control in Power Application
Integrated Sensors
Logic and High-Level Synthesis
Low Power Consumption
Mixed Signal design
Modeling and Simulation
Neural and Fuzzy Systems
Special Architectures
Testability and Test Techniques
VHDL Applications
Author's Schedule
Submission Deadline
Notification of Acceptance
Final Submission Deadline April 7, 2000
June 23, 2000
July 21, 2000
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