Engineering Testing and Evaluation
Practices and Methodology


Accelerated Testing : Statistical Models, Test Plans, and Data Analyses
(Wiley Series in Probability and Mathematical Statistics - Applied Probability)

Wayne Nelson; Hardcover; $116

Analytical and Testing Methodologies for Design With Advanced Materials
G.C. Sih, et al; Textbook Binding
(Hard to Find)


Combusting Flow Diagnostics
(NATO ASI Series, Series E, Applied Science, No 207)

D.F.G. Durao, et al; Hardcover; $159
(Special Order)


Dictionary of Materials and Testing
William H. Cubberly; Hardcover; $55
(Special Order)


Electrical Engineering Principles and Testing Methods
Rhys Lewis; Unknown Binding
(Hard to Find)

Electrical Principles and Testing Methods
Barry G. Woollard; Unknown Binding
(Hard to Find)

Electronic Measurements and Testing -
Tips and Techniques for Technicians and Engineers

Eugene R. Bartlett; Hardcover
(Hard to Find)


Good Computer Validation Practices : Common Sense Implementation
Teri Stokes, et al; Hardcover; $239

Guidelines for Assuring Testability
(Guidelines No 2)

Paperback; $60
(Special Order)


High Temperature Engineering and Testing
(Sp, No 990)

Paperback; $24
(Special Order)

Human Factors Testing and Evaluation
(Advances in Human Factors / Ergonomics, 5)

D. Meister; Hardcover; $188
(Special Order)


Instrumentation and Test Gear Circuits Manual
(Newnes Circuits Manual Series)

R.M. Marston; Paperback; $40
Descriptive information available.

Instrumentation for Combustion and Flow in Engines
(NATO ASI Series. Series E, Applied Sciences, No 154)

D.F.G. Durao, et al; Hardcover; $144
(Special Order)

Instruments and Automatic Test Equipment : An Introductory Text Book
K.F. Ibrahim; Paperback
(Hard to Find)

Integrated Product Testing and Evaluation -
A Systems Approach to Improve Reliability and Quality
(Quality and Reliability Series, Vol 6)

Harold L. Gilmore, Herbert C. Schwatrz; Hardcover; $115
(Special Order)

Integrated Product Testing and Evaluation -
A Systems Approach to Improve Reliability and Quality

Harold L. Gilmore; Unknown Binding
(Hard to Find)

Integrating Design and Test : Using CAE Tools for ATE Programming
No 788

Kenneth P. Parker; Hardcover; $11
(Special Order)


Laser Ultrasonics : Techniques and Applications
C.B. Scruby, L.E. Drain; Hardcover; $185
(Special Order)

Laser Diagnostics and Modeling of Combustion
K. Iinuma; Hardcover; $95
(Special Order)


Measurement Errors : Theory and Practice
M.E. Alferieff (Translator), Semyon Rabinovich; Hardcover; $100
(Special Order)

Multichip Modules With Integrated Sensors
(NATO ASI Series. Partnership Sub-Series 3, High Technology, 16)

W. Kinzy Jones (Editor), Gabor Harsanyi (Editor); Hardcover; $185
(Special Order)


New-Product Evaluation Procedures
John E. Burke; Paperback; $9
(Special Order)


Random Processes : Measurement, Analysis, and Simulation
(Fundamental Studies in Engineering, Vol 8)

Jozef Cacko, et al; Hardcover; $152
(Special Order)


Qualification of Inspection Procedures
(Mechanical and Materials Science, Vol 2)

E. Borloo, Philippe Lemaitre (Editor); Hardcover; $212
(Special Order)


Safety Evaluation of Medical Devices
Shayne Cox Gad; Hardcover; $165

Selected Sensory Methods : Problems and Approaches to Measuring Hedonics
A Symposium

Paperback; $12
(Special Order)

Sensor Materials
(Sensors Series)

P. T. Moseley, A. J. Crocker; Hardcover; $136

Sources of Error by Strain Gage Measurements on Models Made of Plexiglas
A Theoretical and Experimental Analysis of Uncertainty and a Proposal for Principles of Testing

Mogens Buhelt; Unknown Binding
(Hard to Find)

Statistical Analysis of Reliability and Life-Testing Models: Theory and Methods
(450P) (Statistics: Textbooks and Monographs, Vol 24)

Lee J Bain; Textbook Binding
(Hard to Find)


Technology Advances in Engineering and
Their Impact on Detection, Diagnosis and Prognosis Methods

G. Allan Whittaker, T. Robert Shives; Hardcover; $60
(Special Order)

Test and Evaluation of Complex Systems
(Wiley Series in Measurement Science and Technology)

Matthew T. Reynolds; Hardcover; $69.95
(Special Order)

Testing and Instrumentation (Sp-1039)
Paperback; $31
(Special Order)

Testing Automotive Materials and Components
Don H. Wright; Hardcover; $69
(Special Order)

Testing to Verify Design and Manufacturing Readiness
(Practical Engineering Guides for Managing Risks)

Staff; Hardcover; $40
(Special Order)

Conference Proceedings

Failure Analysis : Techniques and Applications
Proceedings of the First International Conference on Failure Analysis
8-11 July 1991 Montreal, Quebec

J.I. Dickson, et al; Hardcover; $103
(Special Order)


Proceedings of the 1992 International Conference on Microelectronic Test Structures
March 16 - 19, 1992 San Diego, California / 92Ch3102-1

Paperback; $140
(Special Order)

International Test Conference 1994

International Test Conference 1994 Washington D.C); Hardcover; $134
(Special Order)
Descriptive information available.

International Test Conference 1989
Proceedings - Meeting the Tests of Time
August 29-31, 1989, Sheraton Washington Hotel, Washington DC

Hardcover; $150
(Special Order)

International Test Conference 1983
Proceedings - Testing's Changing Role (83Ch1933-1)

International Test Conference; Paperback; $66
(Special Order)

Introduction to Nonparametric Detection With Applications
Jerry D. Gibson, James L. Melsa; Hardcover; $70
(Special Order)


Model Error Concepts and Compensation
Proceedings of the IFAC Workshop, Boston, USA, 17-18 June 1985

R. Skelton (Editor); Hardcover; $93
(Special Order)


Performance of Bolting Materials in High Temperature Plant Applications
16-17 June 1994 - York, Uk

A. Strang (Editor); Hardcover; $130
(Special Order)

Product Reliability -- Design, Test, and Evaluation -
Expanding Our Technical Excellence Through Education
42nd Annual Technical Meeting, Orlando, Florida, May 12-16, 1996

Unknown Binding
(Hard to Find)

Product Reliability -- Design, Test, and Evaluation -
Developing Future Leaders of Technology
41st Annual Technical Meeting, Anaheim, California, April 30-May 5, 1995

Unknown Binding
(Hard to Find)


Spectroscopic Characterization Techniques for Semiconductor Technology
(Proceedings of SPIE-The International Society for Optical Engineering Vol 452)

Fred H. Pollak, Robert S. Bauer (Editor); Paperback
(Hard to Find)

Stress Analysis by Thermoelastic Techniques
(Proceedings of SPIE, the International Society for Optical Engineering, Vol 731)

B.C. Gasper (Editor); Paperback; $43
(Special Order)