Artcle : [ART405]
Titre : R. Tymerski, V. Vorperian, F.C.Y. Lee, DC-to-AC inversion using quasi-resonant techniques, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, Vol. 4, No. 4, October 1989, pp. 381-390.
Cité dans :[REVUE403] IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, Volume 4, Issue 4, October 1989. Cité dans : [DIV367] Les revues IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, août 2013. Cité dans :[ART374]Auteur : Tymerski, R.
Source : IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics
Volume : 4
Issue : 4
Date : October 1989
Pages : 381 - 390
Lien : private/Tymerski1.pdf - 10 pages, 776 Ko.
Stockage :
ISSN : 0885-8993
References : 20
Infos : INSPEC Accession Number: 3584143
Abstract :
It is demonstrated that two basic approaches can be taken to achieve DC-to-AC inversion. The first, the differential load excitation (DLE) scheme, uses two converters, driven out of phase, to drive a load differentially.
Unfortunately, this scheme requires a large number of components when it is implemented using quasi-resonant techniques. A more component-effective approach uses switched source excitation (SSE) schemes.
One SSE approach uses two converters, each handling one polarity of the signal. By appropriate switching, an amplified signal is reconstructed at the output.
The second SSE approach entails only one converter but with a slightly more involved switching requirement. It allows a significant overall reduction in the number of components needed and reduced performance requirements on most of the switches, since most switch at the lower inversion-frequency rate.
A number of quasi-resonant inverter topologies from two broad categories are presented. For applications that require inverters to supply reactive power, three schemes which can be applied to various inverters, thus affording them reactive load handling capability, are discussed
Index Terms :
invertors power convertors switching DC-to-AC inversion differential load excitation inversion-frequency rate invertors performance power convertors quasi-resonant techniques reactive power switched source excitation switches switching
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