Article : [ART400]
Titre : K.H. Edelmoser, F.A. Himmelstoss, Analysis of a new high-efficiency DC-to-AC inverter, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, Vol. 14, No. 3, May 1999, pp. 454-460.
Cité dans :[REVUE401] IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, Volume 14, Issue 3, May 1999. Cité dans : [DIV367] Les revues IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, août 2013. Cité dans :[ART374]Auteur : Edelmoser, K.H.
Source : IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics
Volume : 14
Issue : 3
Date : May 1999
Pages : 454 - 460
Lien : private/EDELMOSER1.pdf - 7 pages, 147 Ko.
Stockage : Thierry LEQUEU
ISSN : 0885-8993
References : 11
Infos : INSPEC Accession Number: 6255809
Abstract :
A high-efficiency DC-to-AC inverter for stand-alone and direct AC mains connection is described.
This structure uses only off-line switches to generate the AC voltage. Due to safety reasons, the input voltage (e.g., the voltage of solar cells or batteries) is limited.
Therefore, high currents on the primary side are necessary to obtain the required output power.
The overall efficiency of the inverter depends to a high degree on the number of switching elements in the current path.
The structure described here has only one active switch in the main path. This can be obtained by applying a diode with controlled turn-off capability (like a thyristor or other derivatives).
High duty cycles (d near one) of the main switch at high currents lead to low duty cycles (1-d near zero) of the switchable diode.
For that reason, a series connection of two active switches in the main path has to be avoided. The new inverter leads to improved efficiency and is therefore well suited for solar and renewable energy as well as for aerospace applications.
The improvement of the efficiency is due to the new topology and not due to overdimensioning of the semiconductors. Hence, an additional potential of efficiency improvement is still available
Index-Terms :
DC-AC power convertors invertors switching circuits AC voltage generation aerospace applications controlled turn-off capability direct AC mains connection high-efficiency DC-to-AC inverter input voltage losses off-line switches renewable energy safety solar energy stand-alone switchable diode switching elements
Bibliographie | ![]() |
[1] : [LIVRE034] N. MOHAN, T.M. UNDELAND, W.P. ROBBINS, Power Electronics - Converters, Applications and Design, John Wiley & Sons, 1995 second edition, 802 pages.
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