Article : [ART299]
Titre : S. HITI, V. VLATKOVIC, D. BOROJEVIC, F.C. LEE, A new control algorithm for three-phase PWM buck rectifier with input displacement factor compensation, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, March 1994, Volume 9, Number 2, pp. 173-180.
Cité dans : [DIV353] Recherche sur les auteurs BOROJEVIC et VLATKOVIC, septembre 2002. Cité dans : [ART300] V. VLATKOVIC, D. BOROJEVIC, Digital-signal-processor-based control of three-phase space vector modulated converters, APEC'93, 7-11 March 1993, pp. 888-894.Auteur : S. Hiti
Lien : private/HITI1.pdf - 551 Ko, 8 pages.
Source : Power Electronics, IEEE Transactions on
Date : March 1994
Volume : 9
Number : 2
Pages : 173 - 180
ISSN : 0885-8993
References : 12
Accession_Number : 4709012 INSPEC
Abstract :
A new control algorithm for the three-phase buck rectifier with an input filter is developed. The algorithm employs a separate control loop for compensation of the input current displacement factor in steady-state, in addition to the standard output voltage regulation loop. The algorithm allows separate design of the input filter and of closed-loop output voltage control. The design procedure is explained and illustrated with an example. The algorithm is verified experimentally on a 1 kW, 100 kHz, three-phase isolated buck converter.
rectifying circuits rectifiers power convertors pulse width modulation compensation control algorithm three-phase PWM buck rectifier input displacement factor compensation compensation input current displacement factor standard output voltage regulation loop input filter closed-loop output voltage control three-phase isolated buck converter 1 kW 100 kHz
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