Article : [ART283]
Titre : D. SCHREIBER, State of the Art of Variable Speed Wind Turbines, SEMIKRON International, 2002, 4 pages.
Cité dans : [ART282] D. SCHREIBER, Applied Designs of Variable Speed Wind Turbines And New Approaches, SEMIKRON International, 2020, 6 pages.Auteur : Dejan Schreiber - Application Manager, SEMIKRON International
Adresse : Sigmundstrasse 200, 90431 Nuremberg, Germany
Phone : +49 911 6559 278
Fax : +49 911 6559 293
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Lien : private/Schreiber1.pdf - 4 pages, 191 ko.
Date : April 2002
Pages : 1- 4
Key_Words : Power Electronics, wind power, IGBT, variable drive
Abstract :
Variable speed wind turbines are a growing, dominant principle of design for power converters applied in wind power turbines today.
Up to 60% of all wind turbines built in the near past are variable speed wind turbines, surely 70% of the ones built in 2001, and up to 80% of these that will be built in 2002.
The recent plans for large, high-power, offshore Wind Parks with power of 0.2-2 GW all include variable speed wind turbines.
Variable speed wind turbines can use more wind, due to the fact that they adapt to the particularity of the wind power itself - the changeable force of the wind.
They start at lower wind speeds, and increase the power with speed.
The design itself may be more demanding than classic, constant-speed turbine, but the reported energy increase of up to 10% is rewarding.
SEMIKRON has delivered power converters for variable speed wind turbines to various suppliers and wind turbine manufacturers, with different circuit configurations and designs.
Most solutions are the so-called IGBT STACKs configurations, IGBT together with heat sink, DC link capacitors, built in protection features, insulation and auxiliary power supply.
Power STACKs are delivered for up to 480V grid voltage, with a 1200V IGBT. For the grid voltages of 690V, IGBTs of 1700V are used.
All such delivered power systems are 100% tested in application conditions, and ready to use.
Proper sizing of converters in the whole operation cycle is possible using SEMIKRON calculation software, SEMISEL, available on Internet, on the page.
The applied circuit designs, with their benefits and disadvantages, are shown and explained.
The existing solutions include solutions for Asynchronous Induction Generator and for Synchronous Generator.
All these circuits have been built and delivered, in power ranges from 500 kW up to 2.5 MW.
Typical construction designs is shown.
For higher wind turbine power ranges, spatially for the offshore applications, recommended solution would be medium and high voltage drive.
That are the wind turbines with the generator voltage in the range of 3.3kV, as well as 4.2kV or 6.3kV, and more.
The corresponding semiconductor power converters are completely new constructed.
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